
Assessment : 2006 - 2007 : Administrative Support :
Academic Affairs, Provost and Vice President

3 Goals     11 Objectives     39 Indicators     63 Criteria     61 Findings     11 Actions

GOAL: Enhance Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Objective Enhance campus academic facilities
Work with campus master planners in planning and developing academic facilities to accommodate growth
Associated Goals: Enhance Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Indicator Expand Space For Humanities And Social Sciences And For The Performing Arts
Begin the process of expanding space for Humanities and Social Sciences and for the performing Arts.
Criteria Develop plan for performing arts center
Bring leaders of Dance, Theatre, and Music together to develop a common vision of a shared facility
Finding Plan for performing arts center
Faculty met under the leadership of Associate Dean Dana Nicolay and agreed, after much discussion, on the relative allocation of space. Continued work on this criteria is reflected in the Strategic Plan for 2007 (Academic Affairs goals section 3.e(2)).
Criteria Plans to Humanities and Social Sciences building.
Bring to approval plans for a Humanities and Social Sciences building.
Finding Plan for Humanities and Social Sciences building
The Board of Regents approved the building construction at its February 2007 meeting. This criteria is expanded to the construction phase in the 2007 strategic plan (Academic Affairs section 3.e(1)).
Actions for Objective:

Action Move to next phase of building plans
All criteria were met. We use these to create new criteria for the 2007 Strategic Plan (Academic Affairs section 3.e.)

GOAL: Enhance Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Objective Increase University ethnic diversity
Recruit minority faculty, staff, and students in order to form a more diverse campus environment
Associated Goals: Enhance Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Indicator Increased Number And Diversity Of Faculty
Recruit minority faculty to enhance the diversity of cultures on campus.
Criteria Increased number of minority faculty
Recruit and hire at least five more minority faculty compared to fall 2005.
Finding 57 minority faculty
The number of minority faculty (57) exceeded the expectation of adding 5 minority faculty over the previous year (48).
Indicator Increased Number And Diversity Of Students.
Recruit minority students in order to provide a diversity of cultures on campus.
Criteria 10 percent increase in international student population.
Recruit international students in order to increase international student population by 10 percent.
Finding International Students Enrollment
In fall 2007, SHSU attracted 244 international students on its campus compared to 220 international students enrolled in 2006. Thus the university experienced a 10.9% gain in its international student population.
Criteria 4 percent increase in Black student population
Recruit Black students in order to increase Black student population by 4 percent.
Finding Black student enrollment of 2,145
The fall 2006 enrollment of 2,145 Black students represents a 3.6% increase over the fall 2005 figure 2,070. Thus, the target was not met.
Criteria 4 percent increase in Hispanic student population
Recruit Hispanic students in order to increase Hispanic student population by 4 percent.
Finding Hispanic student enrollment of 1,848
An enrollment of 1,848 Hispanic students in fall 2006 represents a 9.9 percent increase over the fall 2005 enrollment of 1,681. Thus, expectations were exceeded.
Criteria Completed visa materials for U.S. Embassy in Beijing
Complete visa materials for U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
Finding Materials to assist with visas
Materials were submitted to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing which put SHSU in a group allowing students who apply to Sam Houston to receive privileged consideration.
Indicator Increased Student Travel To Overseas Locations
Seek funds and opportunities for student travel to overseas locations.
Criteria 10 percent increase in number of students at Puebla.
Encourage and provide funding for students to attend classes in Puebla, Mexico.
Finding Puebla Program Participation
In summer 2007, 105 students participated in the Puebla summer program compared to 44 students participating in summer 2006. This represents over a 100% increase.
Criteria 5 percent increase in number of students at international locations
Seek/provide opportunities, encourage students, and provide funding for students to attend classes at international locations (e.g., study abroad).
Finding Study Abroad Participation
The number of SHSU students studying abroad remains very low. However, the SHSU concert choir toured Italy in addition to a group of students who took a semester in Korea.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue to increase diversity
All criteria for this objective were met; however, continued attention to these issues is evidenced in the 2007 Strategic Plan (Academic Affairs goals sections 1.a.(6), 1.b.(14), and 3.c)).

GOAL: Enhance Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Objective Increase student civic engagement
Make students aware of importance of civic engagement and help them become involved
Associated Goals: Enhance Campus Community Atmosphere And Culture

Indicator Inproved Student Honesty On Campus
Initiate efforts to improve student honesty on campus.
Criteria Action plan to improve student honesty on campus
Review results of initial survey on student honesty on campus and develop action plan.
Finding Promoting Student Honesty
The Council of Academic Deans examined the possbility of intiating a program to measure and promote student honesty. It was later decided to postpone indefinitely action on this initiative.
Criteria Results of survey on student honesty on campus
Conduct the initial survey on student honesty on campus by spring 2007
Finding Deletion of plans for honesty survey
This indicator and associated criteria were deleted.
Indicator Involvement In Parsing Project
Become engaged in the Parsing Project.
Criteria Plan for involvement with the Parsing Project
Develop and submit a plan for SHSU''s involvement with the national project, which is a part of the American Democracy Project.
Finding Parsing Project
The Direction of FYE developed a research plan to measure SHSU''s involvement of freshmen students with implementation scheduled for spring 2007.
Indicator Involvement In Political Engagement Project
Become involved with the Political Engagement Project, a part of the American Democracy Project.
Criteria Plan for SHSU''s involvement with the Political Engagement Project
Develop and submit a plan for involvement with the national project, which is part of the American Democracy Project.
Finding Plan for PEP was submitted
A plan was submitted to the Political Engagement Project at AASCU at its meeting in Philadelphia. The project was ssigned a new director (Dean John de Castro).
Indicator Level Of Involvement With The American Democracy Project
Seek ways to increase involvement with the American Democracy Project.
Criteria 10 percent increase in number of faculty involved in the American Democracy Project
Encourage and support faculty in becoming involved with the American Democracy Project in an effort to increase the number of faculty involved by 10 percent.
Finding American Democracy Faculty Involvement
In AY 2006, 8 faculty were involved in the American Democracy Project. In AY 2007, the number increased to 13, representing a 62.5% increase.
Criteria 10 percent increase in number of students registering to vote
Encourage and provide opportunities for students to register to vote in order to increase by 10 percent the number of students registering to vote.
Finding Voter registration Efforts
In AY 2007, the American Democracy Project registered 900 students to vote, whereas in AY 2006, 200 students were registered. This increase far exceeds the goal for the year.
Criteria 10 percent increase in number of stuents served by the Alcohol Awareness Initiative project
Make students aware of information and encourage them to participate in activities sponsored by the Alcohol Awareness Initiative project in order to increase number of students served by the AAI.
Finding Alcohol Awareness Initiative Impact
In AY 2007,the Alcohol Awareness Initiative reported over 11,700 student contacts compared to just under 8,900 student contacts in AY 2006.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue activities to increase civic engagement
The activities to increase civic engagement were amazingly successful and will be continued as is indicated in the 2007 Strategic Plan (Academic Affairs Goals section, 3.a.)

GOAL: Enhance The University's Image And Increase Its Public Exposure

Objective Increase Enrollments
Seek ways to recruit students, enroll those students, and thereby increase enrollment
Associated Goals: Enhance The University's Image And Increase Its Public Exposure

Indicator Increase In Graduate Enrollments
Seek ways to recruit and ultimately enroll graduate students and formulate plans for building masters' programs.
Criteria 2 percent increase in graduate enrollment over fall 2005 figures
Rigorously recruit graduate students in order to increase enrollment by 2 percent over fall 2005 figures.
Finding Graduate enrollment of 1,879
There was a decrease in graduate enrollment, from 1,887 in fall 2005 to 1,879 in fall 2006.
Indicator Increase In Undergraduate Enrollments
Seek ways to recruit and ultimately enroll undergraduate students in order to increase enrollment
Criteria 2 percent increase in undergraduate enrollment over fall 2005 figures
Rigorously recruit undergraduate students in order to increase enrollment by 2 percent over fall 2005 figures.
Finding Undergraduate Enrollment
In fall 2006 the undergraduate enrollment was 13,761. This represents a 4.3% increase over the fall 2005 figure of 13,193.
Actions for Objective:

Action Develop plan to Increase graduate enrollment
The failure to increase graduate enrollments as proposed resulted in two more specific goals in the 2007 Strategic Plan (Academic Affairs section 2.a.(3) and 2.a.(5)) including the indicator again in the 2007 Strategic Plan (Academic Affairs goals section).

GOAL: Enhance The University's Image And Increase Its Public Exposure

Objective Increase articulation activities
Work with community colleges to increase the number and kinds of articulation activities
Associated Goals: Enhance The University's Image And Increase Its Public Exposure

Indicator Improved computer systems connection with community colleges.
Computer systems connection with community colleges was improved by working with community colleges in order to integrate more activities.
Criteria Integrated computer system with six community colleges
Integrate the SHSU computer system with six community colleges with which SHSU has articulation agreements in order to better serve the community colleges and SHSU potential transfer students.
Finding Integrate computer systems with community colleges
Have online articulation agreements with 42 community colleges. The level of integration is related to the community colleges'' needs and technological resources. Sixteen community colleges have the ability to integrate at the highest level, but to date only two have fully implemented, with several on task toward full implementation.
Indicator Visiting Advisor Program With North Harris And Blinn Community Colleges.
An advisor program will be established to help with advising duties at North Harris and Blinn Community Colleges.
Criteria Regular visiting schedules at North Harris and Blinn Community Colleges
Establish regular visiting schedules at North Harris and Blinn Community Colleges in order to better serve the community college/potential SHSU transfer students.
Finding Community College Advisement Sessions
On a regular basis, advisors schedule meetings at both North Harris and Blinn community colleges.
Actions for Objective:

Action Expand articulation agreement goals
All criteria for this objective were met. Sam Houston State continues to be the state benchmark in community college articulation. Expanded goals building on thse accomplishments are provided in the 2007 Strategic Plan (Academic Affairs Goals section 2.b.).

GOAL: Enhance The University's Image And Increase Its Public Exposure

Objective Increase public relations activities aimed toward prospective students
In order to attract prospective students, increase the number and type of public relations activities.
Associated Goals: Enhance The University's Image And Increase Its Public Exposure

Indicator An Increase In Number Of Arts Faculty Performances Off Campus
Increase the number of off-campus performances by faculty arts groups by encouraging, and providing funds for, these faculty groups.
Criteria 10 percent increase in arts faculty performances off campus
Seek opportunities and provide funding for arts faculty performances to be held off campus in order to increase the number of performances.
Finding Faculty performances increased
Faculty performances off campus increased from 17 to 19 for 10.5% increase, not including private performanced in their uses in University fund raising.
Indicator An Increase In Number Of Student Arts Performances Off Campus
Encourage, and provide funds for, student arts groups to increase number of performances off campus
Criteria 10 percent increase in student arts performances off campus
Seek opportunities and provide funding for student arts groups to perform off campus in order to increase the number of performances.
Finding Increase in student performances
Student performances off campus increased from 3 to 12 for a 300% increase, not including performances not sponsored by the University.
Indicator Improved Recruitment Of Graduate Students
Increase graduate enrollment by increasing funds and modes of advertisement.
Criteria Advertisements in five non-SHSU campus newspapers
Place advertisements in five non-SHSU campus newspapers in an attempt to improve recruitment of graduate students.
Finding Off-Campus Advertising
No ads were placed in university newspapers for select universities.
Indicator On-Campus Kiosk Program
Develop plans for implementing a program whereby information is provided via kiosks on campus
Criteria Pilot kiosk program within the SAM Center
Initiate a pilot kiosk program within the SAM Center to determine feasibility and usefulness.
Finding Kiosk pilot
The Department of Communication Studies is in the process of developing the first kiosk production. Expected completion date is early fall 2007.
Criteria Template for kiosk program content
Develop a template for program content for messages to be used in the kiosk program.
Finding Template for Kiosk
The Director of Marketing in conjunction with an external producer worked with the Department of Communication Studies on a template. Final agreement on the template is anticipated for early fall 2007.
Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Enhance The University's Image And Increase Its Public Exposure

Objective Increase public service activities
Develop, communicate, and make students aware of public service activities
Associated Goals: Enhance The University's Image And Increase Its Public Exposure

Indicator Increased Service Learning Opportunities For Students
Service learning opportunities for students will be sought and students will be encouraged to participate.
Criteria Increase in the number of instructors using service learning in the classroom
Encourage faculty to use service learning as part of their classes.
Finding Faculty using service learning increased
The number of faculty using service learning as part of their classes increased from 31 to 46.
Indicator Increased numbers of faculty serving and seeking to serve as leaders in professional organizations.
More faculty will serve and seek to serve as leaders in professional organizations as a result of increased encouragement and support strategies.
Criteria 10 percent increase in number of faculty serving as regional organization officers
Encourage and support faculty in serving as regional organization officers.
Finding Regional/State Organization Leadership
85.7% of the departments had at least one faculty member serving as officers for regional/state organizations. This represents a 10 percentage point increase over the 05-06 figure.
Criteria National and international organization officers--70 percent
Maintain national and international organization officers at previous years value of 75 percent.
Finding National/Internatl Organization Leadership
78.6% of the departments had at least one faculty member serving as officers for national or international organizations. This represents a 3 percentage point increase over the 05-06 figure.
Indicator Public Internship Opportunities For Students
Seek public internship opportunities for students and encourage students to participate
Criteria 10 percent increase in the number of students involved in public internship opportunities
Seek and encourage students to take advantage of public internship opportunities in order to increase the number of students involved by 10 percent.
Actions for Objective:

Action Eliminate plan for advertising in newspapers
All criteria for this objective were met except for advertising graduate programs in off-campus newspapers. This criterion was deleted.
Action Established baseline for data
We discovered that we had no baseline data to fill this criteria, so we established this year as baseline. Increasing internships dropped out of the goals for 2007 as a low priority.

GOAL: Maintain High Academic Standards And Quality Programs

Objective Improve organizational structure of Academic Affairs
Reorganize overly large departments and create/reorganize academic support units/resources.
Associated Goals: Maintain High Academic Standards And Quality Programs

Indicator A Revised Faculty Handbook
Review and modify The Faculty Handbook to ensure its accuracy and compliance with all rules and regulations of SHSU, The Texas State University System, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Criteria Draft of revised faculty handbook
An ad hoc committee will be created to prepare a draft of a revised faculty handbook.
Finding Faculty Handbook draft
The faculty handbook was revised and put online by the end of the academic year.
Criteria Final version of revised faculty handbook
The final version of the draft of the revised faculty handbook will be reviewed and finalized.
Finding Faculty Handbook Revised
The faculty handbook was revised and put online by the end of the academic year.
Indicator An Enlarged Office Of Institutional Research Staff.
Increase Institutional Research Office staff, achieved through hiring, in order to meet increased demands.
Criteria Filled positions in the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.
Advertise and fill the two new positions created in the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment.
Finding IR positions
The Assessment Coordinator position was filled. The search continues for the Analyst II position.
Criteria New positions in the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
At least two new positions will be created in the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment in order to better serve the needs of the University.
Finding New Positions in Institutional Research
Two new positions were approved for the Office of Institutional Research - Analyst II and Assessment Coordinator.
Indicator Department Of English And Foreign Languages Divided Into Two Departments
The Department of English and Foreign Languages will be split into two departments--the Department of English and the Department of Foreign Languages.
Criteria Board of Regents and THECB approval
Work with the Board of Regents and the Coordinating Board to gain approval for dividing the Department of English and Foreign Languages into two separate departments--the Department of English and the Department of Foreign Languages.
Finding Creation of Foreign Language Department
A motion was submitted to the Board of Regents and THECB seeking approval to separate Foreign Languages from English. The request was approved effective for the Fall 2007 semester.
Indicator New Faculty Pedagogical Development Office.
A new faculty pedagogical development office will be established to provide support in a variety of ways.
Criteria Location of faculty pedagogical development office
Find a location for the faculty pedagogical development office.
Finding Faculty Pedagogical Office
No office space was allocated in 06-07. However, a new building is scheduled for completion in the 08-09 year with space dedicated to the Faculty Pedagogical Office.
Criteria Part-time faculty director for faculty pedagogical development office.
Establish a part-time faculty director for the faculty pedagogical development office.
Finding Director of Faculty Pedagogical Office
Dr. Marsha Harman chaired the (PACE) committee creating the faculty pedagogical office. Dr. Harman is performing the duties of the office while a search is being conducted to officially fill the position. performing the duties a
Indicator Office Of Research And Special Programs (ORSP) Reorganized.
Reorganize the ORSP in order to meet the increasing demands of research activities
Criteria One associate vice president position in the Office of Research and Special Programs.
Move from two associate vice presidents to one in ORSP in order to better serve the research needs of the University.
Finding Research and Sponsored Program Staffing
The structure of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs was reorganized based on the medical leave of one of the Associate VPs. A single Associate VP was placed in charge of the Office.
Actions for Objective:

Action Strive to fill position in Institutional Research
All indicators of this objective are satisfied except for getting two staff positions (). Both of these positions will be filled next year.

GOAL: Maintain High Academic Standards And Quality Programs

Objective Increase Research And Scholarly Activity
Increase activity by faculty and staff in presentations, publications, grants submitted, and dollars received.
Associated Goals: Maintain High Academic Standards And Quality Programs

Indicator An Increase In Federal Grant Dollars Received
Seek federal grant dollars and federal grant funding opportunities and assist faculty and staff in applying for these grants.
Criteria 2 percent increase in federal grant dollars received
Seek federal funding opportunities and assist faculty in applying for federal grants in order to successfully obtain federal grants
Finding Federal Grant Dollars
Total funds received from external contracts and grants in fiscal year 2007 was approximately $11.1 million compared to $7.4 million in fiscal year 2006. These figures include federal, state, and private funds.
Indicator An Increase In Number Of Faculty Presentations
Urge and encourage faculty to increase number of faculty presentations and provide funds for travel to professional meetings to make presentations.
Criteria 8 percent increase in number of faculty presentations
Encourage faculty to make presentations and provide funding for travel to professional meetings to make presentations
Finding Faculty Presentations
In 2006-07 the faculty produced 1102 presentations. This figure represents a 19% increase over the number in 05-06.
Indicator An Increase In Number Of Faculty Publications
Urge and encourage faculty to increase number of faculty publications
Criteria 4 percent increase in number of faculty publications
Encourage faculty to engage in research and publications in order to increase number of faculty publications by 4 percent
Finding Faculty Publications
In 06-07 the SHSU faculty produced 807 publications. This represents a 12% increase over the 05-06 figure.
Indicator An Increased Number Of Grants Applied For
Seek additional grant opportunities for which faculty/staff can apply
Criteria 2 percent increase in number of grants applied for
Seek opportunities for and encourage faculty to apply for grants.
Finding Grant applications, number
70 applications were submitted for external grants in 06-07. This figure represents a 27% increase over the number submitted in 05-06.
Actions for Objective:

Action Further increase research and scholarly activity
All indicators for this objective were satisfied. New indicators were developed for the 2007 Strategic Plan (Academic Affairs goals section 1.d).

GOAL: Maintain High Academic Standards And Quality Programs

Objective Increase The Quality Of Academic And Support Programs
The University seeks to offer a wide variety of high quality academic programs supported by services to aid students' success.
Associated Goals: Maintain High Academic Standards And Quality Programs

Indicator A Plan For Implementation Of Freshman Reading Program
Research will be conducted which will lead to a determination of the feasibility, logistics, and implementation of a freshman reading program.
Criteria A plan for campus-wide involvement.
A plan for involving the entire campus will be developed.
Finding A plan for campus-wide involvement
It was decided to run the reading program first as a pilot program in 07-08. A book selected for the pilot and added to all SAM 136 course syllabi.
Criteria Approval of freshman reading program proposal
The proposal for a freshman reading program will seek approval.
Finding Approval of Freshman Reading Program Proposal
It was approved by the Council of Academic Deans to run a pilot program in fall 2006 using the SAM 136 classes.
Criteria Book selected for first year of freshman reading program.
A book will be selected to be used in the first year of the freshman reading program.
Finding Book selected for first year reading program
The textbook "What Should I Do With My Life" by Po Bronson was selected for the pilot program.
Criteria Plan for integrating efforts across departments.
A plan for integrating efforts of the freshman reading program across departments will be developed.
Finding Plan for integrating efforts across departments
The Director of FYE program, on the recommendation of the various deans, created a committee to discuss both the selection of the book and how the book would be implemented in the 07-08 academic year.
Indicator Average SAT And GRE Scores For Incoming Students
SAT and GRE scores are two of several measures of incoming student quality.
Criteria GRE average raised to 985
Recruit more highly-qualified graduate students in an effort to raise the GRE average.
Finding GRE average of 942 for masters'' students
The GRE average of 942 did not reach the expectation of 985 for average GRE.
Criteria SAT average raised to 1040
Recruit more highly-qualified students in an effort to raise the SAT average for undergraduates.
Finding SAT average of 1031
The SAT average of 1031 did not meet the expectation of 1040. Efforts will continue to be made in order to reach the desired SAT average of 1040 for incoming undergraduate students.
Indicator Comparative study report examining the length of degree programs as per state requirements.
A comparative study report examining the length of degree programs relating to state requirements will provide direction for modifying degree programs to meet state requirements.
Criteria Departmental reports on majors
Receive and examine departmental reports on majors and verify that the degree requirements have been reduced to 120 hours where possible.
Finding Departmental reports on 120-hour degree programs
This indicator was not completed this year but is underway and will be completed next year.
Criteria Final decisions made on departmental reports of degree requirement reduction.
Department reports will be reviewed and final decisions concerning approval will be made.
Finding Review of 120-hour degree programs
This process was not completed but the process is underway to complete it next year.
Criteria Timetable for Implementation of Reduced Degree Requirements
A timetable will be established for implementation of the 120-hour degree requirements.
Finding Timetable for implementing 120-hour degrees
It was determined that the policy would be implemented in fall 2009.
Indicator Drafts of SACS compliance documentation
Preliminary drafts of SACS compliance documentation will be produced by appointed SACS committees along with documentation of a timeline and plan of action for achieving SACS reaffirmation.
Criteria SACS committees established
The Leadership and Compliance Committees will be established and memberships will be appointed.
Finding SACS committees established
Members were appointed to create both the Leadership and Compliance committees.
Criteria SACS compliance report
The SACS compliance report will be developed and populated.
Finding SACS compliance report
The compliance committee assigned standards among its members. During the 06-07 year drafts were prepared on some standards. The committee continues its work with a tentative completion date of April 2008 as indicated in the 2007 Strategic Plan (Academic Affairs goals section 1.d(10)(e)).
Indicator Formalized Assessment Of The Core (General Education Component Of The Curriculum.
The core curriculum will be reviewed to ensure that all components of the core are in compliance with and meet standards of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
Criteria Baseline goals for respective IDEA learning objectives.
Establish baseline goals for the respective IDEA learning objectives.
Finding Core Curriculum Assessment with IDEA
The Core Curriculum Assessment Committee created a matrix identifying which IDEA student learning outcomes corresponded with the exemplary objectives set by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for each of the Core Component areas. It was assumed that classes satisfying core requirements would select objectives consistent with this matrix. Furthermore, students perception of learning should produce higher scores for the learning objectives in this matrix. Faculty did select the appropriate IDEA learning objectives and students'' highest evaluations aligned with these same objectives.
Criteria THECB outcomes addressed in all core classes.
Ensure that the Coordinating Board''s exemplary outcomes are addressed in all core classes.
Finding THECB outcomes addressed in all core classes
The core curriculum assessment committee requested that rubrics be designed to obtain direct learning objectives. The embedded assessment will be conducted in 07-08.
Indicator Freshman-to-sophomore Retention
Increase freshman-to-sophomore retention rate by developing and instituting programs aimed at this particular group of students.
Criteria Freshman-to-sophomore retention rate increased by 1 percentage point
Find ways to increase freshman-to-sophomore retention, e.g., scholarships.
Finding Freshman-to-sophomore retention rate
The retention rate in Fall 06 for entering freshman in Fall 05 was 72% which represents a 2 percentage point increase over the previous fall rate.
Indicator Improved Quality Of Honors Program
Improve the Honors Program as a result of recruiting top-quality students, providing new opportunities, and increasing scholarship monies for Honors students.
Criteria Average SAT score of incoming honors students increased to 1240.
Recruit highly-qualified incoming honors students in order to increase average SAT score to 1240.
Finding Average SAT for honors students is 1223
The average SAT score for honors students is 1223, which does not meet the expectation of 1240.
Criteria Number of new freshman honors students increased by 20 students
Recruit new freshman students for the Honors Program.
Finding 75 Freshman Honors Students
The number of new freshman honors students fell from 79 to 75. This criteria was not satisfied.
Criteria Scholarship dollars received by honors students increased.
Work with donors through University Advancement, as well as other avenues available, to obtain more scholarship funds.
Criteria Total number of students in the Honors Program increased to 330
In addition to keeping already-enrolled students in the Honors Program, recruit new high-quality students.
Finding 350 students in Honors Program
The number of students enrolled in the Honors Program (350) in fall 2006 exceeded the expectation of 330.
Indicator Increased Funding For Graduate Student Travel To Present At Professional Meetings
Funding for graduate students to travel to and present at professional meetings will be increased by locating additional fund sources.
Criteria 10 percent increase in funding for graduate student travel to present at professional meetings
Seek additional funds in order to increase graduate student travel to present at professional meetings by at least 10 percent.
Finding Graduate Student Travel Funding
In AY 2006-2007 a total of $68,848 was spent on graduate student travel to make presentation. This figure represents a 61% increase over the amount ($42,771) spent in AY 2005-2006.
Indicator Level Of Student Engagement
Freshmen, and later upper classmen, will complete the NSSE as one of a few measures that will be taken to assess student engagement throughout the University.
Criteria NSSE student instrument
Conduct the NSSE student instrument to determine level of student engagement.
Finding NSSE student instrument
The NSSE was postponed to AY08.
Actions for Objective:

Action Reaffirm commitment to raising SAT scores
Deans agreed to set target for fall 2007 to 1040. Purchased and implemented scholarship software to match scholarship opportunities with qualified students.

GOAL: Maintain High Academic Standards And Quality Programs

Objective Increase The Variety Of Academic Programs
Offer a wide array of quality programs.
Associated Goals: Maintain High Academic Standards And Quality Programs

Indicator THECB Approval Of A Doctoral Program In Mathematics Education  
Approval of a doctoral program in Mathematics Education will be expected as a result of taking the appropriate measures to develop and submit a proposal for a doctoral program.
Criteria Approval of Mathematics Education PHD
Work with THECB to gain approval of doctorate in Mathematics Education
Finding Approval of Mathematics Education PHD
SHSU''s proposal was returned by the THECB due to SHSU''s loss of two key faculty members. Although the department extended offers to two prospective faculty members, the positions were not successfully filled in this academic year.
Indicator THECB approval of a doctoral program in History.  
Approval of a doctoral program in History will be expected as a result of taking the appropriate measures to develop and submit a proposal for a doctoral program in History.
Criteria Approval of History PHD
Work with THECB to gain approval of doctoral program in History
Finding Approval of History PHD
The proposal was submitted to the THECB. The THECB staff returned the proposal and requested more documentation justifying the need for the program.
Actions for Objective:

Action Resubmit proposals to THECB
The proposals will be resubmitted to the Coordinating Board in next year''s cycle as specified in the 2007 Strategic Plan (Academic Affairs goals section 1.a(7)) though hope is not high as a result of the Commissioner''s position of trying to limit the number of doctoral program approvals.

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Sam Houston State University
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(936) 294-1111