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BSN 501X Bassoon
EUP 501X Euphonium
PNO 501X Piano
TUB 501X Tuba
CEL 501X Cello
FLU 501X Flute
SAX 501X Saxophone
VLA 501X Viola
CND 501X Conducting
HRN 501X Horn
STB 501X String Bass
VLN 501X Violin
CLR 501X Clarinet
OBO 501X Oboe
TRB 501X Trombone
VOI 501X Voice
CMP 501X Composition
PER 501X Percussion
TRP 501X Trumpet

Applied Music Fees. Students enrolled in Applied Music Instruction are required to pay fees related to the number of credit hours enrolled at the time of registration.


ENS 512 Graduate Ensemble. Participation in a musical ensemble at the graduate level. Credit 1.

MUS 530 Analytical Techniques. Advanced techniques in the analysis of music from all historical periods. Emphasis is placed on the ability to distinguish various stylistic idioms and to verbalize about the harmonic, rhythmic, melodic, and structural details of music. Credit 3.

MUS 563 Pedagogy of Theory. A general review of undergraduate theory, with an emphasis on the methods of presenting material to secondary students, and also to freshman and sophomore classes. Comparative analysis of textbooks commonly used in these areas is emphasized. Credit 3.

MUS 567 Score Reading. The course emphasizes specialized aural development, functional keyboard facility, and proficiency in reading orchestral, band, and choral scores. Credit 3.

MUS 568 Seminar in Special Problems. Advanced and specialized work in Music Education, orchestration, composition, theoretical research, and instrumental and choral technology is emphasized. Prerequisites: Approval of the Graduate Advisor. Credit 3.

MUS 582 Symphonic Literature. A systematic survey of literature for the symphony orchestra from its establishment to the present, with emphasis on standard works as they exemplify changing stylistic trends. Credit 3.

MUS 588X Applied Literature. Advanced study of literature for the various applied music areas. Individual research projects and class performance. ( Two enrollments allowed, 3 hrs. each).

MUS 598X Applied Pedagogy. Advanced study in the pedagogy for the various applied areas. Credit 3.

MUS 681X Recital I. A one hour solo performance reflecting high standards of artistic achievement and involving both research and applied study requisite to its success. The first of two recitals for performance and conducting specializations. Credit 3.

MUS 682X Recital II. A one hour solo performance reflecting high standards of artistic achievement and involving both research and applied study requisite to its success. The second of two recitals for performance and conducting specializations. Credit 3.

MUS 698 Research Techniques. Emphasizes efficient use of standard library materials and bibliographic sources, and the development of effective writing skills. Credit 3.

MUS 699 Thesis. Credit 3.


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