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3.13.B. Policy Compliance

The institution complies with the policies of the Commission on Colleges.

3.13 B. Complaint Procedures against the Commission or Its Accredited Institutions

Applicable Policy Statement.  In addition to FR 4.5 regarding complaints, the Commission also requires, in accord with federal regulations, that each institution maintains a record of complaints received by the institution.  This record is made available to the Commission upon request.

Documentation:  Normally, this record will be reviewed and evaluated by the Commission as part of the institution’s decennial evaluation; however, during the fifth-year interim review, when addressing this policy statement, the institution should provide information to the Commission describing how the institution maintains its record and (1) individuals/offices responsible for the maintenance of the record(s), (2) elements of a complaint review that are included in the record, and (3) where the record(s) is located (centralized or decentralized). 


Judgment of Compliance

Sam Houston State University (SHSU) maintains a record of complaints received by the institution.  The following narrative contains a description of (1) individuals/offices responsible for the maintenance of the records, (2) elements of a complaint review that are included in the records, and (3) where the records are located.

Units responsible for maintaining formal complaint records are required to maintain all written communication submitted by the student, as well as all written communication submitted to the student by university personnel.  The length of time complaint documentation is maintained is governed by the University Records Retention Schedule [1] and varies by document type.  For example, records relating to complaints are retained for a minimum of two years following the conclusion of the complaint process [2].  Should the complaint relate to a student’s disciplinary record, the complaint is maintained for a minimum of seven years following the student’s graduation or date of last attendance [3].

SHSU maintains complaint records in a decentralized system, where records are retained by the unit receiving and responding to the written complaint.  The following table summarizes the units and individuals responsible for maintaining records, as well as the physical location of the records [4]:

Unit Responsible for Maintaining Records

Responsible Individuals

Physical/Electronic Location of Records

Provost’s Office

Richard Eglsaer, Vice Provost

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in a department-specific, secure folder. Hard copy files are located in the Bobby K. Marks Administration Building, Suite 302.

Office of Graduate Studies

Kandi Tayebi, Dean of Graduate Studies and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in a department-specific, secure folder. Hard copy files are located in the Bobby K. Marks Administration Building, Suite 203.

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Jerry Cook, Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs

Hard copy files are stores in Roy Adams House, room 211.

Honor’s College

Eugene Young, Dean of Honor’s College

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in a department-specific, secure folder.

College of Business Administration

Mitchell Muehsam, Dean, College of Business Administration

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in a department-specific, secure folder. Hard copy files are located in the Smith-Hutson Business Building, Suite 100.

College of Criminal Justice

Phillip Lyons, Dean, College of Criminal Justice

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in a department-specific, secure folder. Hard copy files are located in the George J. Beto Criminal Justice Center, room A204 and in the Chemistry and Forensic Science Building, room 221H.

College of Education

Stacey Edmonson, Dean, College of Education

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in a department-specific, secure folder. Hard copy files are located in the Eleanor and Charles Garrett Teacher Education Center, room 216.

College of Fine Arts and Mass Communication

Brian Miller, Associate Dean, College of Fine Arts and Mass Communication

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in a department-specific, secure folder. Hard copy files are located in the Gaertner Performing Arts Center, Suite 190.

College of Health Sciences

Michael Lacourse, Dean, College of Health Sciences

Hard copy files are located in the Lee Drain Building, room 201.

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Abby Zink, Dean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in a department-specific, secure folder. Hard copy files are located in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Building, room 290B.

College of Sciences

John Pascarella, Dean, College of Sciences

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in a department-specific, secure folder.

Vice President for Enrollment Management

Heather Thielemann, Vice President for Enrollment Management

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in adepartment-specific, secure folder. Hard copy files are located in the Estill Building, room 314.

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Trevor Thorn, Director of Undergraduate Admissions

Hard copy files are located in the Estill Building, suite 112.

Office of Graduate Admissions

Mary Pascarella, Director of Graduate Admissions

Electronic records are stored in the institution’s ERP system, Banner. Hard copy files are located in Estill Building, Suite 336.

Office of Financial Aid

Lydia Hall, Director of Financial Aid

Electronic records are stored in the institution’s ERP system, Banner. Hard copy files are located in Estill Building, room 233.

Office of the Registrar

Teresa Ringo, Registrar

Electronic records are stored in the institution’s ERP system, Banner.

Office of the Controller

Debra Holl, Bursar

Electronic records are stored in the institution’s ERP system, Banner. Hard copy files are located in the Bursar’s Office, Estill Building, room 103B.

Human Resources and Risk Management

Dave Hammonds, Associate Vice President for Human Resources and Risk Management

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in a department-specific, secure folder. Hard copy files are located in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Building, room 410.

University Police Department/Parking

Kevin Morris, Director of Public Safety

Electronic files are stored in the institution’s document imaging system. Hard copy files are located at the Charles W. Tackett University Police Department, Records Room.

Dean of Students Office

John Yarabeck, Dean of Students

Hard copy files are stored in the Dean of Students Office in the Lowman Student Center, Suite 215.

Bearkat OneCard Services

Kristy Vienne, Associate Vice President for Student Services and Director of OneCard Services

Electronic files are stored in the institution’s document imaging system.

Counseling Center

Drew Miller, Assistant Vice President for Counseling and Health Services

Hard copy records are stored in the Counseling Center, room 270.

Health Center

Sarah Hanel, Director of Health Center

Hard copy records are stored in the Student Health Center, room 264.

Recreational Sports

Keith Jenkins, Associate Vice President for Student Services and Director of Recreational Sports

Electronic records are stored on the institutional shared drive in a department-specific, secure folder. Hard copy files are stored in the Recreation Sports Center, room 162F.

Residence Life

Dana Grant, Director of Residence Life Business Operations

Electronic records are stored within a third-party residence life management system, StarRez.


In addition to maintaining copies of all written communication to and from the student, departments are to maintain a log of formal student complaints.  The log template contains the following components:

  • Date Complaint Filed
  • Student Name
  • Student ID
  • Complaint Source (e.g., form, email, letter)
  • Brief Description of Complaint
  • Department Receiving Complaint
  • Policy Alleged to be Violated/Policy Governing Complaint
  • Description of Resolution and Process Followed

Example complaint log entries have been compiled and provided as examples [5].  Please reference Federal Requirement 4.5 for additional details regarding the complaint process at SHSU.


Supporting Documentation
Documentation Reference
Document Title
[1] Records Retention Schedule, SHSU
[2] Records Retention Schedule, SHSU, Complaints
[3] Records Retention Schedule, SHSU, Student Disciplinary Records
[4] Student Complaint Guidelines
[5] Student Complaint Log Examples

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