Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Entrepreneurship BBA

5 Goals    18 Objectives    19 Indicators    19 Criteria    19 Findings    18 Actions

GOAL: Entrepreneurship Core Concepts And Principles

Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of their own skills, experience, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, likes, and dislikes.

Embedded Questions Regarding Self-Evaluation  
Student performance on embedded questions regarding this objective
Performance On Embedded Questions Regarding Self-Evaluation  
The class average on individual embedded questions will be 75% correct. Each entrepreneurship faculty member will include imbedded questions on each examination. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Self-Evaluation Embedded Questions 2013-14  
The class average for embedded questions on this objective was 97.5%.  Performance criterion met.

Project Assignments - Self Evaluation  
Students will complete projects to apply knowledge in this area to actual and/or hypothetical situations.
Performance On Project Assignments - Self Evaluation  
100% of strudents will complete a self-assessment with an average score of 75% or higher.
Self-Evaluation Projects 2013-14  
100% of students completed a self-evaluation project with an overall average score of 90%.  Performance criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Continue Current Approach  
Objectives met, continue current approach.

GOAL: Entrepreneurship Core Concepts And Principles

Improvement In Industry Knowledge, Creativity, And Innovation
Building upon their self-evaluation, students should be able to develop and implement plans to improve their knowledge of the industry in which their proposed business oppportunity lies, as well as their skills at creativity and innovation.

Embedded Questions - Self Improvement  
Student performance on embedded examination questions regarding this objective.

Performance On Embedded Questions - Self Improvement  
The class average on individual embedded questions regarding this objective will be 75% correct. Each entrepreneurship faculty member will include imbedded questions on each examination. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Self-improvement Embedded Questions 2013-14  
The class average for embedded questions on this objective was 85.0%.  Performance criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Continue Current Approach  
Objectives met, continue current approach.

GOAL: Entrepreneurship Core Concepts And Principles

Opportunity Recognition And Evaluation
Students should be able to recognize entrepreneurial opportnities and evaluate them based on ejnoyabiltiy, feasibility, and profitability.

Embedded Exam Questions - Opportunity Recognition  
Student performance on embedded examination questions regarding this objective.
Class Average On Embedded Questions - Opportunity Recognition  
The class average on individual embedded questions regarding this objective will be 75% correct. Each entrepreneurship faculty member will include imbedded questions on each examination. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Opportunity Recognition Embedded Questions 2013-14  
The class average for embedded questions on this objective was 80.0%.  Performance criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Continue Current Approach  
Objectives met, continue current approach.

GOAL: Entrepreneurship Core Concepts And Principles

Strategic Planning
Students should be able to develop a strategic and tactical plan for a startup business, including a formal business plan.

Embedded Exam Questions - Strategic Planning  
Student performance on embedded examination questions regarding this objective.
Class Average On Embedded Questions - Strategic Planning  
The class average on individual embedded questions regarding this objective will be 75% correct. Each entrepreneurship faculty member will include imbedded questions on each examination. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Strategic Planning Embedded Questions 2013-14  
The class average for embedded questions on this objective was 82.5%.  Performance criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Continue Current Approach  
Obejctive met, continue current approach.

GOAL: Entrepreneurship Core Concepts And Principles

Entrepreneurial Marketing System
Students should understand the steps of developing an entrepreneurial marketing system--intelligence, analysis, strategy, and tactics--and should be able to develop an effective marketing system to maximize revenues and grow them quickly.

Embedded Exam Questions - Marketing  
Student performance on embedded examination questions regarding this objective.
Class Average On Embedded Exam Questions - Marketing  
The class average on individual embedded questions regarding this objective will be 75% correct. Each entrepreneurship faculty member will include imbedded questions on each examination. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Performance On Embedded Questions - Marketing 2013-14  
The class average for embedded questions on this objective was 81.7%.  Performance criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Continue Current Approach  
Objective met, continue current approach.

GOAL: Entrepreneurship Core Concepts And Principles

Cost Control
Students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of financial statemenets and how to interpret them, and how to establish and maintain proper controls over costs.

Embedded Exam Questions - Cost Control  
Student performance on embedded examination questions regarding this objective.
Class Average On Embedded Exam Questions - Cost Control  
The class average on individual embedded questions regarding this objective will be 75% correct. Each entrepreneurship faculty member will include imbedded questions on each examination. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Performance On Embedded Questions - Cost Control 2013-14  
The class average for embedded questions on this objective was 54.3%.  Performance criterion not met.
Actions for Objective:

Increase Instruction In Basic Accounting Concepts  
Students' understanding of basic accounting concepts was inadequate compared to requirements for successful entrepreneurship.  Increase instruction in this area.

GOAL: Entrepreneurship Core Concepts And Principles

Cash And Capital Management
Students should know how to read and interpret a balance sheet, and what measures to take to improve cash balances and cash flow.

Embedded Exam Questions - Cash And Capital Management  
Student performance on embedded examination questions regarding this objective.
Class Average On Embedded Questions - Cash And Capital Management  
The class average on individual embedded questions regarding this objective will be 75% correct. Each entrepreneurship faculty member will include imbedded questions on each examination. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Performance On Embedded Questions - Cash And Capital Management - 2013-14  
The class average for embedded questions on this objective was 80.0%.  Performance criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Continue Current Approach  
Objective met, continue current approach.

GOAL: Entrepreneurship Core Concepts And Principles

Risk Recognition And Response
Students should be able to identify the nature and type of risks an organization faces, and should be able to determine the appropriate responses to risks in case studies and the real world.

Embedded Exam Questions - Risk Management  
Student performance on embedded examination questions regarding this objective.
Class Average On Embedded Questions - Risk Management  
The class average on individual embedded questions regarding this objective will be 75% correct. Each entrepreneurship faculty member will include imbedded questions on each examination. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Performance On Embedded Questions - Risk Management 2013-14  
The class average for embedded questions on this objective was 60.0%.  Performance criterion not met.  Primary reason appears to be poor understanding of strengths and weaknesses associated with various forms of business organizations.
Actions for Objective:

Increase Emphasis On Business Organizations  
This is an identified area of weakness.  Additional instruction and application projects will be included to address this.

GOAL: Entrepreneurship Core Concepts And Principles

Profitable Growth
Students should understand how to create value by growing the entrepreneurial enterprise.

Embedded Questions - Growth  
Student performance on embedded examination questions regarding this objective.
Class Average On Embedded Questions - Growth  
The class average on individual embedded questions regarding this objective will be 75% correct. Each entrepreneurship faculty member will include imbedded questions on each examination. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Performance On Embedded Questions - Growth 2013-14  
The class average for embedded questions on this objective was 75.6%.  Performance criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Focus And Evaluate In BUAD 4345/4348  
This objective is covered in an introductory manner in BUAD 3345 and in more depth in BUAD 4345/4348.  Average embedded question scores were lower in BUAD 3345, but performance in BUAD 4345/4348 pulled the overall average above the criterion.  Because certain other areas have been identified as requiring additional attention in BUAD 3345, future approch will be to reduce emphasis to a high-level introduction in BUAD 3345, and evaluate in BUAD 4345/4348.

GOAL: Entrepreneurship Core Concepts And Principles

Exit Strategy
Students should understand how to harvest the value that they have created through an appropriate exit strategy.

Embedded Questions - Exit Strategy  
Student performance on embedded examination questions regarding this objective.
Class Average On Embedded Question - Exit  
The class average on individual embedded questions regarding this objective will be 75% correct. Each entrepreneurship faculty member will include imbedded questions on each examination. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Performance On Embedded Questions - Exit Strategy 2013-14  
The class average for embedded questions on this objective was 88.3%.  Performance criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Focus And Evaluate In BUAD 4345/4348  
This objective is covered in an introductory manner in BUAD 3345 and in more depth in BUAD 4345/4348.  Because certain other areas have been identified as requiring additional attention in BUAD 3345, future approch will be to reduce emphasis to a high-level introduction in BUAD 3345, and evaluate in BUAD 4345/4348.

GOAL: Critical Thinkers And Decision-Makers

Critical Thinking
Students should be able to apply critical thinking to real world problems and cases.

Critical Thinking Cases And Projects  
Student teams are are required to complete cases and projects requiring critical thinking.
Class Average - Critical Thinking Projects  
The class average on critical thinking projects will be at least 75%. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Performance - Critical Thinking Projects 2013-14  
All teams completed all assigned projects with an overall average score of 88.3%.  Criterion met.

Actions for Objective:

Continue Current Approach  
Objectives met, continue current approach.

GOAL: Critical Thinkers And Decision-Makers

Decision Making
Students should demonstrate the ability to reach appropirate decisions when faced with common business situations.

Projects - Decision Making  
Student teams are are required to complete cases and projects requiring decision making.
Class Average - Decision Making  
The class average on decision-making projects will be at least 75%. BUAD 3345/4345/4348
Performance - Decision Making Projects 2013-14  
All teams completed all assigned projects with an overall average score of 84.7%.  Criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Continue Current Approach  
Objectives met, continue current approach.

GOAL: Critical Thinkers And Decision-Makers

Ethical Behaviour
Students should understand the basic principles of ethical behaviour, and should be able to apply those principles to business cases and real world situations.

Entrepreneurial Ethics Projects  
Students in teams are given ethical problems to evaluate and resolve.

Performance On Ethics Projects  
All students will complete ethics projects with an average score of 75%.
Performance On Ethics Projects 2013-14  
All student teams completed ethics projets with an average score of 90%.  Performance criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Continue Current Practices  
Objectives met, continue current approach.

GOAL: Capable Communicators

Writing Competency
Students will be able to compose effective business messages using accepted standards of English grammar and punctuation, sentence structure and paragraph design.

Writing Evaluation  
Business communication faculty will assess samples of student writing across the business disciplines for document formatting and for writing quality; subject area instructors will evaluate the content of each sample.  The composite performance of the students, as measured by a faculty developed rubric, will indicate the communication competency level.
Writing Assessment Results  
At least 80% of sampled students must meet expectations on the Writing Assessment Rubric for Business Disciplines.  The rubric was developed by the business communications faculty and has three performance elements:  format, content/organization, and writing.  Reviewers will indicate whether the student writing samples exceed, meet, or are below standard expectations.  To insure inter-rater reliability, each sample will be reviewed independently by two reviewers;  in the event of disagreement, a third reviewer will perform a final evaluation of the sample.
Writing Assessment 2013-14  
Actions for Objective:

Technical Writing Graders  
Recommend implementation of proposal by Dean to provide additional technical writing graders to grade writing portion only of each written assignment.

GOAL: Capable Communicators

Speaking/Presentation Competence
Students will be able to speak effectively before a group by connecting with the audience and organizing and presenting the topic accordingly.

Oral Presentations  
All entrepreneurshp students required to make oral presentations of project assignments.
Performance On Oral Presentations  
All students will complete oral presentations with average score of 75%.
Performance On Oral Presentations 2013-14  
All students completed required oral presentations with average score of 83%.  Criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Continue Current Approach  
Criterion met, continue current approach.  But it must be noted that there is a wide variation in presentation skils of various students, and more work in this area would be justified if time could be found for it.

GOAL: Capable Communicators

Computer Competency
Students will be able to use effectively the basic personal computer applications commonly used in business including MicrosoftTM Word or other word processor, MicrosoftTM Excel or other spreadsheet, and MicrosoftTM PowerPoint or other presentation development software.

Projects Requiring Computer Competency  
Students will complete projects and assignments requiring skills in spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel or equivalent), word processing (Microsoft Word or equivalent), and presentation (Microsoft Power Point or equivalent) software.
Performance On Projects - Computer Competency  
All students will demonstrate competency with spreadsheet, word processing, and presentation software with a 75% success rate.
Performance - Computer Competency 2013-14  
95% of students demonstrated competency with Microsoft Word or other word processing software.  75% of students demonstrated competency with Microsoft PowerPoint or other presentation software.  55% of students demonstrated competency with Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet software.  Criterion met with respect to word processing and presentation software, but not spreadsheet software.
Actions for Objective:

Computer Competency Requirement  
Consider requiring a demonstration of computer competency in word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet software a requirement for the BBA degree.

GOAL: Satisfied Entrepreneurship Students

Entrepreneurship Instruction
Entrepreneurship students will be satisfied with the level of instruction that they receive.

Overall IDEA Assessment Of Entrepreneurship Courses  
Overall satisfaction of students as measured by IDEA scores.
Average IDEA Score For Entrepreneurship Classes  
Average IDEA score for entrepreneurship classes will be greater than 50, and at least 2/3 of classes will have scores higher than 50.
Average IDEA Scores - Entrepreneurship Classes 2013-14  
Average IDEA score for all classes was 55, and 77% of classes had IDEA scores greater than 50.  Criterion met.
Actions for Objective:

Increase Target IDEA Score To 52  
With target score of 50 met, increase target to 52.

GOAL: Useful And Constructive Supplemental And Extracurricular Activities

Business Plan Competition
Initiate and grow a business plan competition schedule to include Elevator Pitch Competition in fall semester, Business Model Canvas competition in January, Business Plan Competition in March, and New Business Competition in June (including the SBDC Incbator occupants).

Business Plan Competition In Place  
The business plan competition is in place and students are participating.

Business Plan Competition Participation  
At least 10 students participating in annual business plan competition.
Business Plan Competition Participation 2013-14  
Three students submitted business plans in the 2014 competition.  Criterion not met.
Actions for Objective:

Increase Participation In Business Plan Competition  
The following actions are to be undertaken in an effort to increase competiton:  1) increase the value of the prize, 2) create an endowment to fund the competition, 3) increase publiclty for competition.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

First year.  No previous plan for improvement.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

1.  Increase emphasis in BUAD 3345 on 1) accounting knowledge required for entrepreneurs and 2) comparative forms of business employed to minimize personal risks.
2.  Make room in the BUAD 3345 syllabus for increased emphasis on those two points by reducing coverage of growth and harvest steps to high-level overview, with primary emphasis in BUAD 4345.  

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Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111