Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Finance BBA

3 Goals    3 Objectives    3 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Quantitative Proficiency

Core Financial Modeling Concepts
 Finance BBA students will correctly apply financial models used in solving quantitative problems in finance.

Quantitative Embedded Questions  
 Assessment will be made using embedded questions and assess student performance on core quantitative concepts and principles in finance. The core questions will be composed from the core modeling concepts addressed in each course. The embedded questions were created by collaboration of the finance faculty.  FINC 4345 (Investments), FINC 4390 (Managerial Finance)

Performance On Quantitative Embedded Questions  
At least 50% of students will achieve correct solutions on at least 70% of embedded quantitative problems.

FINC 4345 Assessment Results  
Advanced versions of embedded questions from FINC 3320 were created and assessed in the FINC 4345 course, spring 2014. As shown in the associated document, at least 50% of students achieved correct solutions on at least 70% of embedded quantitative problems.
FINC 4390 Assessment Results  
Advanced versions of embedded questions from FINC 3320 were created but not assessed in the FINC 4390 course, spring 2014. A last minute change in the faculty assignment for FINC 4390 was made, and materals prepared for the assessment were not used by the instructor.
Actions for Objective:

Revision Of Assesment Questions  
The finance faculty will meet to coordinate an optimal set of assessment questions for the FINC 4345 and FINC 4390 courses during fall semester 2014. The objective is to create exact matching questions so that a one-to-one comparison can be made as students migrate from the foundational course (FINC 3320) to the advanced courses (FINC 4345 and FINC 4390).

GOAL: Capable Business Decision Makers

Core Qualitative Concepts And Principles
Finance BBA students will demonstrate an understanding of the qualitative aspects of finance.

Qualitative Embedded Questions  
Assessment will be made using embedded questions, analyzing the students performance on core qualitative concepts and principles of finance. The finance faculty collaborated on the selection of the questions to ensure that there is uniformity amongst the respective courses.  FINC 4345 (Investments), FINC 4390 (Managerial Finance)

Performance On Qualitative Embedded Questions  
At least 50% of students will achieve correct answers on at least 70% of embedded qualitative questions.

Actions for Objective:

There are no actions for this objective.

GOAL: Finance Student Satisfaction

Effective Instruction
Finance students will be satisfied with the level of instruction that they receive.

Instruction Assessment - IDEA Form  
Ratings and feedback of the Finance student as measured by the IDEA form.
Finance faculty will have an IDEA score average of 50% in at least one course taught.
Student Evaluation Results  
Results of student evaluations in both FINC 4345 and FINC 4390 were below the comparison criterion of a 50% score.
Actions for Objective:

Student Evaluation Results  
From the IDEA student evaluation survey, the following scores were recorded for spring 2014:

FINC 4345 (Investments):
     Excellent Course: Raw 3.4/5  (41-42 percentile raw-adj)
     Excellent Teacher: Raw 3.4/5 (37-38 percentile raw-adj)

FINC 4390  (Managerial Finance):
     Excellent Course: Raw 3.8/5  (47-48 percentile raw-adj)
     Excellent Teacher:  Raw 3.9/5  (44-45 percentile raw-adj)

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Based on the 2012-2013 assessment cycle, the finance faculty have augmented coverage of analysis using Excel into the Finance 3320 course. Topics with enhanced Excel coverage will include financial statements, financial analysis, and capital budgeting.

The Finance BBA assessment team also adjusted data collection for the Finance 3320 course to allow for tracing of individual student performance as they advance through the major. It was decided that the data would be collected for all students, not just finance majors, in case the data would become useful for other studies as well.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

In August 2013, faculty teaching the FINC 3320 course met in order to coordinate the collection of data during Fall 2013 that would integrate with the collection of date in Spring 2014 in the FINC 4390 and FINC 4345 courses. It was decided in the meeting that data would be recorded by each professor and compiled by the FINC 3320 assessment coordinator.

Professors teaching the FINC 4390 and FINC 4345 courses for Spring 2014 were instructed to collect data on the advanced versions of each concept or analytical element. At the end of Spring 2014, the data will be compiled and results reported in the OATDB by the Major Assessment Team chair.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

The attempt at implementation of the previous plan was only partially fulfilled. It was clear that a lack of specificity concerning the actual assessment projects or questions assessed in FINC 4345 and FINC 4390 was needy of correction for the plan to be fully implemented with the Fall 2014 FINC 3320 and Spring 2015 FINC 4390 and 4345 courses.

The finance faculty will meet in Fall semester 2014 to decide what specific advanced questions/exercises will be used to assess the progression to advanced knowledge by Finance BBA majors.

In Spring 2015, these specific assessments will be exercised in FINC 4345 and FINC 4390, and the data presented in the 2014-2015 assessment record.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111