Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
International Business BBA

1 Goal    3 Objectives    3 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Outstanding Program In International Business

Students Should Understand The Impact Of The Increasing Integration Of The Global Economy
The increasing integration of the U.S. economy with the rest of the world affects the well-being of consumers and business firms here and abroad. To assess these effects requires an understanding of conditions leading to economic development and the distribution of gains from international trade and investment. Students should understand the impact of globalization on economic decision making.

Correct Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: The Integration Of The Global Economy  
Questions about globalization of the U.S. economy and its consequences will be embedded in the final exams of ECON 3341, 3344, 4348, 4340.
Correct Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: The Global Economy  
At least 70% of the students will respond correctly to embedded questions concerning the integration of the global economy in ECON 3341, 3344, 4348, 4340.
Criterion One Met  
Objective one is being mastered with 74% of international business students replying correctly to embedded questions.  80% of the embedded questions met the objective threshold for correct responses.

These embedded questions came from ECON 4340.
Actions for Objective:

Objective One Action  
While objective one is being met according to the data, the MAT will ensure that data is collected from additional courses next cycle.

GOAL: Outstanding Program In International Business

Students Should Understand The Financial And Economic Aspects Of Conducting Business Internationally
Multinational firms confront the challenges of operating in markets with different legal environments, currency systems, and institutions regulating trade and investment. Students should understand how these differences will affect the economic and financial decisions of the firm.

Correct Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: Financial And Economic Aspects Of Doing Business Internationally  
Questions embedded in the final exams of FINC 4340, ECON 4348, 4340 will be used to assess students understanding of the financial and economic aspects of doing business globally.
Correct Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: The Financial And Economic Aspects Of Conducting Business Internationally  
At least 70% of the students will respond correctly to embedded questions concerning the financial and economics impact of doing business globally. The questions will be embedded in the final exams of ECON 4348, 4340, and FINC 4340.
CriterionTwo Not Met  
Objective 2 is not being met successfully.  Only 69% of student responses to embedded questions were correct, and only 68% of individual questions met the threshold for correct responses.

These embedded questions came from FINC 4340.
Actions for Objective:

Objective Two Action  
MAT and instructors will review findings on a question by question basis.  For the topics which students are not meeting the criterion, MAT will encourage instructors will increase the time allotment.

GOAL: Outstanding Program In International Business

Students Should Understand The Management And Marketing Challenges Of International Business
Operating internationally presents special challenges to managers and marketers in planning and organizing work systems, product distribution channels, and product promotional campaigns. International Business majors should understand these challenges and have knowledge of how they might be overcome.

Correct Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: The Management And Marketing Challenges Of International Business  
Questions embedded in final exams of MGMT 4340 and MKTG 4340 will be used to determine the ability of students to understand the management and marketing challenges of doing business globally.
Response Rate On Embedded Questions Concerning: The Management And Marketing Challenges Of International Business  
At least 70% of the students will respond correctly to embedded questions on the final exams in MGMT, MKTG 4340 concerning the management and marketing challenges of doing business globally.
Criterion Three Met  
Objective 3 is being mastered with 85% of responses by international business students to embedded questions being correct.  The threshold was met for 75% of embedded questions.

These embedded questions came from MGMT/MKTG 4320, an irregularly offered course which adressed the objective.
Actions for Objective:

Objective Three Action  
While objective three is being met according to the data, the MAT will ensure that data is collected from additional courses next cycle.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The pool of courses in which assessment is taking place will be expanded.  Additional efforts will be made in helping students understand the impact of the increasing integration of the global economy.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

While different courses were sampled for the current assessment cycle, the number of courses sampled remained unchanged.  This was a failing of the MAT to communicate early enough with instructors.  This portion of the plan was only a partial improvement.

Students showed marked improvement on objective one after assessment results were shared with instructors and additional focus was placed on topics related to the objective.  This portion of the plan was a success.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

Assessment for the next cycle will include sampling from multiple courses for each objective.  The MAT will meet early in the fall to coordinate with one course per objective and then again in the spring for a second course.

For all criterion, the MAT will go over results on a question by question basis with instructors to highlight areas where student understanding can be improved.  Regarding the failure to meet the criterion for objective 2, the MAT will spend additional time with instructors focusing on the previous two years results to understand why scores may have fallen.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111