Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
General Studies BGS

2 Goals    2 Objectives    1 Indicator    1 Criterion    1 Finding    2 Actions

GOAL: Investigation Of Career Opportunities

Career Exploration
Students enrolled in UNIV 4301, the Bachelor of General Studies capstone course, will identify three professional career opportunities available upon completion of their BGS degree and provide employment trends and outlook, salary expectations, and potential employers for those careers.

Actions for Objective:

Career Investigation Action  
A statement will be added to the course syllabus emphasizig the importance of this assignment to the student's career path and the value of investigating career options and employment outlooks.

GOAL: Integration Of Concepts And Content Related To Academic Minors

Capstone Paper
Students enrolled in UNIV 4301 will demonstrate integrative writing skills by writing a paper integrating content and concepts from at least two of the three minors.

Research Paper Rubric  
A common rubric will be used to score the integrated paper stressing the ability to write a paper integrating concepts and content for at least two of the three academic minors.
Research Paper Score - At Least 75%  
80% of BGS students will demonstrate a minimum level of critical thinking and writing ability by achieving a score of at least 75% on the integrated minor paper.

Results Of Capstone Paper (Integrated Minor Paper)  
Eleven out of twenty (3/6 in Fall 2013 and 8/14 in Spring 2014) students scored 75 percent or greater on the Capstone Paper.
Actions for Objective:

Capstone Paper Action  
A proposal will be presented to the Office of Academic Affairs to require a writing course and a research course as degree specific requirements for the Bachelor of General Studies Degree.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Since the BGS program is still a very small program, only ten students were enrolled for UNIV 4301 during 2012-2013.  Program growth in anticipated for the 2013-2014 academic year.  As the program grows, a more representative sample will be available for the development of a continuous improvement plan.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

An annual review of the degree requirements for the Bachelor of General Studies Degree will be conducted with the Office of Academic Affairs.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

The 2013-2014 cycle revealed a weakness in the research and writing skills of many Bachelor of General Studies students.  Curriculum revisions will be proposed to address these issues.

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