Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Kinesiology BS (Sports Medicine)

4 Goals    4 Objectives    4 Indicators    4 Criteria    4 Findings    4 Actions

GOAL: Biomechanics Skills

Principles Of Sport Medicine
Students in the Sports Medicine program will be able to effectively demonstrate the lever system and articulate the manner in which it relates to the human body.

Principles Of Sport Medicine  
A common embedded portion of each KINE 3362 section’s written exam (developed by the Exercise Science faculty) will require students to explain the lever system and discuss how it relates to the human body. Students will be required to demonstrate proper mechanical principles in an advanced KINE course.

Principles Of Sport Medicine  
At least 80% of the Kinesiology BS (Exercise Science) students will score at least 78% or higher in the lever quiz assignment and the applied demonstration (practical lab demonstration).

Principles Of Sport Medicine  
100% (4 of 4 students) scored 78% or higher on the lever quiz assignment.

Actions for Objective:

Principles Of Sport Medicine  
The Kinesiology Sports medicine Program faculty were obviously pleased with the findings of this goal.  The ability to solve problems and understand various biomechanical aspects of the human body remains of paramount importance in the Sports Medicine Program.

GOAL: Communication Skills

Communication Skills
Students majoring in Kinesiology Sports Medicine will be able to effectively communicate the athletics trainer’s role in evaluating an injury in the absence of a physician in an oral and written format.

Communication Skills  
Two exams developed by the faculty in KINE 3370-Prevention and Care of Injuries, will measure the student’s ability to effectively communicate the athletic trainer’s role in evaluating an injury in the absence of a physician.

Communication Skills  
At least 75 percent of the Kinesiology BS (Sport Medicine) students must successfully address seven out of the ten indicators stating the athletic trainer’s role in evaluating an injury in the absence of a physician.

Communication Skills  
Two exams in KINE 3370 addressed the ten indicators stating the athletic trainer’s role in evaluating injuries in the absence of a physician.  A total of 85% of the Sports Medicine students successfully answered the questions relating to communication skills on exam I.  A total of 80 % of the sport Medicine students successfully answered the questions relating to communication skills on Exam III.

Actions for Objective:

Communication Skills  
The Kinesiology Sport Medicine Program faculty were pleased with the findings of this goal.  The faculty continues to emphasize the importance in the professional development of Sport Medicine students.

GOAL: Content Knowledge

Content Knowledge
Students majoring in Kinesiology Sports Medicine will be able to successfully explain, demonstrate, and prescribe exercises designed to improve the components of physical activity--muscular strength, flexibility, balance, power, speed, and cardiovascular endurance.

Content Knowledge  
One exam in KINE 3373 will require students to thoroughly explain, demonstrate, and prescribe exercises designed to improve the components of physical activity--muscular strength, flexibility, balance, power, speed, and cardiovascular endurance.

Content Knowledge  
Students enrolled in KINE 3373 must score 75 percent or higher on the exam that assesses student content knowledge of the components of physical activity--muscular strength, flexibility, balance, power, speed, and cardiovascular endurance.


Content Knowledge  
One exam in KINE 3373 Physiology of Exercise was developed with embedded questions that focused on the components of physical activity – muscular strength, flexibility, balance, power, speed and cardiovascular endurance.  A total of 66% of the students achieved a score of 75% or higher.

Actions for Objective:

Content Knowledge  
The Kinesiology Sport Medicine Program faculty were disappointed with   the results of this goal.  The components of fitness remains extremely importance in Sports Medicine.  The faculty will include additional subject content focusing on these components.        

GOAL: Evaluation Of Injury Skills

Assessment Of Musculoskeletal Injuries
Students majoring in KINE Sports Medicine will be able to identify common musculoskeletal injuries that occur in sports setting.   

Assessment Of Musculoskeletal Injuries  
A practical examination in KINE 3369- Therapeutic Modalities of Athletic Training, will require students to accurately assess common musculoskeletal injuries on practical exams

Assessment Of Musculoskeletal Injuries  
Kinesiology BS (Sport Medicine) students enrolled in KINE 3369-Theraputic Modalities of Athletic Training, must score 85% or higher on the practical examination that assesses student knowledge of musculoskeletal injuries.

Evaluation Of Injury Skills  
Two exams had embedded questions that focused on the student athletic trainer’s knowledge of musculoskeletal injuries.  A total of 75% of the Sport Medicine students successfully answered the questions relating to musculoskeletal injuries on exam I.  A total of 75% of the sport medicine students successfully answered the questions relating to musculoskeletal injuries on the Final Exam.

Actions for Objective:

Assessment Of Musculoskeletal Injuries  
The Kinesiology Sport Medicine faculty were pleased with the findings of this goal.  The faculty will continue to stress the importance of assessing and treating musculoskeletal injuries in athletes, as this remains a primary focus for the Athletic Trainer.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Upon review of the data for the 2012-2013 assessment cycle, the Kinesiology Sport Medicine faculty was pleased that the students had met the target established for the communication skills objective; however, they were not satisfied with the results of the other objectives established for the program. A review of Athletic Training curriculums will be conducted to determine the instructional strategies that are used to teach the content of the curriculum as well as the assessments that are used to determine student success. The current curriculum is being revised to align with national standards, and the degree program will be entitled, “Athletic Training.” Additionally, a program director will be hired to facilitate curriculum needs, conduct assessments, and train instructors. The date for the implementation of the degree program is fall 2014.

Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Upon review of the data for the 2013-2014 assessment cycle, the Kinesiology Sport Medicine faculty was pleased that the students had met the majority of the target established in the various content areas.  Even with the positive results, a review of Athletic Training curriculum will be conducted to determine the instructional strategies that are used to teach the content of the curriculum as well as the assessments that are used to determine student success. The current curriculum is being revised to align with national standards, and the degree is now entitled, “Athletic Training.” Additionally, a program director was hired to facilitate curriculum needs, conduct assessments, and train instructors. She began her duties as Program Director in the fall 2014.  The faculty feels that the move towards national accreditation will greatly assist teaching efforts within the department on all relevant objectives.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

With the transition to a nationally accredited program, it was difficult to focus on current curriculum issues as these will be in transition over the next four years.  However overall the faculty was pleased with the majority of the outcomes and seeks to continue to build this program in the future.

With the addition of the new program director, the faculty is confident that this degree will continue to improve this coming year.  Concurrent with the new degree is the addition of 6 new courses that will offer the Athletic Training student new opportunities to further their sports medicine education.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111