Assessment : 2013 - 2014 : Educational Programs :
Industrial Technology BS (Construction Management)

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Develop Knowledge And Safety Skills

Development Of Students' Knowledge And Skill
Students will be able to demonstrate competency in key areas of Construction Management by passing the OSHA Safety Course and receive OSHA Certification. The OSHA Certification serves as a capstone requirement. The test is administered by an outside agency.

ITEC 4382 OSHA Certification  
All students enrolled in the program must complete ITEC 4382 and receive their OSHA Certification in Safety. The course addresses key concepts and skills relevant to safety in the field of Industrial Technology. Each semester all students are required to take the OSHA Certification examination as the capstone activity for the course. The cortication exam is divided into multiple sections, however, an overall passing grade of 70% or higher is passing.

100% Certification Rate  
There is a consensus that at least 80% of the students taking the OSHA examination will make a 90 or higher on the exam, while, 100% will be certified by making a score of 70 or higher

All students that took the OSHA certification exam passed the exam with a 70 or higher. However, the average score was 88.7 falling short of the goal of a 90. Fall Hazards and Health Hazards in construction zones were the areas with the poorest performance from students.
Actions for Objective:

Component Improvement  
More time and simulations will be used to increase student performance in Health and Fall Hazards in construction areas.

GOAL: Develop Professional Skills

Demonstrate Professional Skills
Students completing the BS in Construction Management will demonstrate skills necessary to compete in the professional marketplace through an internship.

ITEC 4391 Internship Evaluation  
All students enrolled in the program must complete ITEC 4391 in their final year of enrollment. ITEC 4391 addresses key concepts and skills, as well as practical demonstrations of competency relevant to the field of construction management. Each semester interns will be evaluated by their internship supervisor and by their faculty supervisor on a faculty-developed rating scale.
80% Meeting Expectations  
It will be expected that at least 80% of the students enrolled in ITEC 4391 demonstrated will achieve above average standard (4 or higher) of performance on the supervisor rating scale.  
Student Professional Performance  
All but 1 student successfully completed their internship with assessed skill level from their supervisor of 4 or 5. The one student, was administratively removed from the program by the supervising faculty. It was not work related or job performance but academic policy was not followed. The student was not assessed by the supervisor, however, all others received exceptional evaluations in all areas of the evaluation. As in other programs, safety education and management could be included in more curriculum.

Actions for Objective:

Program Assessment  
The program exceeded goal of 4.0, however, safety management will be reviewed in curriculum to determine potential areas of inclusion.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Department Career Fair will be continued to expose students to prospective employers.  Individual sessions will be utilized again so students and dialoque with HR representatives and recruiters.  Faculty will continue to seek new companies and expand our outreach to the industry by making personal visits to new companies and representatives.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Career fair was expanded with more participation from potential employers and companies.

Plan for Continuous Improvement

More time and simulations will be used to increase student performance in Health and Fall Hazards in construction areas.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111