Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Kinesiology BS (Exercise Science)

4 Goals    4 Objectives    4 Indicators    4 Criteria    4 Findings    4 Actions

GOAL: Principles Of Exercise Science

Principles Of Exercise Science
Students in the Exercise Science program will be able to effectively demonstrate the lever system and articulate the manner in which it relates to the human body.

Principles Of Exercise Science  
A common embedded portion of each KINE 3362 section’s written exam will require students to explain the lever system and discuss how it relates to the human body. The exam was developed by the Exercise Science faculty.

Principles Of Exercise Science  
At least 85% of the Kinesiology BS (Exercise Science) students will score at least 78% or higher in the lever quiz assignment.  

Principles Of Exercise Science  
A total of 75% of the Exercise Science students met the minimum score of at least 78% on the lever quiz assignment.


Actions for Objective:

Principles Of Exercise Science  
The Kinesiology Exercise Science Program faculty were disappointed with the findings of this goal. The faculty will include additional subject content and activities focusing on the principles and application of exercise science during the 2013-2014 academic year.

GOAL: Content Knowledge

Content Knowledge
Students in the Exercise Science program will demonstrate the knowledge of the foundations of exercise physiology.

Content Knowledge  
One exam in KINE 3373 will require students to thoroughly explain, demonstrate, and prescribe exercises designed to improve the components of physical activity--muscular strength, flexibility, balance, power, speed, and cardiovascular endurance.
Content Knowledge  
At least 85% of Kinesiology BS (Exercise Science) students will score a minimum of 78% on the comprehensive final exam in KINE 3373.
Content Knowledge  
A total of 80% of the Exercise Science students met the minimum criterion of a score of at least 78% on the comprehensive final exam.
Actions for Objective:

Content Knowledge  
The Kinesiology Exercise Science Program faculty were a bit disappointed with the findings of this goal. The faculty will include additional subject content and activities focusing on the components of physical activity and exercise science during the 2013-2014 academic year.

GOAL: Problem Solving And Reasoning

Problem Solving And Reasoning Skills
Students in the exercise science program will demonstrate problem solving and reasoning skills in the application of the principles of research.

Problem Solving And Reasoning Skills  
Problem solving and reasoning; analyzing an activity and/or test to create an appropriate informed consent in KINE4393 will require students to utilize problem solving skills to examine an activity/test and utilize reasoning skills to determine the associated risks and benefits and how each should be presented in an informed consent.

Problem Solving And Reasoning Skills  
At least 85% of Kinesiology BS (Exercise Science) students will score a minimum of 78% on the informed consent assignment.


Problem Solving And Reasoning Skills  
A total of 74% of the Exercise Science students met the minimum criteria of at least 78% on the informed consent assignment.

Actions for Objective:

Problem Solving And Reasoning Skills  
The Kinesiology Exercise Science Program faculty were disappointed with the findings of this goal. The faculty will include additional subject content and activities focusing on problem solving and reasoning skills that are needed in the profession of Exercise Science during the 2013-2014 academic year.

GOAL: Professional Development And Practices

Professional Development:
Kinesiology BS (Exercise Science) students will be able to use their acquired knowledge, skills, and experience in an internship setting.   

Professional Development Mastery  
Kinesiology BS (Exercise Science) students enrolled in KINE 4394 will be able to demonstrate professional competency in an applied setting. Students will engage in a variety of assignments including monthly blogs, weekly internship logs, and a cumulative reflection paper in order to demonstrate summary professional development. The cumulative portfolio is evaluated via a rubric established by program faculty. Students’ cumulative performance will also be evaluated by their internship site supervisor via a rubric established by program faculty.


Site Supervisor Evaluation And Professional Portfolio  
Kinesiology BS (Exercise Science) students enrolled in KINE 4394 will achieve a minimum of an 85 % rating on their final internship evaluation from their site supervisor. Additionally, the professional portfolio and all accompanying assignments presented by the student must also attain a minimum of an 85 percent rating.

Since this is a new objective for 12-13, will be gathering baseline data.
Site Supervisor Evaluation And Professional Portfolio  
A total of 73% of the Exercise Science students met the minimum criterion of a score of at least 85% in the professional internship experience.
Actions for Objective:

Professional Development And Practices  
The Kinesiology Exercise Science Program faculty were a bit disappointed with the findings of this goal. The faculty will include additional subject content and activities focusing on professional development, communication skills, and competencies that are necessary for the profession of Exercise Science during the 2013-2014 academic year.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

After reviewing all of the findings, it was noted that a large percentage of students had not achieved the expected outcomes established in the program goals. The Exercise Science faculty has decided to increase the number of course assignments and embedded test questions that relate to specific areas of the discipline including: the relationship of the lever system to the human body, the common articulations of the body and their locations, and the concepts regarding the biomechanical aspects of movement patterns in the human body. Additionally, new equipment for the Human Performance Lab has been ordered and should be installed for the beginning of the next academic year. The enhancement of the laboratory should enhance the student’s opportunities to gain knowledge about the content areas associated with the field of Exercise Science.  Additionally, we are determined to raise the percentage of students who meet criteria.  Our goal is 75 percent for each objective.



Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

After a review of the findings, the Exercise Science faculty has decided to increase the amount of lecture time devoted to the lever system and how the lever system relates to the human body.  In addition, laboratory opportunities for students will be increased. 

The Exercise Science faculty identified a weakness in student content knowledge pertaining to energy systems and energy creation.  An increase focus on energy production and how each energy system relates to performance will be implemented.  In addition, the course content will include additional reading on energy production in the human body.

After review of the findings, the Exercise Science faculty determined a need for additional assignments addressing these objectives.  In addition it was determined that current assignments need to be modified to enhance student learning outcomes.

Plan for Continuous Improvement

During the past year, the Exercise Science faculty increased the number of embedded questions in exams which focus on program objectives.  An increase in the number of course assignments related to the specific objectives, was also implemented.  Additionally, faculty increased the use of lab equipment to enhance student opportunities to gain knowledge in objective content areas.

The number of exam questions with a focus on the foundation of exercise science were increased.  Additional article reviews were assigned, and the faculty increased the number of online discussions focusing on basic foundation knowledge in exercise physiology.

The professional development mastery objective and goal was a new addition to the academic year. The Exercise Science faculty plans to observe the progress of the objectives and determine if any modifications need to be made in the next assessment cycle.The faculty plans to emphasize the necessary components of an informed consent and the importance of the document in research and applied settings.

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Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111