Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Health BS (Fitness)

3 Goals    3 Objectives    3 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Fitness And Wellness

Fitness For Living
Students in the Health BS Fitness program will be able to successfully demonstrate an understanding of physical conditioning in each of the five dimensions of health related physical fitness: 1) Aerobic capacity (cardiovascular fitness), 2) Body composition, 3) Flexibility, 4) Muscular strength, and 5) Muscular endurance.

Fitness Plan  
A common embedded portion of the KINE 2115 Fitness for Living assignments/exams will require students to demonstrate an understanding of physical conditioning in each of the five dimensions of health related physical fitness developed by the faculty.
1) Aerobic capacity (cardiovascular fitness)
2) Body composition
3) Flexibility
4) Muscular strength
5) Muscular endurance

Fitness Plan Assessment  
Ninety percent of students must score at least 75% correct on the common embedded exam assessing for understanding of the five dimensions of health related physical fitness. We are anxious to see if our interventions impact comprehension and application.

Fitness Plan Assessment  
No students were enrolled in the KINE 2115 Fitness for Living course during the 2012-2013 assessment tracking period.

Actions for Objective:

Fitness Plan Assessment  

The Health Program faculty will modify this goal for 2013-2014 since there has not been any students identify Health Fitness as their major in the KINE 2115 course for the past two academic years.

GOAL: Professional Development And Practices

Professional Development
Health fitness students will be able to use their acquired knowledge, skills, and experience in an internship setting.    


Professional Development Mastery  
Health Fitness students enrolled in HLTH 4394 will be able to demonstrate professional competency in an applied setting. Students will engage in a variety of assignments including monthly blogs, weekly internship logs, and a cumulative reflection paper in order to demonstrate summary professional development. The cumulative portfolio is evaluated via a rubric established by program faculty. Students’ cumulative performance will also be evaluated by their internship site supervisor via a rubric established by program faculty.

Site Supervisor Evaluation And Professional Portfolio  
Health Fitness students enrolled in HLTH 4394 will achieve a minimum of an 85 % rating on their final internship evaluation from their site supervisor. Additionally, the professional portfolio and all accompanying assignments presented by the student must also attain a minimum of an 85 percent rating.


Site Supervisor Evaluation And Professional Portfolio  
No students were enrolled in the HLTH Professional Internship course during the 2012-2013 assessment tracking period.

Actions for Objective:

Professional Development  

There were no majors in HLTH 4394 during 2012-2013.  However, in 2011-2012, the major area identified in which to improve was communication, particularly written communication.  Hopefully, our interventions will make a difference for 2013-2014.


GOAL: Knowledge Of Health Content

Health Content Knowledge
Students in the Health BS (Fitness) program will be able to effectively identify the role of the health educator as well as the skills required for that role.  

Health Content Knowledge  
Common embedded portions of HLTH 1360, Introduction to Health Education and Health Careers and HLTH 3392, Communication Skills for Health Educators, are exams and projects developed by the faculty that require students to identify correctly the role of the health educator as well as the skills required for that role
Health Content Knowledge  
Students must score 90 percent on the exams and projects that describe the role of the health educator as well as the skills required for the role in the profession of Health Education.

Health Content Knowledge  
One Health Fitness major was enrolled in HLTH 1360, Introduction to Health Education and Health Careers, and two majors were enrolled in HLTH 3392, Communication Skills for Health Educators during the 2012-2013 assessment tracking period. In HLTH 1360, the student earned a B in course, thus indicating they did not achieve a 90 percentile on the requirements of the program objective. In HLTH 3392, the students earned a B and a C in the course, thus indicating they did not achieve a 90 percentile on the requirements of the program objective.
Actions for Objective:

Knowledge Of Health Content  

The Health Program faculty feel the health fitness students should have a higher level of health content knowledge relating to the profession; therefore, the criteria established for the goal will remain constant for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

There were five Health Fitness majors during the 2011-2012 academic year. All of the students had previously taken the Health 4387, Health 1360 and Kinesiology 2115 courses; therefore, no data was gathered on these assignments for these students. The Health program faculty values the importance of these program assignments and wants to maintain the assignments as criterion for program goals.



Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

This year, the objectives for the Health Fitness majors were modified to ensure the students would be assessed in some academic content areas. Last year, we did not have any Health Fitness majors enrolled in any OATDB courses. The students should matriculate into the HLTH 4394 course during the next academic year. The Health Program faculty feel these objectives are important; however, the KINE 2115 course needs to be removed since our students typically take the course at a junior or community college and have the course credits applied to their degree. Additional courses, such as the Pre-Internship (HLTH 4393) course and the Lifestyle and Wellness (HLTH 1366) course, can be added to the OATDB for content assessment purposes.

Plan for Continuous Improvement

The Health Program faculty have revised the Health Fitness degree to meet the demands of the corporate world and the health requirements mandated in the Affordable Health Care Act. The degree will transition to the “Wellness and Corporate Health” Program and will include courses that relate to worksite health promotion, human resources issues, nutrition, and employee relationships. The revised program and new courses are planned to be implemented in the fall 2014 semester. For the next assessment period, the faculty will include objectives from the Pre-Internship (HLTH 4393) course and the Lifestyle and Wellness (HLTH 1366) course.


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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111