Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Criminal Justice, Victim Services Management MS

1 Goal    1 Objective    0 Indicator    0 Criterion    0 Finding    1 Action

GOAL: Complete Curriculum And Begin Offering Courses In Fall 2013.

Complete Curriculum
The committee is currently revising the original curriculum that was proposed for this degree. They are planning on recruiting and advertising the degree in Spring 2013 with classes beginning in Fall 2013. They will offer 2 courses in the Fall.

Actions for Objective:

New Program  
The MS Program began during the Fall 2013 semester with 16 enrolled students.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

We will determine the goals and objectives for this new program.  Committee members will meet and work on completing the framework of the degree.    We look forward to a finishing point and the achievement of finalizing this program.
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

 Curricular review has been completed. Seven courses have been proposed in order to maintain a self-sustaining and self-sufficient MS degree program. Curriculum changes have been forwarded through the College-level curriculum committee and, upon approval, will be routed to the University Curriculum Committee during the Fall 2013 semester timeline.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

The Victim Services Management online Master of Science degree committee admitted 16 students, of whom, all have enrolled in two online MS courses during the Fall 2013 semester. For the Spring 2013 semester, the committee anticipates recruiting, at minimum, an additional 15 students. Marketing strategies for recruitment will entail MS in Victim Services Management Program advertisements at major Texas and National-level conferences designed for victim services field workers. Additionally, 409 higher education campuses across the country that offer Women’s Studies degree programs have been identified and letters detailing the new MS in Victim Services Management will be sent to Department and Program Chairs encouraging graduates to apply to our MS program. Finally, victim service agencies in the state of Texas will receive notification letters with information about the new MS online program in order to facilitate support and enhance interest and enrollment.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111