Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Art BFA (Studio Art)

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Artistic Expression

Students Will Demonstrate Expertise In Artistic Expression
Students will demonstrate expertise in artistic expression and technique through the production of a cohesive body of work.

Senior Exhibition  
BFA Studio Art majors are required to take ARTS 4315, Survival Tools for the Artist and mount an exhibition of their work. The work in the exhibition will demonstrate

• a proficiency in the skills and techniques related to the medium used in the artwork.
•  the student's ability to produce a cohesive body of work with a number of pieces that are consistent in theme, medium and conceptual basis.
• the student's ability to express a concept in a work of art.
• an awareness of contemporary art and its relation to art history. 

75% Will Score At Least 80  
The exhibitions will be evaluated by a team of at least 3 studio art faculty. A rubric using a score of 0-100 for each aspect of the evaluation will be used. It is expected that at least 75% of the students will score 80 or above on the evaluation. The major weakness that emerged for last year’s exhibitions was failure to demonstrate an awareness of contemporary art and the issues prevalent in recent art theory. We have made major changes to our program and have lowered expectations from 80% of students to 75% of students as they make adjustments to the programmatic changes.  As last year, we have raised the minimum score for each student to 80% instead of 75%. We are eager to determine if our interventions strengthen the area of awareness and demonstration of contemporary art in student work.
Need Improvement In Conceptual Expression And Historical Awareness  
91% of the students scored above 80 in technical proficiency
100% scored above 80 in ability to produce a cohesive body of work
74% scored above 80 in ability to express a concept
74% scored above 80 in awareness of contemporary art 
Actions for Objective:

Revise Art History Curriculum And Emphasize Conceptual Development  
The Art History curiculum will be evaluated, revised and restructured by the new Art History faculty in consultation with the studio faculty. Emphasis will be placed on recent art history for studio majors.
Studio faculty will continue to emphasize concept development in studio courses.

GOAL: Drawing Skills

Students Will Demonstrate Skill In Drawing
Students will demonstrate basic skills in drawing by producing works that show an understanding of the elements, techniques, materials and concepts used in contemporary art practices.

BFA Portfolio Review  
Students in the BFA Studio Art Program will be required to take ARTS 1316 Drawing 1 and ARTS 1317 Life Drawing 1. After taking these courses, students must submit a BFA review portfolio that includes drawings that 

• show developed craftsmanship and an expertise with a variety of materials.
• demonstrate an ability to depict spatial illusion and volume.
• demonstrate a descriptive and expressive use of value.
• demonstrate a descriptive and expressive use of line.
• demonstrate an understanding and use of 2 point and 3 point perspective.
• demonstrate an understanding of negative space and the ability to combine various elements into a cohesive composition.
• demonstrate the ability to render the proportions of the human figure.
• demonstrate the ability to express ideas and/or emotions through the work.
80 Or Above  
The BFA portfolios will be evaluated by a team of at least 3 studio art faculty. A rubric using a score of 0-100 for each aspect of the evaluation will be used. It is expected that at least 75% of the students will score 80 or above on the evaluation. The major weaknesses in 2010-2011 were the quality of the 3-dimensional work and a problem in the curriculum for the Life Drawing class.  Last year we expected 80% of students to pass the review; this year, the expectation is 75% of the students scoring at least 80% on the rubric until students acclimate to all the changes in the curriculum.

As in previous years, our weakest area in the drawing portfolio was composition and inability to render accurate porportions of the human figure. We are eager to see if our interventions improve students' ability to synthesize drawing elements.
Continued Weakness In Drawing Abilities  
66% of students passed the BFA Portfolio Review in Spring 2013.
Indicators show that weakness of most of the failing students was in the area of Drawing. 

Actions for Objective:

Strengthen Foundations Program  
The Faculty will reexamine the BFA review process and clarify the expectations to the students. Students will be provided with rubrics that describe how the drawings will be assessed. 
The Curriculum of the Drawing Courses will be reviewed and revised.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The Art Department willemphasize Drawing as foundation skills for all of the Art Programs. Art History will also be emphasized and the department will move toward increasing the course offerings in Art History
Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

In 2012-13 the Art Department conducted searches for tenure track faculty in Foundations and Art History. A Tenure-track faculty was hired to teach in foundations and serve as Foundations Coordinator, and 2 new tenure track faculty were hired to teach Art History.
Plan for Continuous Improvement

The Art Department has hired a Foundations Coordinator to oversee the Foundations program. In the past years, emphasis has been placed on the WASH (Workshop in Art Studio and History) program. WASH is a 3 hour block of courses that students take before proceeding to other art courses. The Foundations Committee will focus on the Drawing courses this year and work to revise and strengthen the curriculum of these courses. 
The BFA Portfolio Review process will be revised to make expectations clearer to students and to faculty who teach foundation drawing courses.
Two new tenure track Art History faculty have been hired by the Department. They will redevelop the Art History curriculum, updating courses, course descriptions and course offerings.

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(936) 294-1111