Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Kinesiology BS

3 Goals    3 Objectives    3 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Communication Skills

Communication Skills
Kinesiology BS students will communicate in oral and written forms their personal philosophy of a professional career in field of Kinesiology.

Communication Skills  
 A common embedded portion of KINE 1331 will require students to effectively communicate their personal philosophy of a career in the field of Kinesiology using both oral and written communications skills developed by the faculty.
Communication Skills  
Since our success at the minimum 75 percent, we have raised the criterion. Students must score at least 80 percent correct on the common faculty-developed rubric for the personal philosophy oral and written communication skills assignment.

Communication Skills  
Students majoring in the BS Kinesiology –Generalist Program successfully communicated their knowledge of the profession of Kinesiology and their personal philosophy regarding  career in the field of Kinesiology during the 2012-2013 assessment cycle. Eighty-four percent of the students achieved the 80% target score for the research paper, and eighty-eight students achieved the 80% target score for the research presentation conducted in the class.

Actions for Objective:

Communication Skills  
The Kinesiology Program faculty were pleased with the findings of this goal. The faculty has determined this goal is important to the professional development of the students and will therefore remain in the program goals for the 2013-2014 academic year.

GOAL: Content Knowledge

Content Knowledge
Students will be able to effectively gain and apply knowledge of the twelve sub-disciplines of the profession of Kinesiology.

Content Knowledge  
A common embedded portion of each KINE 1331 exam will require that student’s gain knowledge and apply the twelve sub-disciplines of the profession of Kinesiology.

Content Knowledge  
With barely making the criterion last year, the 2011-2012 criterion will remain another year. Students must score at least of 75 percent correct on the KINE 1331 exam that assesses their knowledge and application of the twelve sub-discipline of the profession of Kinesiology.

Kinesiology Content Knowledge  
Students majoring in the BS Kinesiology –Generalist Program successfully demonstrated their knowledge of the twelve sub-disciplines of the profession of Kinesiology during the 2012-2013 assessment cycle. Seventy-seven percent of the students achieved the 75% target score for the objective.

Actions for Objective:

Content Knowledge  
The Kinesiology Program faculty were pleased with the findings of this goal. The faculty has determined this goal is important to the professional development of the students and will increase the knowledge criteria of the goal to a minimum of 77 percent for the 2013-2014 academic year.

GOAL: Application Of Exercise Physiology

Application Of Exercise Physiology Principles
Students majoring in Kinesiology (BS) will be able to successfully explain, demonstrate, and prescribe exercises designed to improve the components of physical activity--muscular strength, flexibility, balance, power, speed, and cardiovascular endurance.

Application Of Exercise Physiology Principles  
One exam in KINE 3373 will require students to thoroughly explain, demonstrate, and prescribe exercises designed to improve the components of physical activity--muscular strength, flexibility, balance, power, speed, and cardiovascular endurance.
Application Of Exercise Physiology Principles  
Students enrolled in KINE 3373 must score 80 percent or higher on the exam that assesses student content knowledge of the components of physical activity--muscular strength, flexibility, balance, power, speed, and cardiovascular endurance.

This is a new goal for the KINE BS, so we will be establishing some baseline data during 2012-2013.
Application Of Exercise Physiology Principles  
One exam in KINE 3373-Physiology of Exercise was developed with embedded questions that focused on the components of physical activity-muscular strength, flexibility, balance, power, speed, and cardiovascular endurance. A total of 57% of the students achieved a score of 80% or higher on the exam.

Actions for Objective:

Application Of Exercise Physiology  
The Kinesiology Program faculty were disappointed with the findings of this goal. The faculty will include additional subject content and activities focusing on the principles and application of exercise science during the 2013-2014 academic year.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

After reviewing all of the findings, it was clear that not all students are achieving the target outcomes in content knowledge. In an effort to address these problems the Kinesiology program faculty has concluded that some students require more opportunities to practice, demonstrate, and apply competencies in the area of content knowledge concepts. Therefore, Kinesiology 1331 course will have at least two faculty-developed exams/activities related to the 12 sub-disciplines of Kinesiology. The Kinesiology program faculty are pleased that student performance in the communication skill requirement improved over the previous academic year and realize that our goal is to stretch students to achieve even higher levels of knowledge.

Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The Kinesiology Program faculty were pleased with the results of the communication skill objective and assessment results. The results for the objective relating to the components of physical activity were unacceptable to the program faculty. Although the goal and objectives were new for the assessment cycle, the Kinesiology Program faculty will emphasize these important elements to the students through additional lectures, class discussions, and interactive strategies. The content knowledge objective is critical to the understanding of the profession of Kinesiology and will remain as an assessment element.

Plan for Continuous Improvement

Upon review of the 2012-2013 assessment cycle findings, the Kinesiology Program faculty has increased the number of KINE 1331 course offerings which should enhance the delivery of course. These additional sections have smaller enrollments which will enable more innovative instructional strategies to be implemented into the course content. The course is also being offered by two faculty in an on-line version which should also enhance student learning for the distance-based gifted students. The faculty will also emphasize the importance of comprehending the components of physical activity in additional courses such as KINE 2115 and lower level activity courses. This repeated focus on physical activity should improve content knowledge.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111