Assessment : 2012 - 2013 : Educational Programs :
Criminal Justice, Victim Studies BA

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Domain Specific Knowledge Acquired By All Undergraduates

Exhibit Comprehensive Knowledge
Exhibit Comprehensive Knowledge

Senior Exit Exam  
Senior Exit Exam
70% Competency Overall  
70% Average Score Overall and 70% Average Score on Each Competency Area
Overall Competency Not Met  
Graduating seniors (3 out of 4) achieved an average of 62% on the overall exit exam. However, this result is not representative since it is only a sample of 3. Additionally, because the sample of graduating Victim Studies majors was only 3 separate competency area analyses were not completed

Actions for Objective:

Increase Completion Of Exit Exam  
Due to the limited number of graduating students who completed the exit exam, efforts will be undertaken to increase the sample of students who both complete the exam and score at the 70% baseline for demonstrating competency. Additionally, items contained in the exit exam will be re-evaluate to ensure that content reflects relevant coursework materials.

GOAL: Practical Application Of Knowledge

Gain Experience In Applied Victim Services Setting
Gain Experience in Applied Victim Services Setting.

Reflection Papers Written As A Part Of ACE Courses Or Internships  
Reflection Papers written as a part of ACE courses or Internships.
70% Average Score Achieved On Reflection Paper  
70% Average score on rubric evaluating reflection paper related to experience in applied setting gained during ACE course or Internship.
No Data To Report  
There is no data available to provide a finding for this indicator. The 4 Victim Studies graduates during this academic year completed the program under the previous curriculum and did not complete ACE courses or internships. Thus, there were no reflection papers to be assessed.


Actions for Objective:

Create Alternative Measure Of Competency For Applied Knowledge  
As there is not currently any data to provide a finding for this indicator, a new goal to assess student learning outcomes for applied knowledge will be discussed and implemented.

Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

Moving forward into the 2012-2013 academic year we will continue to assess and improve our undergraduate programs. During the last academic year we began implementing our updated and approved BA and BS programs in Victims Studies.  The goals for the BA/BS in Victims Studies for the 2012-2013 academic year will include these latest objectives.

During the academic year of 2011-2012 we exceeded our goal of having our graduating seniors score at the 70th (or higher) percentile on all exit exam component areas except one. The overall score was 77%. Thus, overall our new curriculum seems to be increasing our students’ knowledge.  Additionally, in the majority of the component areas, our students scored very high.  As in the previous years, our students scored below expectations in the area of Criminology/Theory.  We will assess the scores in the component areas for possible deficiencies or warranted changes in our courses.

During the 2012-2013 academic year we will embolden and support our undergraduates in their efforts to develop their research and writing skills by encouraging and supporting their attendance at local, regional, and national conferences. Additionally, we will meet with all Research Methods instructors to ensure the assessment rubric’s application in order to obtain a larger assessment of our students’ writing and research proposal skills.   

Update on Previous Cycle's "Plan for Continuous Improvement"

The previous academic year saw the continued implementation in our revised BA and BS programs. In order to evaluate domain specific knowledge for graduating seniors in Victim Studies, students completed an exit exam. Few students actually completed the exam and the average score achieved was a 62 percent, prompting the program committee to explore both the manner in which students are completing the exams and the items contained on the exams.

Moving forward during the 2013-2014 academic year, we will continue to facilitate opportunities for our BA and BS in victim studies students to participate in the research process by encouraging and supporting attendance at local, regional, and national conferences. Doing so will enable critical thinking and practical application of knowledge through the tangible research process.

Plan for Continuous Improvement

The Victim Studies undergraduate BA and BS program committee will plan for ways to increase student participation and completion in the exit exam to assess content knowledge. Additionally, alternative methods of assessing the practical application of knowledge will be formulated and implemented.

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(936) 294-1111