Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Reading MED (Reading Specialist)

2 Goals    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Quality And Effectiveness

Standards Of Proficiency
Graduate Reading Specialist candidates will meet or exceed the established standards of proficiency in the knowledge and skills required for Texas Reading Specialist Certification.

Candidates' Reading Specialist TExES Scores  
Candidates will successfully pass all domains of the Texas Reading Specialist certification examination, a standardized test developed by Educational Testing Service.
TExES Reading Specialist Scores  
100% of students taking the Reading Specialist exam will pass with a score that exceeds the state mean. Last year, we had 100% attain the goal; however, a weakness in Professional Knowledge and Leadership emerged. We are eager to determine if our more focused approach improves this area.
Candidates' Reading Specialist TExES Scores  
100% of students taking the Reading Specialist exam passed with a score that exceeds the state mean. There was no weakness shown in Professional Knowledge and Leadership.
Actions for Objective:

Candidates' Reading Specialist TExES Exam  
Reading graduate faculty will continue to focus on Professional Knowledge and Leadership. We will monitor exam scores to look for strengths and weaknesses.

GOAL: International Reading Association Standards Proficiency

International Reading Association Standards For Reading Specialists.
Candidates Will Demonstrate Proficiencies Of The International Reading Association Standards For Reading Specialists.

Portfolio Rubric  
Candidates create a portfolio that demonstrates their proficiency in each standard through work samples and reflection.  See attached rubric.
Candidates Will Score 85% On The Rubric Rated By Faculty Members.  
The reading faculty divide the standards among them (two faculty members per standard) to score the portfolios. The weakness that emerged was in Professional Learning and Leadership.  We anticipate that our intense focus in this area will improve scores.
Portfolio Assessment  
 All candidates mastered the IRA Standards at 85% or better as indicated on the Portfolio Rubric.
Actions for Objective:

Portfolio Assessment  
 The Portfolio Rubric will be changed to more accurately reflect the requirements of the new online portfolio. We will change the criteria to "All students will score at least a '1' (acceptable) on all standards."

Closing the Loop

The reading faculty has accomplished all of its objectives for the year. Because all objectives have been met, we feel our program has been strengthened. We will strive towards meeting all of our objectives. The objectives that were met are as follows: All candidates passed the Reading Specialist TExES Exam; and all students scored at least 85% on their Masters Portfolios. For next year, we are going to raise the standard for the Masters Portfolio, so that our goal will be for all students to score at least 90% on their Masters Portfolios. Our goal for the Reading Specialist TExES Exam will be for 100% of candidates to pass the TExES Exam for the Reading Specialist, particularly addressing all Domains so that scores are above the state mean. In addition, faculty will be implementing a virtual orientation for new students to cover portfolio requirements, and faculty will incorporate activities and assignments related to Domain IV throughout the sequence of courses.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111