Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Instructional Leadership MA, MED

1 Goal    2 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    2 Actions

GOAL: Mastery Of Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards

Produce A Portfolio Reflecting Completion Of Embedded Internship Activities Aligned With ELCC Standards 1-6.
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills aligned to Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards by completing internship activities in each of the core courses (e.g., Instructional leadership and Instructional Leadership Development (ILD), Curriculum Planning, Research Methods, Special Program and Special Populations, Psychology of Learning, and Supervision Practicum).

Completion Of Embedded Internship Activities  
Upon completion of the Supervision Practicum, students will submit a portfolio that contains all of the internship activities with a reflection on how the activities have helped them develop skill.
Embedded Activity Analysis  
95% percent of the candidates for the Master's degree in Instructional Leadership will receive a passing score on their portfolios.
Demonstrating Proficiency Via The Internship Portfolio  
During 2011-2012, 81.25% of our Instructional Leadership interns received passing scores on their portfolios.  Although most students are successfully completing their portfolios, we discovered that some students are not mastering the content because they are not completing their internship projects and/or field work during the coursework or during the internship.  

Actions for Objective:

Improving Student Successful Completion Of Portfolio  
We began assessing the alignment of our activities and course content, and we began looking at the Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium Standards to identify those standards that are most appropriate for teacher leaders.  At this point we must, now address student performance on the various outcomes for the courses.  This means, students who do not complete their assignments or assessments during the correct course must be held accountable within the specific course(s) and not at the end of the degree program.  At the program level we need to determine a tool through the university reporting systems to better assess how successfully our students are mastering the course content.  

GOAL: Mastery Of Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards

Students Will Demonstrate Mastery Of Learning, Professional Development, Management, And Community Support.
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills in Instructional Leadership course content. All course content is aligned to Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards. Educational Leadership Constituent Consortium (ELCC) Standards for instructional leadership are (2) promote positive culture, provide effective instructional programs, apply best practices for student learning, and promote professional development; (4) collaborate with stakeholders; respond to community interest and needs, and mobilize community resources; (5)act fairly and with integrity; and (6)understand, respond to, and influence the larger context.

Comprehensive Examination  
All of the students enrolled in the IL MA or MED program will demonstrate master-level knowledge by taking the comprehensive examination. Faculty developed rubrics are used to evaluate students' responses to the various exam questions

Score At Least A 2, Indicating Passing Status  
Students will be scored using a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being "fail" and 2 being "pass" and 3 being "high pass." Last year we had 100% “pass,” but the previous year was not 100%.  If we are able to sustain the passing level again this year, we will raise the criterion next year.

Comprehensive Exam Reporting  
During 2011-2012, 100% of the students in the instructional leadership program demonstrated mastery of the IL course outcomes as demonstrated by passing grades (at least a 2) on their comprehensive exam.  Students do not have one common set of outcomes that are identified as an area of concern.  Across the entire curriculum, students have various issues (e.g., leadership, special populations, instructional supervision, etc.) 

Actions for Objective:

Improving Student Learning As Measured By Comprehensive Exams  
Faculty must address online instruction as this is our main source of delivery.  We must help our part time faculty better use the online environment for assessment as well as instruction.  We must also use the university reporting system to identify students in need of help earlier in the program.  Of great help to our students would be a Comprehensive Exam study guide.  All of our course activities and projects must continually be evaluated to make sure they are valid.  Student success is based on the work we do to instruct, to supervise, and to encourage students, and the success is also related to the effort of the student.  To help with this we will put more effort into assessment with significant feedback.

Closing the Loop

Faculty must address online instruction as this is our main source of delivery.  We must help our part time faculty better use the online environment for assessment as well as instruction.  We must also use the university reporting system to identify students in need of help earlier in the program.  Of great help to our students would be a Comprehensive Exam study guide.  All of our course activities and projects must continually be evaluated to make sure they are valid.  Student success is based on the work we do to instruct, to supervise, and to encourage students, and the success is also related to the effort of the student.  To help with this we will put more effort into assessment with significant feedback.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111