Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Dance BA

1 Goal    1 Objective    1 Indicator    1 Criterion    1 Finding    1 Action

GOAL: Continue To Support Dance BA During Phase-out

Dance BA Students Will Demonstrate Proficiency In Dance Technique
Dance BA students will  be expected to demonstrate proficiency in both Modern Dance and Ballet Technique by completion of their Dance major program

Technique Placement Screening Assessment  
Like all dance majors, the BA students will be required to undergo Technique class placement screening each semester in order to be 'placed' in the appropriate level technique class in that semester. 

The assessment is conducted by a jury of Modern or Ballet faculty, as appropriate. The faculty adjudicators use the Technique Placement Rubric (both attached) for either Ballet or Modern and rate students on a scale of 1-4 on 10 standards and then render judgment about the placement of the student which are translated into the three levels:
-Ready for the subsequent technique class level
-Not Ready and required to repeat the level last completed
-In Need of Remediation and required to take a level lower than the one  last completed. 

The assessments of Junior and Senior level  Dance BA Students who underwent technique class placement screening for either or both Ballet or Modern Technique  in  Fall 2010 and Spring 2011 were  identified, grouped, and summarized for the evaluation of their Technical competence in dance. 

90% Of BA Juniors/ Seniors Promoted To Intermediate Ballet Or Modern  
90% of the Juniors and Seniors assessed for this program evaluation will be judged technically competent to be placed in Intermediate level technique classes for Modern or Ballet.

Majors Placed In Intermediate-Advanced Technique  
As of spring 2012, there are 5 remaining BA candidates in dance. All are seniors.   Of these, 100% are placed in the intermediate level for at least one of the two required techniques.

Actions for Objective:

Criterion Met  
The remaining seniors in the BA program have met the minimum criterion for completion of the dance technique component. 

Closing the Loop

All remaining BAs should complete their degrees by the spring of 2013. Should there be a significant shift in either the composition of faculty or student need, we may revisit the feasibility of offering the degree. 

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111