Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Biology MS

3 Goals    3 Objectives    3 Indicators    3 Criteria    3 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Develop Students' Professional Skills

Communicate Research Findings
Each student will demonstrate the ability to communicate research findings in oral and written form through presentations at professional conferences and scientific publications

Professional Aspects Course  
All students are required to complete a professional aspects course (in their first semester, BIO520) in which they: 1) Prepare a mock proposal based on their research prospectus; 2) Deliver oral presentations of results in a simulated conference setting; 3) Prepare and edit manuscripts for publication. Student assignments are reviewed by 3 - 5 faculty members including their director.
Professional Aspects Course  
All graduate students will perform at a level deemed acceptable by the course instructor and associated faculty.

Graduates - Prof Aspects  
8 graduate students went through the professional aspects course. 75% successfully completed all assignments with a grade of A (including manuscript prep and presentations). 25% completed with a grade of B. None recieved below a B.
Actions for Objective:

Professional Aspects Graduates  
The department will continue to offer professional aspects and explore ways to increase mastery of objectives in this course.

GOAL: Develop Students' Scientific Skills And Knowledge

General Knowledge In Biological Sciences
Students completing the master's degree will possess sufficient knowledge in the general biological sciences to teach freshmen and sophomore level courses.

Mastery Of Knowledge - Oral Exam  
All graduate students will demonstrate mastery of graduate course content through an oral graduate comprehensive exam, administered by a faculty committee. The examination consists of questions in three areas of concentration, depending on the student's emphasis and research area. While questions are originally posed by the faculty member who taught the respective courses, all members of the committee or faculty who are present may probe the student's understanding of the material through further questions.
Mastery Of Knowledge - Oral Exam  
Each student is required to pass all three areas addressed in the examination as determined by a consensus of the entire committee. In the event that a student does not pass a portion(s) of the oral exam, the committee may choose to offer the student a written examination. The student MUST pass the written exam to continue in the program.
Oral Exam Completion  
9 students successfully completed comprehenisve oral exams given by a faculty committee of 3 members. Successful completion indicates faculty approval that the student has a master of the general knowledge in the biological sciences.
Actions for Objective:

Continue Activities - Oral Exams  
The biological sciences will continue to administer oral exams to exiting MS students.  The department will consider developing a standard way of evaluating these exiting exams.

GOAL: Develop Students' Knowledge Of A Subfield In Biology

Detailed Knowledge Of Current Research
Each student will develop detailed knowledge of current research within their thesis area of biology.

Thesis Bibliography  
Each student completes a thesis describing their research problem, experiments, findings, and conclusions. To demonstrate relevance of the research topic, each student must prepare a detailed bibliographical outline of current research in the area. The ability to complete this section of the thesis will serve to demonstrate the students understanding and familiarity of the literature.
Thesis Defense  
As part of the defense of the thesis, thesis committee members evaluate the quality of the bibliographical presentation in the manuscript. All students must demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the literature through the preparation of this document before the thesis is approved.
Written Thesis Completion  
7 Graduate students successfully wrote and defended thesis during this review period. Completion was awarded for each student through a concencus agreemdeemed of 3 faculty that the work satisfied a detail knowledge of thier chosen biological discipline.
Actions for Objective:

Continue Activities - Theses Defense  
The biological sciences will continue to administer thesis defenses to exiting MS students. The department review ways to encourage publication of theses before graduation.

Closing the Loop

These data indicate that the biology department continues to meet targets by training MS students.  The department will begin comparing pre and post knowledge based on the 2012-13 objectives.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111