Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Mass Communication BA

4 Goals    4 Objectives    4 Indicators    4 Criteria    4 Findings    4 Actions

GOAL: Writing Skills Development

Writing Skills
MCOM graduates will demonstrate appropriate writing skills with emphasis given to grammar, structure, organization, clarity, fluency, and style.

Assessment By Writing Skills Exam  
Students in MCOM 1332 will be tested to assess development of their writing skills over the course of the semester. The initial test will be an essay administered at the beginning of the term, which will be followed by a second essay at the close of the semester.  This procedure will allow instructors to assess improvement in writing skills.  Students will be expected to demonstrate improvement in grammar, structure, organization, clarity, fluency, and style. 

Writing Skills Exam In MCOM 1332  
At least 80% of students in various sections of MCOM 1332 will score 75 or better (out of 100) on a writing skills exam.
Writing Skills Assessment  
Of two sections of MCOM 1332 that reported results on the writing skills exam, one met projected goals.  In this section 80% of students scored 80 or better (out of a possible 100 points) on the second diagnostic exam.  One section did not meet projected goals, with 75% of students scoring 80 or better (out of a possible 100 points). Students in the section that did not meet projected goals were weakest in basic grammatical skills.
Actions for Objective:

Continued Assessment Of Writing Skills  
Faculty who teach sections of MCOM 1332 will meet to discuss the assessment instrument.  Another diagnostic test will be administered next Fall/Spring Semesters.   Faculty who are newly assigned to sections of MCOM 1332 will be tutored on successful assessment strategies. MCOM will assign as many sections of MCOM 1332 to one or two veteran faculty members to promote standardization. Faculty will identify students at mid-semester who are struggling with grammar skills and will refer these students to the SHSU Writing Center.

GOAL: Knowledge Of Media Law & Ethics

Knowledge Of Specific Legal Concepts & Theories
MCOM graduates will demonstrate a working knowledge of legal concepts and theories (First Amendment, copyright, privacy, libel, etc.) as they apply to emerging legal matters specific to the practice of journalism, radio, television, film and public relations.

Assessment By Exit Exam--Media Law & Ethics  
Graduating seniors in MCOM 4371 will take an Exit Exams. The exam tests students on specific case law and on general principles related to the First Amendment, copyright, privacy and libel.  Questions addressed specific precedent cases (Johnson v TX, New York Times v Sullivan) and more general legal issues (free speech, digital copyright, journalistic ethics).
Exit Exam -- Media Law & Ethics  
At least 80% of the graduating seniors will score 80 or better (out of 100) on the Mass Media Law & Ethics Exit Exam.
Assessment Of Knowledge Of Media Law  
For the third assessment period in a row objectives were met in MCOM 4371.  For this period, exactly 80% of graduating seniors scored 80 or better (out of a possible 100 points) on the exit exam. Students were weakest in terms of legal issues applied to the digital environs.
Actions for Objective:

Assessment Of Knowledge Of Media Law & Ethics  
In lieu of an Exit Exam, students in MCOM 4371 will be administered a before/after Diagnostic Exam at the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester. This exam will focus on the appropriate application of traditional legal concepts to emerging issues in the evolving digital environment. MCOM faculty who teach this class will meet in the Fall Semester to draft a version of the Diagnostic Exam.  The Exam will be administered in sections of MCOM 4371 taught in the Spring 2013 Semester.

GOAL: Global Media Systems And Information Economies

Knowledge Of Specific Global Concepts & Theories
MCOM graduates will demonstrate knowledge of global media systems and will develop skills to employ concepts and theories in assessing global media systems and different information economies.

Assessment By Exam -- MCOM 4393 Global Media  
Students in MCOM 4393 will take an assessment exam that measures their knowledge of concepts and theories used to appraise global media systems and information economies.
Assessment Exam -- MCOM 4393 Global Media  
At least 80% of the students -- combined from two sections of MCOM 4393 -- will score 80 or better (out of 100) on the Global Media Exit Exam.
Assessment Of Global Concepts & Theories  
Ninety-one percent of the students in one section of MCOM 4393 scored 80 or better (out of a possible 100 points) on an assessment exam.  In a second section of MCOM 4393, 74% of the students scored 80 or better on the assessment exam. Students in the class who did not meet projected goals appeared to be weak in basic knowledge of global politics and geography.  
Actions for Objective:

Adjusting Assessment Of MCOM 4393  
Faculty who teach MCOM 4393 in the future will 1) address issues related to global politics and geography at the beginning of the semester and 2) design in-class or online exercises that specifically focus on these two issues.  Due to other curriculum changes, MCOM 4393 Global Media will be retired from the MCOM Department's Core Courses.  The class will be maintained as an Advanced Elective option.  Faculty who teach MCOM 4393 will meet with the Chair of MCOM to discuss how best to migrate the course from the Core to Advanced Elective status.

GOAL: Information Processing Development

Computer Literacy Skills
MCOM graduates will demonstrate computer literacy skills including database manipulation and web-related research techniques.

Assessment By Information Analysis Tests  
MCOM majors will demonstrate professional skills related to use of computer software, data base manipulation techniques and Web-related research techniques in MCOM 3330 using common criteria developed by the faculty.
Class Project In MCOM 3330  
At least 80% of MCOM students in various sections of MCOM 3330 (Information Analysis) will score 80 (out of 100) or better on a class project that requires use of database management, electronic document retrieval and other web-based information-gathering techniques.

Assessment Of Computer Literacy Skills In MCOM 3330  
In one section of MCOM 3330, 75% of the students scored 80 or better (out of a possible 100 points) on a class project.  In a second section of MCOM 3330, 71% of the students scored 80 or better. A significant number of students in these two sections of MCOM 3330 submitted incomplete online assignments.
Actions for Objective:

Adjusting Assessment Of Computer Literacy Skills In MCOM 3330  
This class has met Objectives in the past.  Faculty who taught MCOM 3330 this year will meet to discuss ways to improve the practice of assigning online submissions.  Due to other curriculum changes, MCOM 3330 will be retired from the MCOM Department's curriculum offerings by the end of next academic year.  Faculty who taught MCOM 3330 in Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 will meet to plan for integrating specific web-based information-gathering practices addressed in MCO 3330 into other media-writing classes in the MCOM Department.

Closing the Loop

The Mass Communication Department is devoted to developing and maintaining a curriculum that will produce students with professional writing and computer-skill competencies (MCOM 1332 and MCOM 3330), with a working knowledge of mass media law and ethics (MCOM 4371), and with a working knowledge of global media practices (MCOM 4393). 

Skills-based Projects and Exit Exams in various sections of these four courses indicate that generally the MCOM Department has achieved its goals.  

In regards to knowledge of media law and ethics, students in MCOM 4371 exhibited acceptable competencies on the Exit Exam.  Faculty will adjust the assessment instrument to more specifically address the application of media law theories and concepts to the emerging digital environs.

In regards to writing skills, students in one section of MCOM 1332 did exhibit acceptable levels of competence. Students in one section of MCOM 1332 did not exhibit acceptable levels of competence. Faculty will 1) adjust pedagogical strategies to emphasize grammatical skills, 2) identify students who need to be referred to the SHSU Writing Center, and 3) standardize course content across sections.  

In regards to computer competency skills, students in two sections of MCOM 3330 did not meet stated goals. Faculty will reassess practices related to online assignments.  Due to other curriculum changes this class will be retired from the MCOM Core curriculum, faculty will meet in the Fall 2012 Semester to identify specific web-based skills addressed in MCOM 3330 that will be migrated into other media-writing classes in the MCOM curriculum.

In regards to knowledge of global media, students in one section of MCOM 4393 met the projected competency scores. In a second section of MCOM 4393, students did not meet the ojective goals.  Faculty who teach this class in the future will emphasize topics related to geography and global politics at the beginning of the semester.  Due to other curriculum changes, MCOM 4393 will be retired from the MCOM Core.  The course will be offered as an Advanced Elective. 

Another Core Course MCOM 2271 (Introduction to Visual Literacy) will be included in the SACS Report next year.  Faculty will meet in Fall 2012 to fashion an instrument to assess this introductory production course.

Generally, the MCOM Department is improving in developing and maintaining a curriculum that helps students become better writers, become competent with computer-based skills, and become familiar with mass media law and global media issues. Efforts to improve in these areas (e.g., establishing new Assessment Objectives, adjusting current Assessment Instruments, and adapting Curriculum) will be coordinated by the Chair of MCOM and the new Dean of the College of Fine Arts and Mass Communication as MCOM integrates into the new college.

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