Assessment : 2011 - 2012 : Educational Programs :
Sociology MA

1 Goal    3 Objectives    2 Indicators    2 Criteria    2 Findings    3 Actions

GOAL: Sociological Competency

Application Of Core Sociological Areas And Concepts
Graduate students in Sociology will be able to use a sociological perspective, demonstrate knowledge of sociological theory, research methods, and statistics, and apply appropriate sociological concepts to the topic of study.

Application Of Core Sociological Areas And Concepts In Sociological Paper  
A sample of written material produced by MA students in the Applied Core classes is selected for in-depth analysis by the Graduate Committee. The papers are evaluated by the Graduate Committee made up of the Director of Graduate Studies and other committee members appointed by the Chair. The papers are evaluated on a 5-point scale on the use of a sociological perspective, demonstration of knowledge of sociological theory, and the application of appropriate sociological methods to the topic of study. This assessment was developed by the Graduate Committee and approved by the entire faculty.

Application Of Core Sociological Areas And Concepts In A Sociological Paper: Desired Results  
At least 80% of randomly selected papers from the core classes will be rated 3.5 or higher on the 5-point scale.
Sociological Paper: Findings  
88% of students performed satisfactorily. Overall, students scored higher on the "use of a sociological perspective" and "application of appropriate sociological methods" indicators. They scored lower on the "demonstration of knowledge of sociological theory" indicator.

Actions for Objective:

Sociological Paper: Actions  
The data indicate that the desired result is exceeded. Those who did not perform satisfactorily did not meet the minimum evaluative criteria regarding application of core sociological areas and concepts. The department will make improvements in curricula and teaching to reduce the percentage of students who do not meet the minimum criteria and work for stronger outcomes in the area of knowledge of sociological theory.

GOAL: Sociological Competency

Demonstrate Sociological Competency: Exit Level
Students who complete the MA program in Sociology will be able to apply and communicate the core concepts of the discipline as demonstrated in a professional research paper.

Demonstrate Sociological Competency: Professional Paper  
All MA sociology students are required to write a professional paper. The professional paper is a culminating experience for graduate students. As a capstone to the academic program, this scholarly paper demonstrates the student’s ability to evaluate, collect, organize, and communicate data consistent with criteria posed for scholarly presentations and publications. The requirement for a professional paper provides:

  1. A mechanism for reinforcing skills learned within the research methods course.
  2. A vehicle for determining whether or not the professional skill of written abilities is evidenced by the candidates.
  3. Opportunities for the student to publish and make a contribution to the profession.
All Graduate Faculty in the department are called upon to review draft professional paper submitted by the Masters student on its adequacy of sociological theory and the appropriateness of methods and data. In-depth written feedback is then provided to the student and Director of Graduate Studies and a revision plan and timeline is prepared by the Director of Graduate Studies. Students are then supervised by a member of the Graduate Faculty as the professional paper is developed and completed. Before successful completion, the paper needs to be reviewed and collectively approved by Graduate faculty, the Director of Graduate Studies and the Department Chair.

Professional Paper: Desired Results  
At least 90% of randomly selected Professional Papers will be rated 3.5 or higher on the 5-point scale after feedback is given to the student.

Professional Paper: Findings  
No student completed a professional paper during AY2012 because there were no graduates in Fall 2011 or Spring 2012.
Actions for Objective:

Professional Paper: Actions  
No student completed a professional paper during AY2012; therefore, no action was necessary.

GOAL: Sociological Competency

Assess Sociological Competency: Entry Level
The level of sociological competency in the areas of sociological theory, research methods, and statistics will be assessed for all students upon admission to the Graduate Program.

Actions for Objective:

Sociological Competency In Theory, Methods, And Statistics: Entry Level Actions  
Students with deficiencies in one or more areas (i.e., scores less than 3.5) are encouraged to enroll in undergraduate level classes to bolster their familiarity of the particular subject of the deficiency (theory, methods, or statistics). Since the online program is new, we have not yet established a baseline of those who take the recommendation and those who do not, as well as the outcome of each.

Closing the Loop

During AY2012, the admission criteria for the online MA in Sociology were modified. We continue to see steadily improvements in the quality of applicants. The level of competency in theory, methods, and statistics for all students admitted to the program will be assessed upon admission to the program. Students with deficiencies in one or more areas will be encouraged to enroll in undergraduate classes. We will monitor the outcome of this process in AY2013. The Department will make improvements in curricula and teaching to reduce the percentage of students who do not meet expectations with respect to the application of core sociological areas and concepts in a written sociological paper. Due to the newness of the online MA program, we did not have any students complete their professional paper this past year. However, several students will begin writing their professional papers early in AY2013. The Director of Graduate Studies will closely monitor this process. The Director of Graduate Studies will ensure that expectations are met.

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