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Department of Health Services and Promotion

BA in Bilingual Health Care Studies | BS in Health - Community Health Emphasis |
BS Health—Fitness Emphasis | BS in Health - Wellness Management | BS in Health - Public Health | BS in Health-Health Sciences | BS in Health - Health Care Administration | Minor in Health | Course Descriptions

Acting Chair: Dr. Miguel Zuniga (936)-294-1039

Bill Hyman
, Rosanne Keathley, Emily Roper, Susie Stone, Miguel Zuniga, Stephen Brown, Amanda Scarborough


The mission of the Health Services and Promotion Program at Sam Houston State University is to enhance the health and improve the quality of life for individuals, families, and communities through the provision of service and research in the areas of health education and health promotion.

Academic Programs


  • Nationally-recognized
  • Honorary affiliation (Eta Sigma Gamma)
  • Student-focused
  • Value student diversity (various ethnic and cultural backgrounds)
  • Seeking to create a diverse pool of graduates for successful entry into the workforce
  • Outstanding faculty and staff

Suggested Minors

  • Business
  • Communication
  • Criminal Justice
  • Marketing
  • Education
  • Kinesiology
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

Career Opportunities

  • Hospitals
  • Geriatric facilities
  • Correctional Health Care
  • Corporate health promotion programs
  • Federal, state and local health agencies
  • Fitness settings
  • School settings
  • Voluntary agencies
  • Clinical settings

Student Organizations

  • Eta Sigma Gamma - National Health Science Honorary Society - requires a 3.0 GPA in Health and an overall 2.5 GPA; focus is research, service and education; volunteer hours required.
  • KRASH — Kinesiology, Health & Recreation of Sam Houston — promotes healthy lifestyles; open to all students


The undergraduate Health program provides for majors a 400-hour professional internship and minors a 200-hour internship sanctioned by the Society of Public Health Educators. The internship will be conducted in either the school, community, medical or corporate health setting under the instruction and supervision of a qualified and experienced health-care professional.


  • Cady/Huskey Health Education Scholarship-Full-time junior or senior Health major displaying leadership potential with at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • Department of Health & Kinesiology ScholarshipHealth or Kinesiology major demonstrating financial need with a satisfactory GPA.
  • Robert L. Case Health & Kinesiology Wellness Scholarship—Health or Kinesiology major displaying leadership potential with at least a 3.0 GPA and reflecting a high level of fitness.
  • Roy G. Moss, Jr., Health Education Scholarship— Majors in Health or Kinesiology, who demonstrate financial need, have an exemplary GPA, display leadership potential and are actively involved in community health issues.


Bachelor of Arts, Major in Bilingual Health Care Studies

3 Digit to 4 Digit Crosswalk

Bachelor of Arts - Major in Bilingual Health Care Studies
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements
CSTE 1330 3
HLTH 4387 3
HLTH 3391 3
HLTH 2372 3
HLTH 2383 3
HLTH 4392 3
HLTH 4393 3
HLTH 4394 3
FACS 2362 3
BIOL 2402 4
SOCI 2319 3
Upper level Sociology course 3
Upper level Sociology course 3
One from: SOCI 3354, SOCI 3443, SOCI 3381, FACS 4360, PHIL 4371, COUN 2331, COUN 3331, COUN 3332 3
3000 or 4000 level courses in SOCI, FACS, COUN, PHIL, or PHYS 16
Minor in a Foreign Language Required
19+ hours required in Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, American Sign Language, or Arabic. Must include 6 advanced hours in a Special Topics Seminar. 19+
Total Hours 120

Key Competency Areas:

  • Assessing individual and community needs
  • Planning effective health education programs
  • Implementing health education programs
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of health education programs
  • Coordinating the provision of health education services
  • Acting as a resource person
  • Communication of health and health education needs

Bachelor of Science, Major in Health (Community Education)

3 Digit to 4 Digit Crosswalk

HLTH 1360 & HLTH 1366 should be completed prior to taking upper level (3000-4000) coursework.
*HLTH 4393 must be completed prior to enrollment in HLTH 4394.
**HLTH 4394 is the Community Health Internship.  Internships are performed during the final summer session prior to the student’s anticipated graduation. Requires 400 clock hours of work in internship location that is approved by the internship coordinator.
Bachelor of Science - Major in Health (Community Education)
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 2401 4
BIOL 2402 4 Sophomore
FACS 2362 3 Sophomore
ENGL 3330 3 Junior
CHEM 1407 or CHEM 1412 4 Freshman
MATH 1369 or STAT 1369 3 Junior
CSTE 1330 3 Sophomore
Major Core
HLTH 1366 3 Freshman
HLTH 4387 3 Senior
HLTH 4393* 3 Senior
HLTH 4394** 6 Senior
HLTH 1360 3 Freshman
HLTH 2330 3 Sophomore
HLTH 2380 3 Sophomore
HLTH 3390 3 Junior
HLTH 3392 3 Junior
HLTH 4160
HLTH Elective – Any 3 Sophomore
HLTH Elective 3000 - 4000 3 Junior
Electives hours needed to meet 120 and 42 advance hours 1
Minor (if required)
18+Hours 18 Freshman-Sophomore
Total Hours 120


Bachelor of Science, Major in Health—Fitness Emphasis

This degree option prepares students for employment as managers of adult fitness settings including private health clubs, YMCAs, and corporate wellness programs.

3 Digit to 4 Digit Crosswalk

HLTH 1360 & HLTH 1366 should be completed prior to taking upper level (3000-4000) coursework.
*HLTH 4393 must be completed prior to enrollment in HLTH 4394
**HLTH 4394 is the Community Health Internship.  Internships are performed during the final summer session prior to the student’s anticipated graduation. Requires 400 clock hours of work in internship location that is approved by the internship coordinator.
Bachelor of Science - Major in Health, Fitness Emphasis
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 2401 4 Freshman
MATH 1369 or STAT 1369 3 Sophomore
CHEM 1406 or CHEM 1411 4 Sophomore
CHEM 1407 or CHEM 1412 4
FACS 2362 or FACS 1367 3 Sophomore
CSTE 1330 3 Sophomore
HLTH 1366 3 Freshman
HLTH 2380 3 Freshman
HLTH 3391 3 Junior
HLTH 3392 3 Junior
HLTH 4361 3 Senior
HLTH 4393* 3 Senior
HLTH 4394** 6 Senior
Select from HLTH 2372, HLTH 2381, HLTH 3385, HLTH 3390,
HLTH 4370, HLTH 4390
9 Sophomore-Senior
Minor (if required)
KINE 2330 3 Sophomore
KINE 2114 1 Sophomore
KINE 2115W (also counts in core) 1 Freshman
KINE 3370 3 Junior
KINE 3373 3 Junior
KINE 4373 3 Senior
KINE 4377 3 Senior
KINE 2119 1 Sophomore
Business Support Courses
MGMT 3310 3 Junior
BUAD 3355 3 Junior
MKTG 3310 3 Junior
Electives as needed to complete 120 hours including 42 advanced hours 2
Total Hours 120

Bachelor of Science, Major in Wellness Management
(Available Fall 2014)

This degree option prepares students for employment as manager sof wellness and health promotion programs that include corporate wellness programs, private health clubs, senior living facilities, and community and private health/wellness programs.

Degree must have 120 hours with at least 42 advanced hours (3000 and 4000) taken at a four year institution, 18 hours must be writing enhanced (W).
Consult current University catalog for questions concerning transfer courses and residency requirements.
Courses that count in the Texas Core Curriculum are indicated with an asterisk (*).
HLTH 4384 must be completed prior to enrollment in HLTH 4394 (internship).
HLTH 4394 (internship) is the Wellness Management Internship that requires 400 hours of work in the internship location. Internships are performed during the final semester prior to students anticipated graduation date.
Bachelor of Science - Major in Wellness Management
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements (17 hours)
BIOL 2402 4 Freshman
STAT 1369 3 Sophomore
CHEM 1407 4 Sophomore
FACS 2362 or FACS 1367 3 Sophomore
SCTE 1330 or BUAD 1305 3 Sophomore
Health Major (35 Hours)
HLTH 2381 3 Freshman/Sophomore
HLTH 3380 3 Junior
HLTH 3361 3 Junior
HLTH 3391 3 Junior
HLTH 3392 3 Junior
HLTH 4363 3 Senior
HLTH 4384 3 Senior
HLTH 4364 3 Senior
HLTH 3219 2 Junior
HLTH 4387 3 Senior
HLTH 4394 6 Senior
Interdisciplinary Minor (26 Hours)
KINE 2330 3 Freshman/Sophomore
KINE 3370 3 Junior
KINE 3373 3 Junior
KINE 2115* 1 Freshman/Sophomore
KINE 4377 3 Senior
KINE 2119 1 Freshman/Sophomore
KINE 2114 1 Freshman/Sophomore
BUAD 3355 3 Senior
MGMT 3310 3 Junior
MGMT 3330 3 Senior
MKTG 3310 3 Junior
Total Hours 120

Bachelor of Science, Major in Public Health
(Available Fall 2014)

Degree must have 120 hours with at least 42 advanced hours (3000 and 4000) taken at a four year institution, 18 hours must be writing enhanced (W).
Consult current University catalog for questions concerning transfer courses and residency requirements.
Courses that count in the Texas Core Curriculum are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Bachelor of Science - Major in Public Health (Available Fall 2014)
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements (34 Hours)
HLTH 1360 3 Freshman
BIOL 2401* 4 Freshman
BIOL 2402 4 Freshman
CHEM 1406 or CHEM 1411* 4 Freshman
MATH 1314* 3 Freshman
MATH 1369 3 Freshman
PSYC 1301* 3 Freshman
PSYC 3374 3 Freshman
FACS 2362 3 Sophomore
HLTH 3350 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 3360 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 4380 3 Sophomore
HLTH 3391 3 Junior
HLTH 4387 3 Junior
HLTH 4390
Prescribed Electives (Select 44 hours from the following courses):
BIOL 2420 4 Freshman/Sophomore
SOCI 1301 3 Freshman/Sophomore
SOCI 3365 3 Junior/Senior
SOCI 4334 3 Junior/Senior
ENGL 3330* 3 Junior/Senior
MATH 1316 3 Freshman/Sophomore
MATH 3379 3 Junior/Senior
PHYS 1301 3 Freshman/Sophomore
PHYS 1101 1 Freshman/Sophomore
HLTH 2372 3 Freshman/Sophomore
HLTH 2382 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 2383 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 3219 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 3361 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 3362 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 3385 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 3390 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 3392 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 4363 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 4364 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 4370 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 4384 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 4394 3 Junior/Senior
HLTH 4992 3 Junior/Senior
KINE 3362 3 Junior/Senior
KINE 3373 3 Junior/Senior
PSYC 3331 3 Junior/Senior
PSYC 3333 3 Junior/Senior
Total Hours 120

Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 1411 4
BIOL 1413 (Core) 4
BIOL 2440 3
CHEM 1411 (Core) 4
CHEM 1412 4
CHEM 2123 1
CHEM 2323 3
HLTH 1360 3
HLTH 2372 3
*HLTH 3360 3
HLTH 3391 3
HLTH 4387 3
HLTH 4390 3
MATH 1410 (Core) 4
MATH 3379 3
Prescribed Electives (Select from the following. Students may select no more than 20 credit hours of science and math. The rest of the electives must be from outside science and math.)
BIOL 2401 4
BIOL 2402 4
BIOL 3420 4
BIOL 3440 4
BIOL 3450 4
BIOL 3470 4
BIOL 4350 3
BIOL 4360 3
BIOL 4380 3
BIOL 4460 4
BIOL 4480
BIOL 4490
BIOL 4493
CHEM 2125
CHEM 2325 3
CHEM 3339 3
CHEM 3438 4
FACS 2362 3
HLTH 3380 3
HLTH 2383 3
HLTH 3392 3
HLTH 4370 3
HLTH 4392 3
HLTH 4393 3
KINE 3363 3
KINE 3373 3
MATH 1420 4
PHYS 1101 1
PHYS 1301 3
PHYS 1302 3
PSYC 3374 3
PSYC 3331 3
Select 41 hours of Electives 41
Total Hours 120

Bachelor of Science, Major in Health - Health Care Administration
(Available Fall 2014)

Degree must have 120 hours with at least 42 advanced hours (3000 and 4000) taken at a four year institution, 18 hours must be writing enhanced (W).
Consult current University catalog for questions concerning transfer courses and residency requirements.
Courses that count in the Texas Core Curriculum are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Bachelor of Science - Major in Health, Health Care Administration (Available Fall 2014)
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements (73 Hours)
ECON 2301 3 Sophomore
BIOL 2402 4 Sophomore
BUAD 2301 3 Sophomore
CHEM 1406* 4 Freshman
FACS 2362 4 Sophomore
MGMT 3310 3 Junior
HLTH 1360 3 Freshman
HLTH 2372 1  Sophomore
HLTH 3350 3 Junior
HLTH 3360 3 Junior
HLTH 3361 3 Junior
MGMT 3330 3 Junior
HLTH 3391 3 Junior
HLTH 4363 3 Senior
HLTH 4365 3 Senior
HLTH 4366 3 Senior
HLTH 4380 3 Senior
HLTH 4387 3 Senior
HLTH 4390 3 Senior
HLTH 4394 3 Senior
MATH 1314* 3 Freshman
MATH 3379 3 Junior
ECON 4350 3 Senior
BUAD 3335 3 Junior
PHIL 4333 3 Senior
PSYC 1301* 3 Freshman
SOCI 3354 3 Junior
Prescribed Electives (select 5 hours from the following courses):
FINC 3320 3 Junior
HLTH 2383 3 Sophomore
HLTH 3219 2 Junior
HLTH 4364 3 Senior
HLTH 4393 3 Senior
HLTH 4370 3 Senior
HLTH 2382 3 Sophomore
HLTH 2361 3 Sophomore
HLTH 3392 3 Junior
HLTH 3390 3 Junior
HLTH 3385 3 Junior
HLTH 4392 3 Senior
HLTH 4394 3 Senior
PSYC 3374 3 Junior
KINE 4117 1 Senior
KINE Activity 1 Freshman
Total Hours 120

Minor in Health

Health minors take 21 hours including HLTH 1366, HLTH 4387, HLTH 4393, HLTH 4394 and nine additional hours from health education with at least 3 of those hours advanced.

Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences Degree

Students may combine an Associate Degree in Allied Health with a Health minor for a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences Degree. Students should see the advisor for B.A.A.S degrees for specific courses.

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