Administrative Officers

John de Castro , Ph.D.
Associate Dean
Kandi Tayebi , Ph.D.
Associate Dean
Jerry Bruce, Ph.D.
Department of Communication Studies
James D. Ragsdale, Ph.D., Chair
Department of English
Charles W. Bridges, Ph.D., Chair
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
Janis D. White, Ph.D., Chair
Department of Foreign Languages
Debra D. Andrist, Ph.D., Chair
Department of History
Terry D. Bilhartz, Ph.D., Chair
Department of Mass Communication
Chris White , Ph.D., Chair
Department of Political Science
Rhonda Callaway, Ph.D., Chair
Department of Psychology and Philosophy
Christopher Wilson, Ph.D., Chair
Department of Sociology
Alessandro Bonanno, Ph.D., Chair


Clinical Psychology       Ph.D.  
Dietics     M. S.    
English M. A.        
Family and Consumer Sciences     M. S.    
History M. A.     Ph.D.*  
Political Science M. A.        
Psychology M. A.        
Psychology-Clinical Psychology M. A.        
Psychology-School Psychology M. A.        
Public Administration   M.P.A.      
Sociology M. A.        
Speech Communication M. A.        

* Subject to action by the Board of Regents, The Texas State University System and/or the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Mission Statement

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) provides an essential component to a liberal arts education: understanding human beings in their diversity as expressed in their literatures, histories, ideas, values, oral and written expressions, and behavior. By promoting analytical, interpretive, interpersonal, and communication skills, the College of Humanities and Social Sciences facilitates personal growth, competent professionalism, and responsible citizenship.

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences consists of eight academic units: English and Foreign Languages, Family and Consumer Sciences, History, Mass Communication, Political Science, Psychology and Philosophy, Sociology, Speech Communication.

For additional information on the academic programs in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, visit: