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3.10.2 Submission of financial statements

The institution provides financial profile information on an annual basis and other measures of financial health as requested by the Commission. All information is presented accurately and appropriately and represents the total operation of the institution. (Submission of financial statements)

Judgment of Compliance

Financial aid programs are audited periodically as required by federal and state regulations.  The single audit report for the State of Texas conducted for the fiscal year 2013 revealed that Sam Houston State University (SHSU) had instances of non-compliance [1], [2].  All findings have since been rectified with actions determined to be satisfactory by the state auditors [3].  The following table summarizes the audit findings, as well as SHSU’s satisfactory action to address each finding. 


FY 2013 State Audit Findings

SHSU Action to Address Findings

Finding 1


Failure to disburse federal Pell grants to students enrolled less than half time

SHSU retroactively disbursed federal Pell grants for the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 aid years. 

No Cost of Attendance (COA) budget for students enrolled less than half time

SHSU has developed a new COA Policy to include a budget for students enrolled less than half time [4]

Failure to meet federal requirements for a reasonable Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy

SHSU has amended its SAP policy to meet federal requirements for reasonableness [5].

Finding 2


Inaccuracies in verification process

SHSU implemented a quality assurance program and, as a result, has developed and implemented a policy/procedure containing the required elements [6].


On January 29, 2014, notification was sent to SHSU for a Department of Education (DOE) Program Review [7].  At the time of the submission of this report, the official findings of the DOE Program Review have not been received.  However, an email discussing the preliminary findings was requested and subsequently received on October 24, 2014 [8].  The preliminary findings of the DOE audit, as well as SHSU’s actions to address each preliminary finding, are presented in the table below.  Due to the overlap in timing of the state and federal audits, some overlap exists in the findings.


2012-2013 DOE Program Review Preliminary Findings

SHSU Action to Address Preliminary Findings

Crime awareness requirements not met

SHSU has added a Compliance Officer position and is currently working to ensure all crime awareness policies and procedures meet federal expectations.  Crime statistics reports have also been reviewed, with corrections made where necessary [9].

Ineligible branches/locations

SHSU has provided the DOE with documentation that The Woodlands Center location is approved by SACSCOC.  Further, SHSU has since gained the necessary SACSCOC approval of its University Park location [10].

Return of Title IV funds made late

SHSU has developed and implemented a policy to ensure timely returns to Title IV [11].

Return to Title IV Policy not developed/inadequate

SHSU has developed and implemented a policy to ensure timely returns to Title IV [11].

Drug Abuse Prevention Program requirements not met

SHSU has implemented a biennial review of its drug abuse prevention programs to meet federal requirements [12].

Verification violations

SHSU implemented a quality assurance program and, as a result, has developed and implemented a policy/procedure containing the required elements [6]

Entrance/exit counseling deficiencies

SHSU has amended its Policy Manual to include exit counseling email notifications to students with appropriate DOE information [13].

Student status inaccurate/untimely reporting

SHSU has implemented a revised National Student Load Data System (NSLDS) reporting procedure so that more accurate and timely reporting can be achieved [14].


All findings, for both the state and federal audits, have since been rectified.

Supporting Documentation


Documentation Reference
Document Title
[1] Single Audit Report for the State of Texas, Fiscal Year 2013
[2] Single Audit Report for the State of Texas, Fiscal Year 2013, Audit Findings
[3] Single Audit Report for the State of Texas, Fiscal Year 2013, Management Response
[4] Cost of Attendance (COA) for Fiscal Year 2013
[5] Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy, SHSU
[6] Verification Policy, SHSU
[7] Department of Education Announcement of On-site Program Review, January 2014
[8] Preliminary Findings Email for Department of Education On-site Program Review, October 2014
[9] Crime Awareness Response, SHSU
[10] SACSCOC Recognition of Off-Site Locations
[11] Return to Title IV Funds Policy, SHSU
[12] Drug Abuse Biennial Review, SHSU
[13] Exit Counseling Policy, SHSU
[14] National Student Load Data System (NSLDS) reporting procedure

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111