Tuition & Fees

Tuition and Fees Schedule 2014-2015 Academic Year

All tuition and fees are subject to change by action of the State Legislature or the Board of Regents of The Texas State University System. Nonresident tuition (out-of-state and international) is calculated each year by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Tuition and Fees Per Semester*
Fall 2014 - Spring 2015
See below; subject to additional fees.
Semester Hours Amount Semester Hours Amount
1 $ 694 1 $1056
2 1017 2 1741
3 1340 3 2426
4 1663 4 3111
5 1986 5 3796
6 2309 6 4481
7 2632 7 5166
8 2955 8 5851
9 3278 9 6536
10 3601 10 7221
11 3924 11 7906
12 4247 12 8591
13 4570 13 9276
14 4893 14 9961
15 5216 15 10646
16 5533 16 11325
17 5840 17 11994
18 6147 18 12663
19 6454 19 13332
20 6761 20 14001
21 7068 21 14670
22 7375 22 15339
23 7682 23 16008
24 7989 24 16677


Tuition and Fees Per Summer Session*
Summer 2015
See below; subject to additional fees.
Semester Hours Amount Semester Hours Amount
1 $679 1 $1041
2 985 2 1709
3 1291 3 2377
4 1597 4 3045
5 1903 5 3713
6 2209 6 4381
7 2515 7 5049
8 2821 8 5717
9 3127 9 6385
10 3433 10 7053
11 3739 11 7721
12 4045 12 8389

*Included in the amounts above are Tuition, Graduate Tuition, Designated Tuition, Student Service Fee, Student Center Fee, Technology Fee, Library Fee, Recreational Sports Fee, International Education Fee, Advisement Center Fee, Medical Fee, OneCard Service Fee, Records Fee, and Intercollegiate Athletic Fee.

Course-related or program-related fees are examples of fees not included in the above estimates. Please review Explanation of Fees in this catalog. Additional information is available at

Tuition and Fees Schedule 2015-2016 Academic Year

All tuition and fees are correct as of the date of printing but are subject to change by action of the State Legislature or the Board of Regents of The Texas State University System. Nonresident tuition (out-of-state and international) is calculated each year by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Tuition and Fees Per Semester*
Fall 2015 - Spring 2016
See below; subject to additional fees.
Semester Hours Amount Semester Hours Amount
1 $694 1 $1056
2 1017 2 1741
3 1340 3 2426
4 1663 4 3111
5 1986 5 3796
6 2309 6 4481
7 2632 7 5166
8 2955 8 5851
9 3278 9 6536
10 3601 10 7221
11 3924 11 7906
12 4247 12 8591
13 4570 13 9276
14 9849 14 9961
15 5216 15 10646
16 5533 16 11325
17 5840 17 11994
18 6147 18 12663
19 6454 19 13332
20 6761 20 14001
21 7068 21 14670
22 7375 22 15339
23 7682 23 16008
24 7989 24 16677

Tuition and Fees Per Summer Session*
Summer 2016
See below; subject to additional fees.
Semester Hours Amount Semester Hours Amount
1 $679 1 $1041
2 985 2 1709
3 1291 3 2377
4 1597 4 3045
5 1903 5 3713
6 2209 6 4381
7 2515 7 5049
8 2821 8 5712
9 3127 9 6385
10 3433 10 7053
11 3739 11 7721
12 4045 12 8389

*Included in the amounts above are Tuition, Graduate Tuition, Designated Tuition, Student Service Fee, Student Center Fee, Technology Fee, Library Fee, Recreational Sports Fee, International Education Fee, Advisement Center Fee, Medical Fee, OneCard Service Fee, Records Fee, and Intercollegiate Athletic Fee.

Course-related or program-related fees are examples of fees not included in the above estimates. Please review Explanation of Fees in this catalog. Additional information is available at


Explanation of Fees

The following information is not intended to be comprehensive and is subject to change. Tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change by action of the State Legislature or by action of the Board of Regents of The Texas State University System. The following tuition, fees, and charges information should be used only as a guideline for estimating costs. For clarification of any matter relating to payment or refund of tuition, fees, charges, and deposits, contact the office or administrative unit from which the charge or refund originated.

Tuition and Designated Tuition: Resident students pay $50 tuition per semester credit hour during academic year 2014-15 and $50 tuition per semester credit hour during academic year 2015-16. Nonresident students (out-of-state and international) pay $412 tuition per semester credit hour during academic year 2014-15 and $404 per semester credit hour during academic year 2015-16. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board calculates each year the nonresident tuition. Students enrolled in the same course for the third or more time will be charged the non-resident tuition rate for the hours associated with the course even if the student normally qualifies for in-state tuition. Resident students who reach the “excessive hour limit” will be charged a set rate per hour (see Tuition for Excessive Undergraduate Hours within this chapter for further details).

In addition, the designated tuition is charged at the rate of $154 per semester credit hour for academic years 2015-15 and academic year 2015-16.

Student Service Fee: The student service fee per semester credit hour is $16 for fall and spring ($8 per summer semester) for academic year 2014-15 and academic year 2015-16 (not exceeding $250 per semester and $125 per summer session). The fee supports the Intramural Program, the Student Life Support Programs, and the Extramural Programs. The fee provides admission to athletic events at Sam Houston State under the auspices of the Department of Athletics.

Student Center Fee: The student center fee is required at the rate of $100 per semester ($100 per summer session) for academic year 2014-15 and academic year 2015-16 and is used to fund the Lowman Student Center programs and activities.

Technology Fee (Formerly Computer Use Fee): This fee is charged at a rate of $30 per semester credit hour for academic year 2014-15 and for academic year 2015-16. It is used for the training of students, faculty and staff, and for providing support services for operation, maintenance, and replacement of computer hardware and software.

Recreational Sports Fee: Legislative action authorizes a recreational sports fee not to exceed $100 per semester for academic year 2014-15 and academic year 2015-16. It may be used to purchase equipment for and/or construct, operate, maintain recreational sports facilities and programs.

International Education Fee: This fee of $2 is charged during the fall and spring term of academic years 2014-15 and 2015-16. This fee will be charged at a rate of $4 during the summer term. The International Education Fee is used only to assist students participating in international student exchange or study programs.

Library Fee: Board action authorizes a library fee of $5 per semester credit hour for academic years 2014-15 and 2015-16. The library fee directly benefits students by supporting their classroom and research needs. The Newton Gresham Library uses this fund to purchase books, add electronic databases, and new journal subscriptions.

Medical Fee: A fee of $75 per semester is charged for academic year 2014-15 and academic year 2015-16. This fee covers services at the University Health Center.

Advisement Fee: A fee of $66 per semester is charged for academic year 2014-15 and and 2015-16. This fee will be charged to fund advising, mentoring, and academic support services for students.

Records Fee: The records fee is $12 per semester for academic year 2014-15 and academic year 2015-16. It is used to provide official transcripts to students in attendance and eliminates the add/drop fee and late registration fee. The fee entitles each student to five official transcripts per semester and five official transcripts over the course of a year following a confirmed degree from SHSU.

OneCard Service Fee: The OneCard Service Fee is $16 per semester for academic year 2014-15 and 2015-16. The OneCard fee funds the existing university ID and disbursement program along with a new Student Financial Center that was requested by the Student Government Association.

Intercollegiate Athletic Fee: A fee of $18 per semester credit hour ($9 per summer semester credit hour) for academic year 2014-15 and academic year 2015-16. This fee will be used to support Intercollegiate Athletic programs.

Special Fees:
Audit Fee (per course) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50
Distance Learning (per credit hour, in addition to tuition and fees) . . . . . . . . . . . .$101
(Student Center, Medical, and Recreational Sports Fees are waived, if only on-line courses are taken and the distance learning fee is charged for each credit hour taken.)
Laboratory Course Fee (per course) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8
Music Fee for Individual Instruction (per course with suffix of “x”):
1 semester credit hour course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30
2 semester credit hours course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60
3 semester credit hours course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . $75
4 semester credit hours course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

The University Center Fee: Classes provided at The University Center have an additional fee of $50 per semester credit hour for academic year 2014-15 and for academic year 2015-16.

(MITC) Multi-institution teaching center fee: Students enrolled in courses taught at a MITC in which SHSU is a member will be charged an additional fee of $50 per semester credit hour.

Tuition for Excessive Undergraduate Hours

The Texas Education Code states that an institution of higher education, under specific conditions, may charge a resident undergraduate student a higher tuition rate than the rate charged to other resident undergraduate students. The higher tuition rate may not exceed the rate charged to nonresident undergraduate students.

• For students who enrolled for the first time in a Texas public institution of higher education from the 1999 fall semester through the 2006 summer semester:

The higher tuition rate may be charged to an undergraduate student who is classified as a Texas resident for tuition purposes and who before the semester or other academic session begins has previously attempted at least 45 semester credit hours above the number of semester credit hours required for completion of the degree program in which the student is enrolled.

• For students who enrolled for the first time in a Texas public institution of higher education beginning with the 2006 fall semester and thereafter:

The higher tuition rate may be charged to an undergraduate student who is classified as a Texas resident for tuition purposes and who before the semester or other academic session begins has previously attempted at least 30 semester credit hours above the number of semester credit hours required for completion of the degree program in which the student is enrolled.

The following are not counted for purposes of determining whether the student exceeds the 45/30 semester credit hour limit: (1) semester credit hours earned by the student before receiving a baccalaureate degree that has been previously awarded to the student; (2) semester credit hours earned by the student by examination or any other procedure by which credit is earned for which tuition was not charged; (3) hours from remedial and developmental courses, workforce education courses, or other courses that would not generate academic credit that could be applied to a degree at the institution if the course work is within the 27-hour limit at two-year colleges and the 18-hour limit at general academic institutions; and (4) semester credit hours earned at a private institution or out-of-state institution.

Residence Classification for Tuition Purposes

The Texas Legislature and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board establish the rules and regulations for determining residence classification. Texas residency for tuition purposes is generally obtained by residing and/or being gainfully employed in Texas for 12 consecutive months immediately prior to enrollment in any college or university, by being a dependent of a Texas resident (an individual who is claimed as a dependent for federal income tax purposes by the individual’s parent or legal guardian at the time of registration and for the tax year preceding the year in which the individual registers), or by being classified as a Texas Resident for the first five of the six years immediately preceding registration (not living out of the state more than 12 months immediately prior to registration).
A nonresident student may qualify to pay in-state tuition by meeting the requirements of a tuition waiver. Current tuition waiver options include but are not limited to 1) the student or his/her spouse or parent is a member of the U.S. Armed Forces and their home of record is Texas; 2) the student or his/her spouse or parent is employed at least half-time by an institution of higher education in Texas as a teacher or professor; 3) the student or his/her spouse or parent has a teaching or research assistantship at any Texas institution of higher education on at least a half-time basis; 4) the student holds a competitive scholarship awarded by the University of at least $1,000 for the academic year or summer; or 5) the student or student’s family has been transferred to Texas by a company in keeping with the state’s Economic Development and Diversification Program.

By state law, the student has the responsibility of registering under the proper residence classification. If a student has knowledge of an error in his/her residence classification for tuition purposes, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the Graduate Residence Classification Officer immediately. For more information concerning the rules and regulations for determining Texas residence classification, please contact the Graduate Residence Classification Officer, Sam Houston State University, Box 2478, Huntsville, Texas 77341-2478, or call (936) 294-3704 or (936) 294-1971. 

Payment Information

Financial Responsibility

Students are expected to meet financial obligations to the University within the designated time allowed. Registration fees are payable at registration, except for that portion of the registration fee that may be temporarily deferred, but payable later in scheduled payments as part of an installment payment agreement. Students are not entitled to enter classes or laboratories until their appropriate fees and deposits have been paid. Other charges are due at registration or within ten days after a bill is rendered by the University, or according to special payment instructions that may be listed on the bill or agreement.


Payments made for registration purposes may be made by cash, cashier’s check, personal check, money order, or pin debit in the Bursar’s Office. All checks and money orders are accepted subject to final payment. Online payment options E-Check, pinless debit, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diner's Club, China Union, JCD, or Discover.

Installment Payment Plan

The Texas Legislature has authorized collection of tuition and fees during a fall or spring semester by one of two methods: payment in full in advance of the beginning of the semester or payment in installments under an installment payment plan option that requires the first payment to be made in advance of the beginning of the semester. A parking fine is an example of a charge which must be paid in full and is not eligible for installment payment. There is an additional processing fee of $30 for enrolling in an installment payment plan. Failure to make a timely payment for the first installment may result in loss of class schedule (first installment payment due before beginning of term). Failure to make timely payment on any remaining installment will cause accrual of late charges ($25 per late installment). 

Any financial aid, tuition waivers, grants or deferments will be used to reduce the amount owed by the student, with the remaining balance eligible for the installment payment plan. During a summer session, the tuition and fees are collectible in full. The Texas Legislature has reserved the right to discontinue the installment payment plan.

Students will not be allowed to attend classes until their tuition and fees, excluding that portion of the registration fee that may be temporarily deferred, but payable later in scheduled payments as part of an installment payment agreement, are paid.


Nonpayment of Tuition and Fees

Failure to pay the amount owed in full, including appropriate penalty and late fee charges, prior to registration for a future semester or prior to the last class day for the current semester or summer session can result in any or all of the following sanctions: 1) withholding of future registration privileges or loss of future semester class schedule; 2) withholding award of degree; 3) withholding of an official transcript.
Students who pay fees with a returned item may suffer the above sanctions as well as those detailed in the following section.

Collections for Nonpayment

Nonpayment by the end of the semester may result in transfer of the student’s account to a contracted collection agency and assessment of a collection fee of at least 25 percent of the outstanding balance. The University may also choose to litigate an account on advice of University legal counsel. Should an account be litigated, the student will be responsible for all litigation expenses including attorney’s fees and court costs. Accounts that are referred to a contracted collection agency may also be reported to credit bureaus

Returned Check Policy

A returned check is defined as an item returned to the University rightfully unpaid due to no fault of the bank or the University. The item may be paid by the student or the check may be paid on the student’s behalf by a spouse, guardian, friend or sponsor.

The University reserves the right to refuse personal checks, including E_Checks and pinless debit, from any student who had any of the for mentioned items returned.

Each returned item is subject to a $25 check processing fee. Students have 10 days from the date on which notice is sent from the Bursar's Office in which to pay the returned item and the resulting processing fee or inform the Bursar's Office of their intent. Thereafter, the student may be resigned from the University. (The student should not assume that he/she will be resigned. If the student discontinues going to class without officially resigning from school, he/she will be subject to the grade of F.) Students who have been resigned are eligible for reinstatement upon redemption of such check(s), plus the resulting processing fee(s) and the payment of a reinstatement charge of $50. A student who fails to make payment prior to the first day of final exams will not receive credit for the work done that semester and will not be allowed to register for future semesters until the delinquent amount is paid. In addition, the items may be referred to the District Attorney of Walker County for prosecution and collection. Past due accounts are referred to a credit reporting company.

Students will be given the opportunity to be heard regarding any special circumstances. Such circumstances will be given full and fair consideration, and exceptions to the returned check policy may be granted by the Director of the Bursar's Office or by a delegated employee, based on the evidence presented.

Refund Information

Tuition and Fees Refund Policy

A student enrolled at Sam Houston State University may receive a refund of tuition and fees as a result of dropping courses or resigning from the University as indicated in the following schedules.

Refunds and credits from one department will be applied to any other outstanding balances in other departments. Any remaining refund will be sent to HigherOne and credited to the Bearkat OneCard or other selected refund preference. The University may refund tuition and fees paid by a sponsor, donor or scholarship to the source rather than directly to the student who has withdrawn if the funds were made available to the University.

Refund policies were established by Senate Bill No. 604 of the 65th Legislature and adopted by the Board of Regents, Texas State University System, in August of 1977 and by the applicable federal regulations dealing with first semester financial aid students.

Dropping Courses

A student who submits a request to drop one or more courses in any given semester or summer session but remains enrolled in at least one course may be eligible for refunds. The refund schedule for dropping courses follows.

Fall and Spring Semesters
First 12 class days
After 12th class day


Summer Sessions
First 4 class days
After 4th class day

NOTE: Class days are university class days, not the number of days an individual class meets. Class days are to be counted from the first class meeting of on-campus daytime courses as indicated in the Academic Calendar.


A student who officially withdraws from all courses at Sam Houston State University in a given semester or summer session may be eligible for a refund of tuition and the specified fees, based upon the courses in which the student is enrolled on the official date of withdrawal. Refunds are made in accordance with the following schedules.

State Statutory Refund Schedule of Tuition and Fees 

Fall and Spring Semesters Refund Schedule
Before the 1st class day
100% (Less $15 Matriculation Fee)
1st class day through 5th class day
6th class day through 10th class day
11th class day through 15th class day
16th class day through 20th class day
No refund


Summer Sessions Refund Schedule
Before the 1st class day
100% (Less $15 Matriculation Fee)
1st class day through 3rd class day
4th class day through 6th class day
No refund


NOTE: Class days are University class days, not the number of days an individual class meets. Class days are to be counted from the first class meeting of on-campus daytime courses as indicated in the Academic Calendar.

Tuition Rebates for Certain Undergraduate Students

A tuition rebate program was created by Senate Bill 1907, 75th Texas Legislature, and is authorized by Section 54.0065 of the Texas Education Code.

The purpose of this program is to provide tuition rebates that will provide a financial incentive for students to prepare for university studies while completing their high school work, avail themselves of academic counseling, make early career decisions, and complete their baccalaureate studies with as few extraneous courses as possible. Minimizing the number of courses taken by students results in financial savings to students, parents, and the state.

Students are required to apply for the rebate prior to receiving their baccalaureate degrees. Applications are available on the web or in the Registrar’s Office, Estill Classroom Building, 3rd floor. For further details regarding eligibility, please visit

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