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Department of Kinesiology

Acting ChairRyan Zapalac (936)-294-4575

Faculty: Brent Estes, Jennifer Didier, Page Glave, Jyhun Lee, Gary Oden, Emily Roper, Jose Santiago, Matthew Wagner, Mary Williams, Ryan Zapalac


The mission of the Kinesiology program is to advance students’ understanding of relationships among movement, exercise, and skill that occur in the contexts of development, learning, rehabilitation, and training. The program seeks to prepare future professionals for movement-related fields such as teaching, coaching, personal exercise, training and fitness. Learning occurs through the study of movement and exercise processes within a framework that emphasizes the clinical and practical implications of theory and research.

Academic Programs


  • Nationally recognized (NCATE) teacher certification program making our majors in high demand by school district administrators.
  • Successful completion of the Athletic Training program prepares individuals to sit for the Advisory Board of Athletic Trainers’ state license.
  • Web-based courses.
  • Outstanding faculty and staff.
  • Value student diversity (various ethnic and cultural backgrounds).
  • Faculty who have worked in the field.

Suggested Minors

  • Teacher Certification students will minor in Education but should select another content area which is taught within the public schools.
  • Exercise Science students should select Health Fitness, General Business or Nutrition as a minor. Biology and Chemistry are minor options for Physical Therapy.
  • Exercise Science Applied students should select Health Fitness, General Business, or Nutrition as a minor. Biology and Chemistry are additional options if CHEM 1411 is taken rather than CHEM 1406.
  • Exercise Science Clinical students should select Biology, Chemistry, Health Fitness, or General Business as a minor.
  • Athletic Training students should select either Health or Biology as a minor.
  • Kinesiology (non teacher certification) students can choose any content area for a minor.

Career Opportunities

  • All Levels Teacher Certification
  • Athletic training
  • Corporate fitness
  • Commercial fitness
  • Hospital-based wellness
  • Cardiac rehabilitation
  • Assistants to chiropractors and physical therapists
  • Recreational specialists in camps, communities and YMCA’s
  • Personal trainers

Student Organizations

KHRASH — Kinesiology, Health & Recreation of Sam Houston — promotes healthy lifestyles; open to all SHSU students.


Students completing the Exercise Science, Applied Science Applied, and Exercise Science Clinical tracks complete a 6-credit, 400-hour internship at a site which is aligned with their career aspirations under the instruction and supervision of a qualified and experienced professional in the field.


  • Betty Alexander Scholarship—Kinesiology major with at least two years of academic preparation at SHSU having earned a minimum of 3.0 in the major.
  • Department of Health & Kinesiology Scholarship—Health or Kinesiology major demonstrating financial need with a satisfactory GPA.
  • H.O. “Molly” Crawford Scholarship—Male, junior standing in Kinesiology seeking teacher certification with at least a 2.5 GPA and demonstrating financial need.
  • Joe and Mary Kirk Scholarship—Male, senior standing in Kinesiology seeking teacher certification with at least a 2.8 GPA.
  • Margaret Powell Award—Female majoring in Kinesiology displaying excellence in academics.
  • Robert J. Wagner Memorial Scholarship—Graduate student in Adult Fitness Management with 3.0 GPA, 1000 GRE and 3.5 graduate GPA reflecting a lifestyle of physical fitness and demonstrating financial need.
  • Robert L. Case Health & Kinesiology Wellness Scholarship—Health or Kinesiology major displaying leadership potential with at least a 3.0 GPA and reflecting a high level of fitness.

Program Specific Requirements

Those seeking Teacher Certification must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 (includes transfer and SHSU hours) and must earn a “C” or better in their Kinesiology or Education courses.


The curriculum integrates the physiological, biomechanical, and psycho-social bases of movement. Students develop their own movement skills which transition into a focus on movement analysis, physiological function, and skill assessment. Students gain greater depth as they consider problems related to exercise, fitness and motor skill development within the context of lifestyle physical activity (i.e., play, games, sport, and other forms of human motor behavior). Students finish the program with strong theoretical and problem solving skills based on a comprehensive knowledge of movement and exercise science. It is expected that graduates will be able to apply their knowledge and skills to a wide variety of movement-related problems and career possibilities.

Bachelor of Science, Major in Kinesiology

This degree is considered a generalist degree that will prepare students to enter the profession of Kinesiology. Students may be employed in work sites, hospitals, recreational facilities, and educational environments.

3 Digit to 4 Digit Crosswalk

Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
Use the KINE electives, minor, and/or electives to satisfy the 42 advanced hour requirement.
*Recommended to take 3000 or 4000 level electives to meet advanced requirements for degree.
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 2401  4  
BIOL 1408 4 Freshman
CHEM 1406    
CHEM 1407 or CHEM 1412 or PHYS 1305/PHYS 1105 4 Sophomore
MATH, STAT or PHIL 2303 3 Sophomore
CSTE 1330 3 Sophomore
Major Core
KINE 1331 3 Freshman
KINE 2115 1 Freshman
KINE 3362 3 Junior
KINE 3373W 3 Junior
KINE 1114 1 Freshman
KINE 2330 3 Sophomore
KINE 3363 3 Junior
KINE 3364 3 Junior
KINE 3372 3 Junior
KINE 3378W 3 Junior
KINE 4369W 3 Senior
KINE Restricted Elective*
KINE 2365, KINE 2366, KINE 2367, KINE 2368, KINE 2388, KINE 3370,
KINE 3388, KINE 4330, KINE 4335, KINE 4392*
9 Sophomore – Senior
KINE Activity
KINE 1110, KINE 1113, KINE 1115, KINE 2111, KINE 2113, KINE 2114,
KINE 4117
4 Freshman-Sophomore
Electives as needed to meet the 120 hours including 42 advanced hours  
Minor (required) 18
Total Hours 120


Bachelor of Science, Major in Kinesiology with Teaching Certification

3 Digit to 4 Digit Crosswalk

This degree will prepare students to teach Physical Education at the Pre-K through 12th grade level in the state of Texas. Students will participate in methods and student teaching as their culminating component of the degree. Students will be prepared to sit for the Texas Physical Education exam. The content of the program is aligned with the National Association of Sport and Physical Education standards.

Notes: 1KINE 2115 satisfies the major core and component area VI requirements.

Bachelor of Science - Major in Kinesiology with Teaching Certification
*Kinesiology Teacher Certification Courses
KINE 4363 is taken with methods block (semester prior to student teaching).
If a student chooses an additional Minor for a second teaching field the restrictive electives in Kinesiology major will be waived.
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 2401 4
BIOL 1408 4 Freshman
CHEM 1406 4
CHEM 1407 or CHEM 1412 or PHYS 1305/PHYS 1105 4 Sophomore
MATH, STAT or PHIL 2303 3 Sophomore
CSTE 1330 3 Sophomore
Major Core
KINE 1331 3 Freshman
KINE 2115W 1 Freshman
KINE 3362 3 Junior
KINE 3373W 3 Junior
KINE 1114W 1 Freshman
KINE 3363 3 Junior
KINE 3364 3 Junior
KINE 3368* 3 Junior
KINE 3375* 3 Junior
KINE 3378W 3 Junior
KINE 4363* (taken with methods block) 3 Senior
KINE 4369W 3 Senior
KINE Restrictive Elective
KINE 2365, KINE 2366, KINE 2367, KINE 2368, KINE 2388, KINE 3370, KINE 3388, KINE 4330, KINE 4335, KINE 4392*
6 Sophomore-Senior
KINE Activity
KINE 1110, KINE 1113, KINE 1115, KINE 2111, KINE 2113, KINE 2114, KINE 4117
2 Freshman-Senior
Elective as needed to complete 120 hours
Minor (if required)
ALL Level Certification  
CISE 3374 3 Junior
CISE 3383 3 Junior
READ 4320 (Methods Block) 3 Senior
CISE 4394 (Methods Block) 3 Senior
CISE 4364 (Methods Block) 3 Senior
CISE 4380 (Student Teaching) 3 Senior
CISE 4396 (Student Teaching) 3 Senior
CIEE 4391 or CIEE 4392 3 Senior
Total Hours:  120

Bachelor of Science, Major in Kinesiology (Applied Exercise Science)

This degree will prepare you for a career in corporate and commercial fitness. Future job prospects include wellness coordinator, personal trainer, strength and conditioning specialist, and other fitness specializations. This track is focused on applied settings where you will be working with the general population, such as at a performance center, commercial gym, or recreational facility.

3 Digit to 4 Digit Crosswalk

Bachelor of Science - Major in Kinesiology (Applied Exercise Science)
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 2402
PHYS 1301/PHYS 1101 or PHYS 1305/PHYS 1105 4 Sophomore
ACCT 2301 3 Freshman
MATH 1369 or MATH 3379 3 Sophomore
CSTE 1330 3 Sophomore
MGMT 3380 3 Junior
FACS 2362 3 Sophomore
BUAD 3355 3 Junior
MKTG 3310 3 Junior
ENGL 3330 3
Major Core
KINE 2115W   Freshman
KINE 3362 3 Junior
KINE 3364 3 Junior
KINE 2114W 1 Sophomore
KINE 3370 3 Junior
KINE 4373 3 Senior
KINE 4377 3 Senior
KINE 4393 3 Senior
KINE 4394 6 Senior
Minor (if required)
Choose from BUAD, Health Fitness HLTH, or FACS minor.  May take BIOL or CHEM if CHEM 1411 taken  
ELECTIVES as needed to meet the required 120 hours to include 42 advanced hours 3 Freshman-Senior
Total Hours 120

Bachelor of Science, Major in Kinesiology (Clinical Exercise Science)

This degree will prepare you for a career in clinical exercise science. Future job prospects include cardiac rehabilitation, hospital/clinic-based fitness and wellness facilities, performance centers, research facilities, and graduate education in exercise science, sport and human performance, and allied health fields (physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc.). This track is focused on clinical and research settings where you will be working with both clinical and general populations, such as at a cardiac rehabilitation facility, research laboratories, or at sport-science based performance facilities.

3 Digit to 4 Digit Crosswalk

Bachelor of Science - Major in Kinesiology (Clinical Exercise Science)
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 1413
BIOL 2402
CHEM 1412
PHYS 1301/PHYS 1101 4
MATH 3379 or BIOL 4374 or PSYC 3301/3101 3/4 Sophomore
CSTE 1330 3 Sophomore
FACS 2362 3 Sophomore
ENGL 3330 3
Major Core
KINE 2115W   Freshman
KINE 3362 3 Junior
KINE 3364 3 Junior
KINE 3373
KINE 2114W 1 Sophomore
KINE 3370 3 Junior
KINE 4373 3 Senior
KINE 4377 3 Senior
KINE 4393 3 Senior
KINE 4394 6 Senior
Minor (if required)
Choose from BIOL, CHEM, BUAD, Health Fitness HLTH  
ELECTIVES as needed to meet the required 120 hours to include 42 advanced hours 3 Freshman-Senior
Total Hours 120

Bachelor of Science, Major in Kinesiology With an Athletic Training Endorsement

(No longer available after Fall 2014)

3 Digit to 4 Digit Crosswalk

Bachelor of Science - Major in Kinesiology with an Athletic Training Endorsement
No longer available after Fall 2014)
1KINE 2115 satisfies the major core and component area VI requirements.
*Use the KINE electives, minor, and/or electives to satisfy the 42 advanced hour requirement.
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum
Component Area I (Communication) 6 1st year
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area III (Life and Physical Science) 8 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IV (Language, Philosophy, and Culture) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area V (Creative Arts) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VI (U.S. History) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VII (Political Science/Government) 6 1st or 2nd year
Component Area VIII (Social and Behavioral Sciences) 3 1st or 2nd year
Component Area IX (Component Area Option) 4 1st or 2nd year
Degree Specific Requirements
BIOL 2401  
BIOL 1408 4 Freshman
CHEM 1406 or CHEM 1411  
CHEM 1407 or CHEM 1412 or PHYS 1305/PHYS 1105 (Choose one) 4 Sophomore
HLTH 2380 or HLTH 3391 3 Sophomore or Junior
MATH, STAT or PHIL 2303 3 Sophomore
CSTE 1330 3 Sophomore
Major Core
KINE 1331 3 Freshman
KINE 2115W   Freshman
KINE 3362W 3 Junior
KINE 3373W 3 Junior
KINE 2330 3 Freshman
KINE 3363 3 Junior
KINE 3364 3 Junior
KINE 3369 3 Junior
KINE 3370 3 Junior
KINE 3378W 3 Junior
KINE 4369W 3 Senior
KINE 4373 3 Senior
KINE 4377 3 Senior
KINE 4392 (Adv. Athletic Training) 3 Senior
KINE Major Electives
KINE 2365, KINE 2366, KINE 2367, KINE 2368, KINE 2388, KINE 3388,
KINE 4335
3 Sophomore-Senior
KINE Activity
KINE 1110, KINE 1113, KINE 1115, KINE 2111, KINE 2113, KINE 2114, KINE 4117
1 Freshman – Senior
ELECTIVES as needed to meet the 120 including 42 advanced hours  
Minor (required) 18+
Total Hours 120

Bachelor of Science, Major in Kinesiology (Athletic Training)

3 Digit to 4 Digit Crosswalk

Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology - Major in Kinesiology (Athletic Training)
Degree must have 120 hours with at least 42 advanced hours (3000 and 4000) taken at a four year institution, 18 hours must be writing enhanced (W).
Consult current University catalog for questions concerning transfer courses and residency requirements.
Courses that count in the Texas Core Curriculum are indicated with an asterisk (*)
SHSU Course Number Hours Recommended Sequence
Core Curriculum (42 hours)
Component Area I (Communication) ENGL 1364, ENGL 1365, ENGL 3330 6 Freshman
Component Area II (Mathematics) 3 Freshman
Component Area III (Natural Sciences) 8 Freshman
Component Area IV (Humanities/Visual/Performing Arts) 9  Junior/Senior
Component Area V (Social/Behavioral Sciences) 15 Freshman/Sophmore
Component Area VI (Institutionally Designated Option) 1 Freshman
Degree Specific Requirements (73 hours)
ATTR 2300 3 Sophomore
ATTR 2310 3 Sophomore
ATTR 3300 3 Junior
ATTR 4300 3 Senior
ATTR 4310 3 Senior
ATTR 4350 3 Senior
KINE 3369 3 Junior
KINE 3362 1 Junior
KINE 3373 3 Junior
KINE 4377 3 Senior
KINE 4369 3 Senior
KINE 4373 3 Senior
KINE 2330 3 Sophomore
FACS 2362 3 Sophomore
KINE 2114 1 Sophomore
KINE 4117 5 Senior
HLTH 2372 3 Sophomore
BIOL 2401 4 Sophomore
CHEM 1407*, or CHEM 1412*, or PHYS 1305/PHYS 1105 4 Freshman

Prescribed Electives (18 Hours including a minimum of 12 advanced hours)

Prescribed electives are from the disciplines of Health, Curriculum and Instruction, Secondary Education, Psychology, or Sociology. Students are required to take a one hour elective Kinesiology activity class. The activity classes are utilized as each class encompasses either upper or lower extremity movement patterns that will benefit the student with future rehabilitation and evaluation in an assigned sport or activity setting. Students may select the one hour Kinesiology activity course from the following course selections:

KINE 1110 1  
KINE 1113 1  
KINE 1115 1
KINE 1116 1
Total Hours 120  

Minor in Kinesiology

3 Digit to 4 Digit Crosswalk

Minor in Kinesiology
Kinesiology Core
KINE 1331, KINE 2330, KINE 3362, KINE 3373, KINE 3364, and KINE 3373
Select 3 hrs from KINE 1110 (tennis/badminton), KINE 1113, KINE 1115, KINE 2111, KINE 2113 and KINE 2114
KINE 3372 3
KINE 1114W and KINE 2115W 2

Minor in Health Fitness (Only for KINE Exercise Science, Exercise Science Applied, or Exercise Science Clinical tracks)

Minor in Health Fitness
Requirements Hours
HLTH 1366, HLTH 2380, HLTH 3391, HLTH 3392, HLTH 4361 15
Select 3 hours from: HLTH 2381, HLTH 3385, HLTH 3390,
HLTH 4370, HLTH 4390

Special Athletic Training Endorsement

Athletic Training: This endorsement is applicable to an appropriate degree in Kinesiology. It is strongly recommended that the candidate choose either Health or Biology as the minor. The program will meet the preparation requirements of the state licensing agency. Interested students are urged to confer with the Head Athletic Trainer concerning required field experience, examinations, and other pertinent information.

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