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Department of General Business and Finance

BBA in Banking and Financial Institutions | Minor in Banking | BBA in Entrepreneurship | Minor in Entrepreneurship | BBA in Finance | Minor in Finance | BBA in General Business Administration | Minor in General Business Administration | BBA in General Business Administration with PGM ConcentrationMinor in Business CommunicationMinor in Business Education | Course Descriptions

Chair: Kurt Jesswein (936) 294-1278  

Faculty: Traci Austin, Jim Bexley, Jonathan Breazeale, Mary Funck, Martin Griffin, Joey Guitierrez,
Kathy Hill, Harold Hurry, Geraldine Hynes, Keith Jenkins, Steve Johnson, Hadley Leavell, Bala Maniam, Robert Matthews, Steve Nenninger, Kathryn O"Neill, Joey Robertson , Lucia Sigmar, Robert Stretcher, Laura Sullivan, Brad Wesner


The mission of the Department of General Business and Finance is to assist in fulfilling the mission of the University and the College of Business Administration by providing students at the undergraduate and master’s levels with an academic foundation to become productive citizens, to develop successful careers, and to provide interested students with the background to pursue graduate or professional studies. The academic foundation leading to a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Banking and Financial Institutions, Finance, Entrepreneurship, or General Business Administration is designed to arouse intellectual curiosity, develop analytical reasoning, and provide historical and current information relative to the global environment.

Academic Programs

The Banking and Financial Institutions (BFI) degree program is designed to prepare students for officer-level positions in banks and other financial institutions. The Finance (FINC) degree program is designed to provide students with the knowledge of the problems and opportunities that confront entities in the field of finance. The General Business Administration (BUAD) degree program provides a solid foundation in business and sufficient electives to customize a degree plan for directed career paths. The Entrepreneurship (ENTR) degree program prepares students to serve as chief executive officers of start-up and growth-oriented businesses and to apply entrepreneurial principles in positions of responsibility in larger business enterprises and not-for-profit organizations.


The Department of General Business and Finance, through the Smith-Hutson Chair of Banking, provides the leadership for the Executive MBA in Banking. In addition, the College of Business Administration participates in the certified Professional Golf Association of America’s PGA/PGM program with participating students receiving the BBA degree in General Business Administration with a minor in Professional Golf Management (PGM).

Suggested Minors

Both the Banking and the Finance degree majors have limited electives available; therefore no minor is required. Students in these two areas may elect to declare a minor; however, the additional courses will add to the length of their programs.

An entrepreneurship minor would be very beneficial to students anticipating starting or running their own businesses.

General Business Administration majors should consider a minor in one of the approved business minors to provide depth of knowledge in at least one business field.

  • Accounting
  • Banking
  • Business Communication
  • Business Education
  • Economics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • International Business
  • Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Marketing

Career Opportunities

The Banking and Financial Institutions, Finance, General Business Administration and Entrepreneurship degree programs are designed to prepare students for careers in business, government, or not-for-profit entities; to include the core business courses required for admission to master’s or other professional programs; or to be combined with a sequence of professional education courses and other requirements by the College of Education to earn a certificate to teach in secondary schools.

Student Organizations

  • Banking and Finance Club
  • Beta Alpha Psi
  • Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization


The department has historically been very successful in offering internships in the financial institutions area. This program has been expanded to include internship opportunities specifically designed to meet the PGA/PGM’s program requirement.  Internships for students interested in other business environments are also becoming increasingly available.


Scholarships are available on a competitive basis for Banking, Finance, General Business Administration and Entrepreneurship majors. Students are encouraged to apply for scholarships using the ScholarX program at Financial Aid. The ScholarX program is a single application that will allow the student to apply for most scholarships available on campus whether at the departmental, college, or university-level. The deadline for applying for Department of General Business and Finance scholarships is February 15. Department of General Business and Finance scholarship recipients are announced in April for the following academic year. The specific scholarships that are available through the department vary from year to year and may include:

  • Bala and Santhi Maniam Finance Scholarship
  • Chance & Katherine Brown Entrepreneurship Scholarship
  • Charles W. Jones III Endowed Scholarship
  • Citizens National Bank Endowed Scholarship
  • Davis-Holden Entrepreneurship Scholarship
  • Department of General Business and Finance Faculty Scholarship
  • Frank and Mary McAdams Payne Banking Scholarship
  • Gene P. Heinrich Memorial Scholarship
  • International Association of Administrative Professional-Houston Chapter/Dr. Rita B, Huff and Dr. Ronald D. Johnson Endowed Scholarship
  • James B. and Elsie M. Bexley Scholarship
  • John Klein/Amegy Bank Scholarships
  • Laurence L. Corley Scholarship
  • Lillian Loyce Adams Business Education Scholarship
  • Lozano Family Scholarship
  • Prosperity Bank Scholarship
  • RMA Texas Chapter Scholarship
  • Randy Wallace Business Plan Scholarship
  • Texas Dow Employees Credit Union Scholarship
  • Wells Fargo Bank Scholarship

University-Specific Requirements

All students are required to complete the University general education requirements (common core) as described in Degree Requirements and Academic Guidelines section in this catalog.  Additionally, all students are required to complete Component Area 1 – Communications (ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302), Component Area 2 – Mathematics (MATH 1324 for business majors), and four hours from Component Area 3 (Natural Science) before being allowed to register for upper-division (3000- and 4000-level) courses.

College-Specific Requirements

General Requirements

General requirements for all majors pursuing the Bachelor of Business Administration degree
ENGL 1301 and ENGL 1302 6 hours
MATH 1324 3 hours
Laboratory Science 8 hours
Language/Philosophy/Cultural Studies Elective 3 hours
Creative Arts Elective 3 Hours
HIST 1301 and HIST 1302 6 hours
POLS 2305 and POLS 2306 6 hours
ECON 2302 3 hours
BUAD 2321 or COMS 2382 3 hours
BUAD 1305 or CSTE 1330 3 hours
BUAD 1305 or CSTE 1330 3 hours
ECON 1100, KINE 2115, or NGLI 1101 1 hour

Foundation Knowledge for Business

Each program of study pursuant to the Bachelor of Business Administration degree includes the following Core Courses for the Foundation Knowledge for Business. Additional course requirements are outlined by specific departments.

Core Courses for the Foundation Knowledge for Business
Accounting ACCT 2301 and ACCT 2302 6 hours

ECON 2301 and one advanced course in ECON

9 hours
Business Legal Environment BUAD 2301 3 hours
Business Statistics BANA 2372 and BANA 3363 6 hours
Business Finance FINC 3320 3 hours
Marketing MKTG 3310 3 hours
Management MGMT 3310, MGMT 4370, and MGMT 4390 9 hours
Business Communications BUAD 3335 3 hours
Management Information Systems MGIS 3310 3 hours

Minimum GPA Requirements to Earn a BBA Degree

Students must achieve a 2.0 GPA in the following:

  • Cumulative GPA (SHSU and transfer)
  • SHSU business courses
  • Cumulative business courses (SHSU and transfer)

Some business departments/majors may require higher, more specific grade requirements.  Review the department/major sections in this catalog for those requirements.

Fifty Percent Requirement

At least 50 percent of the required business curriculum for the B.B.A. degree must be taken in residence at Sam Houston State University.

Entry to Upper Division Courses

Admission to undergraduate upper division courses, i.e., 3000- and 4000-level, in the College of Business Administration, is limited to students who have completed at least 50 semester hours with a GPA of at least 2.0. Students seeking a BBA must complete ACCT 2301, ACCT 2302, BANA 2372, ECON 2302, ECON 2301, and MATH 1324 with a minimum GPA of 2.0 prior to taking 3000- or 4000-level business courses.

Program Specific Requirements

Minimum Grades in Finance Courses

A minimum grade of “C” in finance courses taken (prefix FINC) is required for students to graduate with a BBA in Finance.


Bachelor of Business Administration - Major in Banking and Financial Institutions1
Courses Hours
First Year
ENGL 1301 3
ENGL 1302 3
HIST 1301 3
HIST 1302 3
MATH 1324 3
Laboratory Science2 8
Creative Arts Elective3 3
ECON 1100 or KINE 2115 or NGLI 11014 1

BUAD 1305 or CSTE 13305

Total 30
Second Year
ECON 2301 3
ECON 23026 3
POLS 2305 3
POLS 2306 3
ACCT 2301 3
ACCT 2302 3
BUAD 2321 or COMS 23827 3
BANA 2372 3
BUAD 2301 3
Language/Philosophy/Culture8 3
Total 30
Third Year
ACCT 3313 3
BANA 3363 3
BUAD 3335 3
BUAD 3355 3
FINC 3310 3
FINC 3320 3
FINC 4325 3
MGIS 3310 3
MGMT 3310 3
MKTG 3310 3
Total 30
Fourth Year
FINC 4320 3
FINC 4330 3
FINC 4335 3
FINC 4345 3
Major Electives9 (Choose 2) 6
ECON Elective (3000 or 4000 level) 3
MGMT 4370 3
MGMT 4390 3
Elective 3
Total 30
Total Hours Needed For Degree 120
1 Transfer students must take at least 50% of the required business curriculum for the BBA degree in residence at Sam Houston State University.
2 University Core Requirement. Two four-hour laboratory science courses from):
For one of the science courses, students are encouraged to take either BIOl 1436, GEOL 1436, or ISCI 1436.
3 University Core Requirement (Satisfies the Creative and Performing Arts requirement of Component Area V of the Core Curriculum). Select one from:
4 BBA specific requirement. Also satisfies Core Curriculum.
5 BBA specific requirement.
6 BBA specific requirement. Satisfies the Social Behavioral Sciences requirement of Component Area 8 of the Core Curriculum.
7 BBA specific requirement. Also satisfies Core Curriculum.
8 University Core Requirement. Select one from (Satisfies the Language/Philosophy/Culture requirement of Component Area IV of the Core Curriculum):
  • ARAB 2311 - Intermediate Arabic I
  • ARAB 2312 - Intermediate Arabic II
  • ENGL 2332 - World Literature I: Before 17th Century
  • ENGL 2333 - World Literature II: 17th Century and After
  • FOLG 2311 - Foreign Language Intermediate I
  • FOLG 2312 - Foreign Langauge Intermediate II
  • FREN 2311 - Intermediate French I
  • FREN 2312 - Intermediate French II
  • GEOG 2355 - World Geography: Europe, Asia, and Australia
  • GEOG 2356 - World Geography: Latin America, Africa, and South Asia
  • GERM 2311 - Intermediate German I
  • GERM 2312 - Intermediate German II
  • HIST 2311 - World History from Dawn of Civilization to Middle Ages
  • HIST 2312 - World History from the Renaissance to the Age of Imperialism
  • MCOM 1330 - Analysis of Electronic Culture
  • MUSI 1379 - Survey of World Music Cultures
  • PHIL 2306 - Contemporary Moral Issues
  • PHIL 2361 - Introduction to Philosophy
  • SGNL 2311 - Intermediate American Sign Language I
  • SGNL 2312 - Intermediate Amerian Sign Language I
  • SOCI 2319 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies
  • SPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish II
9 Finance Electives. Select two from FINC 4315, FINC 4340, FINC 4355, FINC 4365, FINC 4380, FINC 4389, or FINC 4390. FINC 4365 is typically offered only in the fall semester and FINC 4315 and FINC 4355 are typically offered only in the spring semester.

Minor in Banking

Minor in Banking: A minor in Banking (18 hours) is available to all bachelor degree programs in the College of Business Administration. The minor in Banking requires FINC 3310, FINC 4320, FINC 4335, and FINC 4330; 6 additional semester hours selected from FINC 4389 - Bank Internship (no more than 3 semester hours per semester with a maximum of 6 hours), FINC 4315, FINC 4340, or FINC 4345 with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. The minor in Banking is also available to Ag Business majors. In addition to the courses listed here for COBA majors, the following additional courses will be required for Ag Business majors to obtain the banking minor: ACCT 2301, ACCT 2302, and FINC 3320. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in Banking must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the Banking minor or not.

Bachelor of Business Administration - Major in Entrepreneurship1
Course Hours
First Year
ENGL 1301 3
ENGL 1302 3
HIST 1301 3
HIST 1302 3
MATH 1324 3
Laboratory Science2 8
Creative Arts Elective3 3
ECON 1100 or KINE 2115 or NGLI 11014 1
BUAD 1305 or CSTE 13305 3
Total 30
Second Year
ECON 2301 3
ECON 23026 3
POLS 2305 3
POLS 2306 3
ACCT 2301 3
ACCT 2302 3
BUAD 2321 or COMS 23827 3
BANA 2372 3
BUAD 2301 3
Language/Philosophy/Culture8 3
Total 30
Third Year
ACCT 3304 3
BANA 3363 3
BUAD 3335 3
BUAD 3345 3
BUAD 3355 3
FINC 3320 3
MGIS 3310 3
MGMT 3310 3
MKTG 3310 3
Elective 3
Total 30
Fourth Year

BUAD 4345

BUAD 4348 3
ECON 3352 or ECON 3374 or ECON 4340 3
FINC 4315 3
MGMT 4310 3
MGMT 4370 3
MGMT 4390 3
Business Electives9 (Select 3) 9
Total 30
Total Hours Needed For Degree 120
1 Transfer students must take at least 50% of the required business curriculum for the BBA degree in residence at Sam Houston State University.
2 University Core Requirement. Two four-hour laboratory science courses from):
For one of the science courses, students are encouraged to take either BIOl 1436, GEOL 1436, or ISCI 1436.
3 University Core Requirement (Satisfies the Creative and Performing Arts requirement of Component Area V of the Core Curriculum). Select one from:
4 BBA specific requirement. Also satisfies Core Curriculum.
5 BBA specific requirement.
6 BBA specific requirement. Satisfies the Social Behavioral Sciences requirement of Component Area 8 of the Core Curriculum.
7 BBA specific requirement. Also satisfies Core Curriculum.
8 University Core Requirement. Select one from (Satisfies the Language/Philosophy/Culture requirement of Component Area IV of the Core Curriculum):
  • ARAB 2311 - Intermediate Arabic I
  • ARAB 2312 - Intermediate Arabic II
  • ENGL 2332 - World Literature I: Before 17th Century
  • ENGL 2333 - World Literature II: 17th Century and After
  • FOLG 2311 - Foreign Language Intermediate I
  • FOLG 2312 - Foreign Langauge Intermediate II
  • FREN 2311 - Intermediate French I
  • FREN 2312 - Intermediate French II
  • GEOG 2355 - World Geography: Europe, Asia, and Australia
  • GEOG 2356 - World Geography: Latin America, Africa, and South Asia
  • GERM 2311 - Intermediate German I
  • GERM 2312 - Intermediate German II
  • HIST 2311 - World History from Dawn of Civilization to Middle Ages
  • HIST 2312 - World History from the Renaissance to the Age of Imperialism
  • MCOM 1330 - Analysis of Electronic Culture
  • MUSI 1379 - Survey of World Music Cultures
  • PHIL 2306 - Contemporary Moral Issues
  • PHIL 2361 - Introduction to Philosophy
  • SGNL 2311 - Intermediate American Sign Language I
  • SGNL 2312 - Intermediate Amerian Sign Language I
  • SOCI 2319 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies
  • SPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish II
9 Business Electives. Select three from ACCT 3313, ACCT 3314, ACCT 3324, ACCT 3347, ACCT 3353, BUAD 3360, BUAD 3365, FINC 3310, FINC 4345, FINC 4390, MGIS 2320, MGIS 3330, MGIS 4320, MGMT 3327, MGMT 3330, MGMT 3345, MGMT 4335, MGMT 4345, MGMT 4355, MGMT 4360, MKTG 3320, MKTG 3330, MKTG 3335, MKTG 3360, MKTG 3370, MKTG 4350

Minor in Entrepreneurship

Minor in Entrepreneurship: A minor in Entrepreneurship (18 hours) is available to all bachelor degree programs that permit a minor. The minor in Entrepreneurship requires: FINC 3310; BUAD 3355, 3345, 4348; and two courses from FINC 4315, MGMT 4310, or MKTG 3310 with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in Entrepreneurship must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the Entrepreneurship minor or not.

Bachelor of Business Administration - Major in Finance1
Course Hours
First Year
ENGL 1301 3
ENGL 1302 3
HIST 1301 3
HIST 1302 3
MATH 1324 3
Laboratory Science2 8
Creative Arts Elective3 3
ECON 1100 or KINE 2115 or NGLI 11014 1

BUAD 1305 or CSTE 13305

Total 30
Second Year
ECON 2301 3
ECON 23026 3
POLS 2305 3
POLS 2306 3
ACCT 2301 3
ACCT 2302 3
BUAD 2321 or COMS 23827 3
BANA 2372 3
BUAD 2301 3
Language/Philosophy/Culture8 3
Total 30
Third Year
ACCT 3313 3
ACCT 3314 3
BANA 3363 3
BUAD 3335 3
BUAD 3355 3
FINC 3310 3
FINC 3320 3
MGIS 3310 3
MGMT 3310 3
MKTG 3310 3
Total 30
Fourth Year
FINC 4320 3
FINC 4335 3
FINC 4345 3
FINC 4390 3
Major Electives9 (Select 2) 6
ECON Elective (3000 or 4000 level) 3
MGMT 4370 3
MGMT 4390 3
Elective 3
Total 30
Total Hours Needed For Degree 120
1 Transfer students must take at least 50% of the required business curriculum for the BBA degree in residence at Sam Houston State University.
2 University Core Requirement. Two four-hour laboratory science courses from):
For one of the science courses, students are encouraged to take either BIOL 1436, GEOL 1436, or ISCI 1436.
3 University Core Requirement (Satisfies the Creative and Performing Arts requirement of Component Area V of the Core Curriculum). Select one from:
4 BBA specific requirement. Also satisfies Core Curriculum.
5 BBA specific requirement.
6 BBA specific requirement. Satisfies the Social Behavioral Sciences requirement of Component Area 8 of the Core Curriculum.
7 BBA specific requirement. Also satisfies Core Curriculum.
8 University Core Requirement. Select one from (Satisfies the Language/Philosophy/Culture requirement of Component Area IV of the Core Curriculum):
  • ARAB 2311 - Intermediate Arabic I
  • ARAB 2312 - Intermediate Arabic II
  • ENGL 2332 - World Literature I: Before 17th Century
  • ENGL 2333 - World Literature II: 17th Century and After
  • FOLG 2311 - Foreign Language Intermediate I
  • FOLG 2312 - Foreign Langauge Intermediate II
  • FREN 2311 - Intermediate French I
  • FREN 2312 - Intermediate French II
  • GEOG 2355 - World Geography: Europe, Asia, and Australia
  • GEOG 2356 - World Geography: Latin America, Africa, and South Asia
  • GERM 2311 - Intermediate German I
  • GERM 2312 - Intermediate German II
  • HIST 2311 - World History from Dawn of Civilization to Middle Ages
  • HIST 2312 - World History from the Renaissance to the Age of Imperialism
  • MCOM 1330 - Analysis of Electronic Culture
  • MUSI 1379 - Survey of World Music Cultures
  • PHIL 2306 - Contemporary Moral Issues
  • PHIL 2361 - Introduction to Philosophy
  • SGNL 2311 - Intermediate American Sign Language I
  • SGNL 2312 - Intermediate Amerian Sign Language I
  • SOCI 2319 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies
  • SPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish II
9 Finance Electives. Select two from FINC 4315, FINC 4340, FINC 4355, FINC 4365, FINC 4380, FINC 4389, or FINC 4390. FINC 4365 is typically offered only in the fall semester and FINC 4315 and FINC 4355 are typically offered only in the spring semester.

Minor in Finance

Minor in Finance: A minor in Finance (24 hours) is available to all bachelor degree programs that permit a minor. The minor in Finance requires ACCT 2301 and ACCT 2302; FINC 3310, FINC 3320, and FINC 4345; 6 additional advanced hours in FINC courses; and 3 additional hours of FINC courses at any level with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in finance must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the Finance minor or not.

Bachelor of Business Administration - Major in General Business Administration1
Course Hours
First Year
ENGL 1301 3
ENGL 1302 3
HIST 1301 3
HIST 1302 3
MATH 1324 3
Laboratory Science2 8
Creative Arts Elective3 3
ECON 1100 or KINE 2115 or NGLI 11014 1
BUAD 1305 or CSTE 1330 3
Total 30
Second Year
ECON 2301 3
ECON 23026 3
POLS 2305 3
POLS 2306 3
ACCT 2301 3
ACCT 2302 3
BUAD 2321 or COMS 23827 3
BANA 2372 3
BUAD 2301 3
Language/Philosophy/Culture8 3
Total 30
Third Year
BANA 3363 3
FINC 3310 3
FINC 3320 3
MGIS 3310 3
MGMT 3310 3
MKTG 3310 3
Business Electives 6
Electives 3
Total 30
Fourth Year
BUAD 3335 3
BUAD 3355 3
MGMT 4370 3
MGMT 4390 3
Business Electives (Select 4) (3000 or 4000 level) 12
ECON Elective (3000 or 4000 level) 3
Electives 6
Total 30
Total Hours Needed For Degree 120
1 Transfer students must take at least 50% of the required business curriculum for the BBA degree in residence at Sam Houston State University.
2 University Core Requirement. Two four-hour laboratory science courses from):
For one of the science courses, students are encouraged to take either BIOl 1436, GEOL 1436, or ISCI 1436.
3 University Core Requirement (Satisfies the Creative and Performing Arts requirement of Component Area V of the Core Curriculum). Select one from:
4 BBA specific requirement. Also satisfies Core Curriculum.
5 BBA specific requirement.
6 BBA specific requirement. Satisfies the Social Behavioral Sciences requirement of Component Area 8 of the Core Curriculum.
7 BBA specific requirement. Also satisfies Core Curriculum.
8 University Core Requirement. Select one from (Satisfies the Language/Philosophy/Culture requirement of Component Area IV of the Core Curriculum):
  • ARAB 2311 - Intermediate Arabic I
  • ARAB 2312 - Intermediate Arabic II
  • ENGL 2332 - World Literature I: Before 17th Century
  • ENGL 2333 - World Literature II: 17th Century and After
  • FOLG 2311 - Foreign Language Intermediate I
  • FOLG 2312 - Foreign Langauge Intermediate II
  • FREN 2311 - Intermediate French I
  • FREN 2312 - Intermediate French II
  • GEOG 2355 - World Geography: Europe, Asia, and Australia
  • GEOG 2356 - World Geography: Latin America, Africa, and South Asia
  • GERM 2311 - Intermediate German I
  • GERM 2312 - Intermediate German II
  • HIST 2311 - World History from Dawn of Civilization to Middle Ages
  • HIST 2312 - World History from the Renaissance to the Age of Imperialism
  • MCOM 1330 - Analysis of Electronic Culture
  • MUSI 1379 - Survey of World Music Cultures
  • PHIL 2306 - Contemporary Moral Issues
  • PHIL 2361 - Introduction to Philosophy
  • SGNL 2311 - Intermediate American Sign Language I
  • SGNL 2312 - Intermediate Amerian Sign Language I
  • SOCI 2319 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies
  • SPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish II

Bachelor of Business Administration - Major in General Business Administration with PGM Concentration
Course Hours
First Year
ENGL 1301 3
ENGL 1302 3
HIST 1301 3
HIST 1302 3
MATH 1324 3
Laboratory Science2 4
Creative Arts Elective3 3
ECON 1100 or KINE 2115 or NGLI 11014 1
BUAD 1305 or CSTE 1330 3
BUAD 1111 2
Summer First Year
BUAD 2189 1
Second Year
ECON 2301 3
ECON 23026 3
POLS 2306 3
BUAD 2321 or COMS 23827 3
ACCT 2301 3
ACCT 2302 3
BANA 2372 3
BUAD 2301 3
Language/Philosophy/Culture8 3
BUAD 1111 1
Total 29
Summer Second Year
BUAD 2189 1
Third Year
Laboratory Science2 4
AGRI 2375 3
BUAD 3335 3
BUAD 3345 3
POLS 2305 3
MKTG 3310 3
MKTG 3310 3
MKTG 3335 3
BUAD 3169 2
Elective 3
Total 30
Summer Third Year
BUAD 3189 1
Fourth Year
BUAD 3363 3
BUAD 3355 3
FINC 3310 3
MGIS 3310 3
MGMT 4370 3
MGMT 4390 3
FACS 2441 4
BUAD 3169 2
ECON Elective (3000 or 4000 level) 3
Total 30
Summer Fourth and Fall Fifth Year
BUAD 4289 2
Total Hours Needed For Degree 122
1 Transfer students must take at least 50% of the required business curriculum for the BBA degree in residence at Sam Houston State University.
2 University Core Requirement. Two four-hour laboratory science courses from):
For one of the science courses, students are encouraged to take either BIOL 1436, GEOL 1436, or ISCI 1436.
3 University Core Requirement (Satisfies the Creative and Performing Arts requirement of Component Area V of the Core Curriculum). Select one from:
4 BBA specific requirement. Also satisfies Core Curriculum.
5 BBA specific requirement.
6 BBA specific requirement. Satisfies the Social Behavioral Sciences requirement of Component Area 8 of the Core Curriculum.
7 BBA specific requirement. Also satisfies Core Curriculum.
8 University Core Requirement. Select one from (Satisfies the Language/Philosophy/Culture requirement of Component Area IV of the Core Curriculum):
  • ARAB 2311 - Intermediate Arabic I
  • ARAB 2312 - Intermediate Arabic II
  • ENGL 2332 - World Literature I: Before 17th Century
  • ENGL 2333 - World Literature II: 17th Century and After
  • FOLG 2311 - Foreign Language Intermediate I
  • FOLG 2312 - Foreign Langauge Intermediate II
  • FREN 2311 - Intermediate French I
  • FREN 2312 - Intermediate French II
  • GEOG 2355 - World Geography: Europe, Asia, and Australia
  • GEOG 2356 - World Geography: Latin America, Africa, and South Asia
  • GERM 2311 - Intermediate German I
  • GERM 2312 - Intermediate German II
  • HIST 2311 - World History from Dawn of Civilization to Middle Ages
  • HIST 2312 - World History from the Renaissance to the Age of Imperialism
  • MCOM 1330 - Analysis of Electronic Culture
  • MUSI 1379 - Survey of World Music Cultures
  • PHIL 2306 - Contemporary Moral Issues
  • PHIL 2361 - Introduction to Philosophy
  • SGNL 2311 - Intermediate American Sign Language I
  • SGNL 2312 - Intermediate Amerian Sign Language I
  • SOCI 2319 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies
  • SPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish I
  • SPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish II

Minor in General Business Administration

A minor in General Business Administration (21 hours) is available to all non-business bachelor degree programs that permit a minor. The minor in General Business Administration requires ACCT 2301 and ACCT 2302; ECON 2300 or ECON 2302 or ECON 2301; MKTG 3310; MGMT 3310; FINC 3310 or FINC 3320; and 3 additional hours of business electives at any level with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in General Business Administration must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the General Business Administration minor or not.

Minor in Business Communication

Minor in Business Communication: A minor in Business Communication (18 hours) is available to all bachelor degree programs that permit a minor. The minor in Business Communication requires BUAD 1305, BUAD 2321, BUAD 3336, BUAD 3335, BUAD 4335 and 3 additional advanced hours from BUAD 3360, BUAD 4380, BUAD 4389 or COMS 4365 with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in Business Communication must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the Business Communication minor or not.

Minor in Business Education

A minor in Business Education is available to all non-business bachelor degree programs that permit a minor. This minor is designed to meet the requirements for a teaching certification in Texas and specifically for someone wishing to use business as a second teaching field in Texas high schools. The minor in Business Education requires ACCT 2301, ACCT 2302; ECON 2301 and ECON 2302; BUAD 3355; BUAD 3335; FINC 1307; and MGMT 3310 with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in these courses. Furthermore, degree candidates for a minor in Business Education must achieve a minimum 2.0 grade point average for all hours attempted in business courses, including residence and transfer hours whether required for the Business Education minor or not.

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