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MA in Instructional Leadership

Program Description | Admission | Degree RequirementsDegree Plans | Courses

Program Description

This degree is designed specifically for the candidate who wishes to work in a leadership position that does not require principal certification. These leadership positions include, but or not limited to, positions in schools, agencies, businesses, or organizations.  This degree emphasizes research. Candidates participating in this degree program will complete a thesis as part of the requirements for graduation. This degree requires completion of thirty hours of graduate credit. A comprehensive examination is required during the final semester of coursework. The degree plan originates in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.



Degree Requirements

Master of Arts in Instructional Leadership


Required Coursework
ASE 579 Methods of Research 3 SCH
**ASE 586 Special Populations and Special Programs OR Cognate 3 SCH
**ASE 578 Curriculum Planning 3 SCH
ASE 694 Instructional Leadership II 3 SCH
ASE 660 Psychology of Learning 3 SCH
ASE 668 Instructional Leadership I 3 SCH
ASE 672 Practicum in Instructional Leadership 3 SCH
***ASE 687 Field Studies in Education (Master’s Thesis) 3 SCH
Area of Concentration / Cognate

6 SCH (or 9 SCH)

  **  3 hour cognate may be substituted for ASE 586

Total   30 SCH



***ASE 687 is the last course to be taken in the course sequence.

Courses must be completed in the sequence as listed.


Master of Arts in Instructional Leadership (with National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) certification).  This degree is designed specifically for the aspiring and experienced academic advisors, instructors, and leaders, in both community colleges and senior institutions.  This degree emphasizes research.  Candidates participating in this degree program will write a thesis as part of the requirements for graduation.  This degree requires completion of thirty hours of graduate credit. A comprehensive examination is required during the final semester of coursework. The degree plan originates in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling.

Master of Arts in Instructional Leadership
(with NACADA Certification)


Required Coursework
ASE 579 Methods of Research 3 SCH
ASE 578 Curriculum Planning 3 SCH
**ASE 586 Special Populations and Special Programs 3 SCH
ASE 660 Psychology of Learning 3 SCH
ASE 668 Instructional Leadership I 3 SCH
ASE 587

Workshop in Education (with emphasis in Academic Advising)(substituted for ASE 694)

ASE 672 Practicum in Instructional Leadership 3 SCH
***ASE 687 Field Studies in Education (Master’s Thesis) 3 SCH
Area of Concentration / Cognate

6 SCH (or 9 SCH)

CNE 660 Student Services in Higher Education


CNE 570 Career Counseling


  **  3 hour cognate may be substituted for ASE 586—CNE 592 Cross-cultural Issues in Counseling

Total   30 SCH


***ASE 687 is the last course to be taken in the course sequence.  May be taken with one to two other courses.

Courses must be completed in sequence as listed.


Degree Plans





Course Descriptions (Opens new browser)

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