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KIN 534 Practicum. An internship experience in a personal working environment, organizational setting. Supervisory assistance by project staff occurs at frequent intervals.

KIN 562 Legal Issues in Sport. An examination of legal factors affecting Physical Education, amateur athletics and professional sport. Analysis will involve teachers, coaches, officials, spectators, medical personnel, owners of sports teams, and commercial suppliers of equipment and products used within an activity setting.

KIN 563 Leadership in Health Promotion and Sport Management. This course is designed for the individual who will assume some type of supervisory position in health promotion or sport management. The course’s focal point involves exposure to administrative skills required of those who serve in a leadership capacity.

KIN 567 Advanced Physiology of Exercise. Advanced content reflecting the scientific principles underlying exercise is coupled with an emphasis on laboratory experiences. Students will be required to conduct an applied research project on a topic of their choice. Prerequisite: KIN 373 or permission of instructor.

KIN 572 Youth Fitness. This course is designed to provide participants with specific background and knowledge in how to appropriately plan programs geared to improving the fitness of youth. Central to this course is the development of an attitude that perceives youth fitness as a significant part of the school curriculum. This course will prepare individuals to promote youth fitness in an effective and scientific manner.

KIN 574 Research Seminar. A study is made of research techniques, identification of problems, research designs and data gathering procedures. Students will develop a proposal for a research project.

KIN 575 Statistical Design in Health and Kinesiology. Principles of advanced statistical techniques and measurement theory, with emphasis upon their application to Health, Kinesiology, and related areas, will be presented.

KIN 577 Independent Studies. This course is adaptable to the needs and interests of the individual student. Students with specific interests are provided the opportunity to investigate and make application in theoretical, laboratory, or field experience approaches to their area of concentration. Prerequisites: KIN 574. A proposal is submitted to the faculty sponsor and the Chair of the Health and Kinesiology Graduate Committee the semester before the student plans to register for this course.

KIN 579 Management of Adult Fitness Programs. An analysis of factors associated with the management of commercial, corporate and hospital-based wellness programs. Special attention will be given to the purpose, development and maintenance of such programs.

KIN 589 Sports in American Culture. The course explores North American sport from a viewpoint that sport is a microcosm of society. Social structures, subcultures, and ethics are explored.

KIN 592 Program Development in Kinesiology. This course is designed to examine movement patterns and the developmental progression of motor actions in children and adolescents. The focus will be on how to create challenging curricula, while improving instructional skills.

KIN 593 Advanced Studies in the Psychology of Sport. An advanced study of the psychological factors that affect, and are influenced by, sports participation. Both the coach and the athlete are considered in this analysis.

KIN 595 Advanced Biomechanics. The mechanical analysis of motion as it applies to the human musculoskeletal system. The course stresses advanced concepts of functional anatomy, linear and angular kinetics and kinematics, and application of those concepts in a laboratory/research setting. Emphasis is placed on data collection and evaluation in a semester research project. Prerequisite: KIN 362 or permission of instructor.

KIN 597 Current Issues in Kinesiology. This course will include topics and specific issues germane to current concerns in the areas of Physical Education, health-related wellness, sport on the professional level, and interscholastic and intercollegiate athletics. Students will be required to complete a research project requiring data collection and analysis.

KIN 598 Significance of Motor Learning. This course will present the theoretical and experimental bases for the understanding of human behavior in movement. Areas of study include feedback manipulation, motor programming, dynamic systems theory, generalizability of schema, forgetting, and compatibility analysis. Students are required to plan and conduct a research study testing a motor learning postulate of their own choosing. Prerequisite: KIN 322 or permission of instructor.

KIN 599 Workshop in Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport. An intensive laboratory-oriented experience for practitioners seeking to upgrade teaching, coaching, or leadership competencies in areas related to Kinesiology, Coaching, and Athletics. May be repeated for credit with approval of the Chair of the Health and Kinesiology Graduate Committee.

KIN 698 Thesis. This phase of the thesis investigation includes the completion of the review of the related literature, formulation of the research design and procedures and related pilot studies. Some data collection may also occur, and the thesis symposium must be completed to the satisfaction of the advisor and members of the thesis committee.

KIN 699 Thesis. This phase of the thesis includes the completion of the data collection, as well as the actual writing and defense of the thesis.


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