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3.9.3 Qualified staff

The institution employs qualified personnel to ensure the quality and effectiveness of its student affairs programs. (Qualified staff)

Judgment of Compliance

Sam Houston State University provides a variety of student-oriented programs and services through both the Division of Student Services and the Division of Enrollment Management. These include the Offices of the Bearkat OneCard, Career Services, Counseling and Disability Services, Dean of Students’ Office, Financial Aid, Lowman Student Center, Recreational Sports, Registrar’s Office, Residence Life, Student Activities, Student Health Center, Students’ Legal Services, Undergraduate Admissions, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Vice President for Student Services, and the Visitor Center. As indicated in the response to Standard 2.10, both divisions are dedicated to providing services and programs that promote student learning and development.

Organizational charts for the Divisions of Enrollment Management and Student Services highlight the specialties of each division and reveal the delegation of leadership responsibilities [1] [2]. Each division is responsible for separate departments that encompass programs and services under the student affairs heading.

Both divisions are committed to providing quality staff working within each office. Student Services and Enrollment Management staff members are provided opportunities for professional development both on campus as well as off campus as means of ensuring that they remain current with their respective fields [3]. Personnel in both divisions maintain active membership and participation in national, state, regional, and local professional organizations and associations as evidenced in the vitas provided in the table at the end of this narrative [4]. All staff in each of the divisions participated in at least one professional development conference or training seminar during the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Each department holds regular staff meetings as well as retreats that provide additional opportunities for professional development. Staff members also utilize employee development programs hosted by the University, such as President’s Employee Scholarship Program, classes offered by the Continuing Education Department in accordance with the University’s Human Resources Policy B-5, and computer services training workshops [3].

All staff in the divisions are evaluated following the University’s policy for conducting staff evaluations to ensure the continuance of quality in programs and services delivered by each of the divisions’ departments and staff [5] [6] [7].

Every employee receives an annual one-on-one evaluation with his or her supervisor as a means of identifying areas for improvement and establishing plans for the upcoming year. The Annual Merit Review (AMR) Form [8] is used for the purpose of recording the results of the annual performance review and maintaining a permanent record within each department to use in future merit reviews and to satisfy audit requirements. New employees may receive a six-month review, and their supervisor may request a merit pay increase based upon performance. A Staff Evaluation Summary (SES) [9] is used for merit recommendations.

The Enrollment Management division also distributes online evaluation forms to each employee in the division to assess the employee’s direct supervisor and/or director. The evaluations are returned anonymously to the Vice President’s office and used as an additional assessment in the directors’ evaluations. This information is filed in the Vice President of Enrollment Management’s office [10].

Each department in the divisions of Enrollment Management and Student Services has operational manuals and handbooks germane to their respective areas that further acquaint new employees and participants with office procedures and policies [11] [12]. Manuals are kept in each department and may be viewed upon request.

The vice presidents of Student Services and Enrollment Management have the responsibility for directing assessment efforts, determining divisional goals, and guiding departments in constructing outcomes that are relevant and meaningful. Assessment efforts for the fiscal years of 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 are reported using Sam Houston State University’s Online Assessment Tracking Database (OATDB). Event evaluation forms [13], focus groups [14], and surveys [15] among other methods are used to collect divisional data. Additionally, the Division of Student Services departments and Enrollment Management’s Orientation Program use StudentVoice [16], a web-based program, to further assess programs and services.

The effectiveness and quality of the services and programs offered by enrollment management and student services departments result from continual assessment efforts, ensuring staff development for all employees, adhering to good hiring practices, and evaluating staff on a regular basis.

A table, containing a list of key staff personnel in Student Services and Enrollment Management, with links to job descriptions and qualifications, has been provided.

Supporting Documentation
Documentation Reference
Document Title
[1] Organization Chart, SHSU - Enrollment Management
[2] Organization Chart, SHSU - Student Services
[3] Human Resources Policy B-5 - Employee Development
[4] Professional Organizations, Enrollment Management and Student Services
[5] Human Resources Policy ER-6 - Staff Evaluation System
[6] Annual Merit Review (AMR) Form, Staff, SHSU - Example 1
[7] Annual Merit Review (AMR) Form, Staff, SHSU - Example 2
[8] Annual Merit Review (AMR) Form, Staff, SHSU
[9] Staff Evaluation Summary (SES), Dean of Students, Division of Student Services, Fiscal Year 2007
[10] Staff Performance Survey, Enrollment Management
[11] Operations Manual Example,  Health Center
[12] Operations Manual Example, Career Services
[13] Bearkat Ongoing Leadership Development (B.O.L.D.) Evaluation Form
[14] Freshman Leadership Program Focus Group, Spring 2008
[15] New Student Orientation Evaluation
[16] StudentVoice

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Sam Houston State University
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