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3.2.12 Fund-raising activities

The institution’s chief executive officer controls the institution’s fund-raising activities exclusive of institution-related foundations that are independent and separately incorporated. (Fund-raising activities)

Judgment of Compliance

The president of Sam Houston State University has ultimate control over the University’s fundraising activities. As the chief executive officer, the president is actively involved in the direction and oversight, either directly or through designated representatives, of the University’s development program. As discussed in the response to Core Requirement 2.3, the president’s responsibility for and control over the University and its budget is stated in Chapter IV, Subsection 2.25 of The Texas State University System Rules and Regulations [1], which assigns to the president of each component institution the responsibility of “recommending appropriate operating budgets and supervising expenditures under approved budgets” for that institution. Subsection 2.2(12) further states that the president’s duties and responsibilities include “leading private fund development support for the Component (institution) in accordance with policies and procedures established” in the TSUS Rules and Regulations [2]. These duties clearly cover the oversight of fundraising activities.

While the Sam Houston State University president has ultimate control of all fundraising activities, he delegates the coordination of such activities to the Vice President for University Advancement. As documented in the vice president’s job description, the nature and purpose of the vice president’s position is “to assist the Office of the President in providing expertise and leadership in the development and operation of a major division of the University” [3].

According to the University Organizational Chart [4], the Vice President for University Advancement reports directly to the President and serves as a member of the President’s Cabinet. He advises the President twice a month, or more often as necessary, on fundraising strategies, plans, and progress. The Vice President for University Advancement is charged with coordinating various activities, including development events, communications, gift processing, and compliance. The University follows the procedures regarding “Gift Acceptance,” which are in the TSUS Rules and Regulations, Chapter 3, Subsection 1.(12) [5].

Pursuant to the President’s directives, the Vice President for University Advancement builds the operational infrastructure and professional fundraising team to support aggressive fundraising goals. As of March 2008, the team included six employees in development: executive director; directors of major gifts, donor relations, and annual giving; phonathon manager; and campaign coordinator [6]. In addition, there were five employees in advancement services, including the director; four in alumni relations, including the director; two in marketing, including the director; three in public relations, including the director; and three in the division office, including the vice president. Also, under the direction of the Vice President for University Advancement is the Sam Houston Memorial Museum, which has eight employees, including the director.

Supporting Documentation
Documentation Reference
Document Title
[1] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter IV, Section 2.25
[2] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter IV, Section 2.2(12)
[3] Job Description - Vice President
[4] Organization Chart, SHSU
[5] The Texas State University System, Rules and Regulations, Chapter III, Section 1(12)
[6] Development Team  - Meeting Minute Examples

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Sam Houston State University
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