
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Service :
Criminal Justice, LEMIT

3 Goals     3 Objectives     15 Indicators     19 Criteria     24 Findings     24 Actions

GOAL: 1. Center Of Excellence

Objective 1. Meet And Exceed The Needs
Meet and exceed the training, professional development and service needs of the constituency and staff.
Associated Goals: 1. Center Of Excellence, 2. Exemplary Training And Service, 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Indicator 1.1 Evaluations  
Program evaluations to be conducted and assessed in order to enhance/improve course delivery, develop requested training, and utilize success in marketing efforts.
Criteria 1.1(a) 80+% Participant Satisfaction  
Maintain or exceed an 80% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum; to be collected and measured at the conclusion of each training session.
Finding 1.1(a)(i) 80+% Participant Satisfaction Achieved
All programs achieved an 80+% satisfaction rating. Instructors are provided with a summary of their evaluations. The Executive Director receives a summary of the evaluations/ratings for each course for commentary purposes and action proposals as necessary. As needed and where possible, changes are made in instructors, curriculum and/or content and layout.
Criteria 1.1(b) Institute Growth  
Utilize program evaluations to assist in the development and implementation of new training initiatives, thereby contributing to the growth and success of the Institute.
Finding 1.1(b)(i) Agency Specific ICS Training
In 2008, InCoSiT to develop and deliver an Intermediate ICS training session for the Clear Creek ISD (school specific administration and special training) and The Department of Stte Health Services (DSHS).
Finding 1.1(b)(ii) Public Information Officer Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a thirty (30) hour course for existing, new and potential PIOs in addition to administrative executives involved in public information collection, dissemination and oversight on behalf of their agency. The course aims to address the growing need for training related to NIMS (National Incident Management System) and Public Information Systems for primary spokespersons of agencies during crisis. The training was developed by February 2008 with three (3) sessions scheduled for delivery through August 2008: February 27th-29th, 2008; March 17th-19th, 2008; and, May 14th-16th, 2008.
Finding 1.1(b)(iii) ICAMEO & UCAMEO
InCoSiT, in collaboration with Louisiana State University National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT)/Academy of Counter Terrorist Education (ACE), organized and hosted a two-part training program to the CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations) Suite. CAMEO is a public domain collection of software applications developed by the EPA, NOAA, the US Bureau of Census and the USGS to assist first responders and emergency planners. The first part of the training was an Introduction to CAMEO Suite (ICAMEO) held March 25th-27th, 2008, followed by UCAMEO (using CAMEO Suite), in Weapons of Mass Destruction incidents held April 29th-May 1st, 2008.
Finding 1.1(b)(iv) ICS Documentation Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a technical half-day training on ICS documentation by August 2008.
Criteria 1.1(c) Contribution to marketing efforts
Utilize program success to contribute to the marketing efforts of the Institute.
Finding 1.1(c)(i) Website
Website committee formed; website enhanced/upgraded.
Finding 1.1(c)(ii) Brochures
Brochure was successfully updated in May, 2008.
Indicator 1.2 Organizational Review
Periodically review the Institute’s structure and processes so as to ensure functionality and success.
Criteria 1.2(a) Staff Retreat
Hold staff retreat.
Finding 1.2(a)(i) Staff Retreat Held
Staff retreat held December 13th & 14th, 2007 to discuss the Institute’s structure, processes, programs’ goals and objectives in addition to addressing areas of improvement and growth throughout.
Criteria 1.2(b) Strategic Plan
Construct the Institute’s Strategic Plan for the 2007-2010 time period.
Finding 1.2(b)(i) Staff Retreat Held
Staff retreat held December 13th & 14th, 2007 to discuss, in part, the Strategic Plan and to modify its parts through discussion.
Indicator 1.3 Training/Working Environment  
Provide and maintain a positive and thriving training and working environment.
Criteria 1.3(a) 80+% Participant Satisfaction  
Maintain or exceed an 80% standard on participant satisfaction with Institute training; to be collected and measured at the conclusion of each training session.
Finding 1.3(a)(i) 80+% Participant Satisfaction Achieved
All programs achieved an 80+% satisfaction rating. Instructors are provided with a summary of their evaluations. The Executive Director receives a summary of the evaluations/ratings for each course for commentary purposes and action proposals as necessary. As needed and where possible, changes are made in instructors, curriculum and/or content and layout.
Criteria 1.3(b) Staff Satisfaction Survey
Identify a Committee Chair to begin organizing a committee to develop a Staff Satisfaction Survey that will measure staff satisfaction with working environment; to be collected and measured annually.
Finding 1.3(b)(i) Staff Satisfaction Survey- Committee Chair selected
A Committee Chair has been selected. Will move forward with member selection, then survey design.
Actions for Objective:

Action 1.1(a)(i)(1) Continue with 80+% Satisfaction level
Continue to maintain/improve on satisfaction ratings.
Action 1.1(b)(i)(1) Agency Specific Training completed- No further action required
Successfully delivered training to The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) on May 21st, 2008 and to the Clear Creek ISD on June 27th and 28th, 2008. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.1(b)(ii)1 PIO training completed successfully- No further action required
Public Information Officer (PIO) training was completed successfully.
Action 1.1(b)(iii)(1) ICAMEO/UCAMEO training completed- No further action required
ICAMEO & UCAMEO training inititiaves completed successfully.
Action 1.1(b)(iv)(1) ICS Doc Training completed- No further action required
ICS Documentation training was successfully developed and rolled into the ICS-400 training which expanded the previous curriculum. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.1(c)(i)1 Website design completed- No further action required
Website has been successfully enhanced. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.1(c)(ii)1 Brochure design completed- No further action required
Brochure was updated; therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.2(a)(i)1 Program review complete- No further action required
Staff Retreat was held. Program curricula, instruction, delivery and processess reviewed, committees created. No further action required.
Action 1.2(b)(i)1 Strategic Plan complete- No further action required
Staff Retreat & meetings complete. Mission, Vision and Value Statements have been revised. No further action required.
Action 1.3(a)(i)1 Continue with 80% Satisfaction level
Continue to maintain/improve on satisfaction ratings.
Action 1.3(b)(i)1 Staff Satisfaction Survey Chair selected- No further action required
Staff Satisfaction Survey Chair has been selected. Member selection to follow, then survey to be designed.

GOAL: 1. Center Of Excellence

Objective 2. Growth
Continually seek and develop partnership opportunities and collaborative efforts in order to introduce new training initiatives, services and professional development to the constituency and staff.
Associated Goals: 1. Center Of Excellence, 2. Exemplary Training And Service, 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Indicator 2.1 E-Learning Website
Digital Technology Programs to develop a website to provide e-learning courses involving rich media (audio, video, text, interactivity, etc.), and learning management services at no charge to Law Enforcement leaders in Texas.
Criteria 2.1(a) August 2008
Expected completion date of August 2008 for development.
Finding 2.1(a)(i) E-Learning Website Development Successfully Completed.
E-Learning website development was successfully completed in August 2008.
Indicator 2.2 Ethics For Law Enforcement Leaders
After receipt of content material from a third party, Digital Technology Programs to develop and deliver a four (4) hour e-learning course that combines basic concepts of ethics with authentic scenarios for practical application.
Criteria 2.2(a) August 2008
Expected delivery date of August 2008 for design completion and delivery.
Finding 2.2(a)(i) Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders Course Delayed
As of August 31, 2008, the Digital Technology Programs is still waiting on content material to be written and delivered by a third party. Therefore, the design and delivery of the Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders course has been delayed.
Indicator 2.3 Building Effective Communication Skills For Law Enforcement
Digital Technology Programs to develop and deliver a four (4) hour e-learning course in practical communications within a police organization and with the general public.
Criteria 2.3(a) August 2008
Expected delivery date of August 2008 for design completion and delivery.
Finding 2.3(a)(i) Building Effective Communication Skills for Law Enforcement Course Delayed.
As of August 31, 2008, the Digital Technology Programs is still waiting on content material to be written and delivered by a third party. Therefore, the development and delivery of the course has been delayed.
Indicator 2.4 Online Survey Engine
Digital Technology Programs to develop and deliver an online survey engine is a rich Internet application written in Adobe Flash. The application is easily configured to collect public opinion data, course evaluation information, and even serve as an online examination application.
Criteria 2.4(a) August 2008
Expected delivery date of August 2008 for design completion and delivery.
Finding 2.4(a)(i) Online Survey Engine Successfully Completed.
The Online Survey Engine was successfully developed and delivered in Jun 2008.
Indicator 2.5 Agency Specific ICS Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver an Intermediate ICS training session for the Clear Creek ISD (school specific administration and special training) and The Department of State Health Services (DSHS).
Criteria 2.5(a) 2008 Completion
The Agency Specific ICS training will be completed and delivered in 2008.
Finding 2.5(a)(i) Agency Specific ICS Training Successfully completed.
Successfully delivered training to The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) on May 21st, 2008 and to the Clear Creek ISD on June 27th and 28th, 2008.
Indicator 2.6 Public Information Officer (PIO) Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a thirty (30) hour course for existing, new and potential PIOs in addition to administrative executives involved in public information collection, dissemination and oversight on behalf of their agency. The course aims to address the growing need for training related to NIMS (National Incident Management System) and Public Information Systems for primary spokespersons of agencies during crisis. (
Criteria 2.6(a) February 2008
This training will be developed by February 2008 with three (3) sessions delivered through August 2008.
Finding 2.6(a)(i) PIO Training Constructed & Delivered
The PIO Training course was successfully constructed in February 2008 with three (3) courses held: February 27th-29th, 2008; March 17th-19th, 2008; and, May 14th-16th, 2008.
Indicator 2.7 ICAMEO & UCAMEO  
InCoSiT, in collaboration with Louisiana State University National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT)/Academy of Counter Terrorist Education (ACE), will organize and host a two-part training program to the CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations) Suite. CAMEO is a public domain collection of software applications developed by the EPA, NOAA, the US Bureau of Census and the USGS to assist first responders and emergency planners. The first part of the training will be an Introduction to CAMEO Suite (ICAMEO), followed by UCAMEO (using CAMEO Suite), in Weapons of Mass Destruction incidents. (
Criteria 2.7(a) Spring 2008
This training will be organized and delivered by the Spring of 2008.
Finding 2.7(a)(i) ICAMEO Organized & Delivered
The ICAMEO training was successfully organized and delivered March 25th-27th, 2008.
Finding 2.7(a)(ii) UCAMEO Organized & Delivered
The UCAMEO training was successfully organized and delivered April 29th-May 1st, 2008.
Indicator 2.8 ICS Documentation Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a technical half-day training on ICS documentation.
Criteria 2.8(a) August 2008 Delivery
This training will be developed and delivered by August 2008.
Finding 2.8(a)(i) ICS Documentation Training Development and Delivery Completed
The ICS Documentation Training was successfully developed and rolled into the ICS-400 training which expanded the previous curriculum.
Indicator 2.9 Research Department
The establishment of an appropriately staffed and funded research program.
Criteria 2.9(a) August 2008
To have commenced with the establishment of the program by August 31, 2008.
Finding 2.9(a)(i) Research Program successfully established
The research program has been appropriately staffed, funded and with Goals and Objectives in place.
Actions for Objective:

Action 2.1(a)(i)1 E-Learning Website Developed- No further action required.
With the E-Learning website having been successfully developed, no further action is required.
Action 2.2(a)(i)1 Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders course- obtain content material.
Continue efforts to obtain the content material from third party for the Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders course so that development and delivery can be met.
Action 2.3(a)(i)1 Building Effective Communication Skills for Law Enforcement- obtain content material.
Continue efforts to obtain content material from third party for the Building Effective Communication Skills for Law Enforcement course so that development and delivery can be met.
Action 2.4(a)(i)1 Online Survey Engine Successfully Completed- No further action required
With the Online Survey Engine having been successfully developed and delivered, there is no further action required.
Action 2.5(a)(i)1 Agency Specific Training completed- No further action required
Successfully delivered training to The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) on May 21st, 2008 and to the Clear Creek ISD on June 27th and 28th, 2008. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 2.6(a)(i)1 PIO Training Delivered- No further action required
The Public Information Officer (PIO) training was constructed and delivered with success. No further action required.
Action 2.7(a)(i)1 ICAMEO training delivered- No further action required
The ICAMEO taining was successfully organized and delivered March 25th-27th, 2008. No further action required.
Action 2.7(a)(ii)1 UCAMEO training delivered- No further action required
The UCAMEO training was successfully organized and delivered April 29th-May 1st, 2008. No further action required.
Action 2.8(a)(i)1 ICS Doc Training completed- No further action required
ICS Documentation training was successfully developed and rolled into the ICS-400 training which expanded the previous curriculum. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 2.9(a)(i)1 Research Program established- No further action required
With the Research Program having been successfully established, there is no further action necessary.

GOAL: 1. Center Of Excellence

Objective 3. Image And Visibility
To actively promote the Institute, its programs, services and success in training and service both domestically and internationally.
Associated Goals: 1. Center Of Excellence, 2. Exemplary Training And Service, 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Indicator 3.1 Website
Enhance the Institute’s website so as to become an efficient and successful marketing tool.
Criteria 3.1(a) Website Committee
Establish a committee to address the enhancement of the Institute’s website layout to appeal to both domestic and international audiences.
Finding 3.1(a)(i) Website Committee Formed
During the Staff Retreat held December 13th-14th, 2007, a committee was formed for the purpose of enhancing the Institute’s website layout.
Indicator 3.2 Brochures
Enhance Institute and program brochures so as to become an efficient and successful marketing tool.
Criteria 3.2(a) Brochure Design
Address the enhancement of the Institute''s brochure layout to appeal to both domestic and international audiences.
Finding 3.2(a)(i) Brochure Enhancements completed
Brochure enhancements made and completed.
Indicator 3.3 Constituencies
Utilize success ratings with established constituency relationships to assist in the promotion of the Institute’s image and visibility.
Criteria 3.3(a) 80+% Participant Satisfaction  
Maintain or exceed an 80% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum; to be collected and measured at the conclusion of each training session.
Finding 3.3(a)(i) 80+% Participant Satisfaction Achieved
All programs achieved an 80+% satisfaction rating. Instructors are provided with a summary of their evaluations. The Executive Director receives a summary of the evaluations/ratings for each course for commentary purposes and action proposals as necessary. As needed and where possible, changes are made in instructors, curriculum and/or content and layout.
Actions for Objective:

Action 3.1(a)(i)1 Website Committee formed- No further action required
The committee met on January 24th, 2008 and May 23rd, 2008 to view and discuss prelminary website changes inclusive of multi-lingual delivery. The enhanced website has been completed and launched.
Action 3.2(a)(i)1 Brochure enhancements completed- No further action required
As the brochure design was successfully enhanced, there is no further action required.
Action 3.3(a)(i)1 Continue with 80+% Satisfaction level
Continue to maintain/improve on satisfaction ratings.

GOAL: 2. Exemplary Training And Service

Objective 1. Meet And Exceed The Needs
Meet and exceed the training, professional development and service needs of the constituency and staff.
Associated Goals: 1. Center Of Excellence, 2. Exemplary Training And Service, 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Indicator 1.1 Evaluations  
Program evaluations to be conducted and assessed in order to enhance/improve course delivery, develop requested training, and utilize success in marketing efforts.
Criteria 1.1(a) 80+% Participant Satisfaction  
Maintain or exceed an 80% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum; to be collected and measured at the conclusion of each training session.
Finding 1.1(a)(i) 80+% Participant Satisfaction Achieved
All programs achieved an 80+% satisfaction rating. Instructors are provided with a summary of their evaluations. The Executive Director receives a summary of the evaluations/ratings for each course for commentary purposes and action proposals as necessary. As needed and where possible, changes are made in instructors, curriculum and/or content and layout.
Criteria 1.1(b) Institute Growth  
Utilize program evaluations to assist in the development and implementation of new training initiatives, thereby contributing to the growth and success of the Institute.
Finding 1.1(b)(i) Agency Specific ICS Training
In 2008, InCoSiT to develop and deliver an Intermediate ICS training session for the Clear Creek ISD (school specific administration and special training) and The Department of Stte Health Services (DSHS).
Finding 1.1(b)(ii) Public Information Officer Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a thirty (30) hour course for existing, new and potential PIOs in addition to administrative executives involved in public information collection, dissemination and oversight on behalf of their agency. The course aims to address the growing need for training related to NIMS (National Incident Management System) and Public Information Systems for primary spokespersons of agencies during crisis. The training was developed by February 2008 with three (3) sessions scheduled for delivery through August 2008: February 27th-29th, 2008; March 17th-19th, 2008; and, May 14th-16th, 2008.
Finding 1.1(b)(iii) ICAMEO & UCAMEO
InCoSiT, in collaboration with Louisiana State University National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT)/Academy of Counter Terrorist Education (ACE), organized and hosted a two-part training program to the CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations) Suite. CAMEO is a public domain collection of software applications developed by the EPA, NOAA, the US Bureau of Census and the USGS to assist first responders and emergency planners. The first part of the training was an Introduction to CAMEO Suite (ICAMEO) held March 25th-27th, 2008, followed by UCAMEO (using CAMEO Suite), in Weapons of Mass Destruction incidents held April 29th-May 1st, 2008.
Finding 1.1(b)(iv) ICS Documentation Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a technical half-day training on ICS documentation by August 2008.
Criteria 1.1(c) Contribution to marketing efforts
Utilize program success to contribute to the marketing efforts of the Institute.
Finding 1.1(c)(i) Website
Website committee formed; website enhanced/upgraded.
Finding 1.1(c)(ii) Brochures
Brochure was successfully updated in May, 2008.
Indicator 1.2 Organizational Review
Periodically review the Institute’s structure and processes so as to ensure functionality and success.
Criteria 1.2(a) Staff Retreat
Hold staff retreat.
Finding 1.2(a)(i) Staff Retreat Held
Staff retreat held December 13th & 14th, 2007 to discuss the Institute’s structure, processes, programs’ goals and objectives in addition to addressing areas of improvement and growth throughout.
Criteria 1.2(b) Strategic Plan
Construct the Institute’s Strategic Plan for the 2007-2010 time period.
Finding 1.2(b)(i) Staff Retreat Held
Staff retreat held December 13th & 14th, 2007 to discuss, in part, the Strategic Plan and to modify its parts through discussion.
Indicator 1.3 Training/Working Environment  
Provide and maintain a positive and thriving training and working environment.
Criteria 1.3(a) 80+% Participant Satisfaction  
Maintain or exceed an 80% standard on participant satisfaction with Institute training; to be collected and measured at the conclusion of each training session.
Finding 1.3(a)(i) 80+% Participant Satisfaction Achieved
All programs achieved an 80+% satisfaction rating. Instructors are provided with a summary of their evaluations. The Executive Director receives a summary of the evaluations/ratings for each course for commentary purposes and action proposals as necessary. As needed and where possible, changes are made in instructors, curriculum and/or content and layout.
Criteria 1.3(b) Staff Satisfaction Survey
Identify a Committee Chair to begin organizing a committee to develop a Staff Satisfaction Survey that will measure staff satisfaction with working environment; to be collected and measured annually.
Finding 1.3(b)(i) Staff Satisfaction Survey- Committee Chair selected
A Committee Chair has been selected. Will move forward with member selection, then survey design.
Actions for Objective:

Action 1.1(a)(i)(1) Continue with 80+% Satisfaction level
Continue to maintain/improve on satisfaction ratings.
Action 1.1(b)(i)(1) Agency Specific Training completed- No further action required
Successfully delivered training to The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) on May 21st, 2008 and to the Clear Creek ISD on June 27th and 28th, 2008. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.1(b)(ii)1 PIO training completed successfully- No further action required
Public Information Officer (PIO) training was completed successfully.
Action 1.1(b)(iii)(1) ICAMEO/UCAMEO training completed- No further action required
ICAMEO & UCAMEO training inititiaves completed successfully.
Action 1.1(b)(iv)(1) ICS Doc Training completed- No further action required
ICS Documentation training was successfully developed and rolled into the ICS-400 training which expanded the previous curriculum. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.1(c)(i)1 Website design completed- No further action required
Website has been successfully enhanced. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.1(c)(ii)1 Brochure design completed- No further action required
Brochure was updated; therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.2(a)(i)1 Program review complete- No further action required
Staff Retreat was held. Program curricula, instruction, delivery and processess reviewed, committees created. No further action required.
Action 1.2(b)(i)1 Strategic Plan complete- No further action required
Staff Retreat & meetings complete. Mission, Vision and Value Statements have been revised. No further action required.
Action 1.3(a)(i)1 Continue with 80% Satisfaction level
Continue to maintain/improve on satisfaction ratings.
Action 1.3(b)(i)1 Staff Satisfaction Survey Chair selected- No further action required
Staff Satisfaction Survey Chair has been selected. Member selection to follow, then survey to be designed.

GOAL: 2. Exemplary Training And Service

Objective 2. Growth
Continually seek and develop partnership opportunities and collaborative efforts in order to introduce new training initiatives, services and professional development to the constituency and staff.
Associated Goals: 1. Center Of Excellence, 2. Exemplary Training And Service, 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Indicator 2.1 E-Learning Website
Digital Technology Programs to develop a website to provide e-learning courses involving rich media (audio, video, text, interactivity, etc.), and learning management services at no charge to Law Enforcement leaders in Texas.
Criteria 2.1(a) August 2008
Expected completion date of August 2008 for development.
Finding 2.1(a)(i) E-Learning Website Development Successfully Completed.
E-Learning website development was successfully completed in August 2008.
Indicator 2.2 Ethics For Law Enforcement Leaders
After receipt of content material from a third party, Digital Technology Programs to develop and deliver a four (4) hour e-learning course that combines basic concepts of ethics with authentic scenarios for practical application.
Criteria 2.2(a) August 2008
Expected delivery date of August 2008 for design completion and delivery.
Finding 2.2(a)(i) Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders Course Delayed
As of August 31, 2008, the Digital Technology Programs is still waiting on content material to be written and delivered by a third party. Therefore, the design and delivery of the Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders course has been delayed.
Indicator 2.3 Building Effective Communication Skills For Law Enforcement
Digital Technology Programs to develop and deliver a four (4) hour e-learning course in practical communications within a police organization and with the general public.
Criteria 2.3(a) August 2008
Expected delivery date of August 2008 for design completion and delivery.
Finding 2.3(a)(i) Building Effective Communication Skills for Law Enforcement Course Delayed.
As of August 31, 2008, the Digital Technology Programs is still waiting on content material to be written and delivered by a third party. Therefore, the development and delivery of the course has been delayed.
Indicator 2.4 Online Survey Engine
Digital Technology Programs to develop and deliver an online survey engine is a rich Internet application written in Adobe Flash. The application is easily configured to collect public opinion data, course evaluation information, and even serve as an online examination application.
Criteria 2.4(a) August 2008
Expected delivery date of August 2008 for design completion and delivery.
Finding 2.4(a)(i) Online Survey Engine Successfully Completed.
The Online Survey Engine was successfully developed and delivered in Jun 2008.
Indicator 2.5 Agency Specific ICS Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver an Intermediate ICS training session for the Clear Creek ISD (school specific administration and special training) and The Department of State Health Services (DSHS).
Criteria 2.5(a) 2008 Completion
The Agency Specific ICS training will be completed and delivered in 2008.
Finding 2.5(a)(i) Agency Specific ICS Training Successfully completed.
Successfully delivered training to The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) on May 21st, 2008 and to the Clear Creek ISD on June 27th and 28th, 2008.
Indicator 2.6 Public Information Officer (PIO) Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a thirty (30) hour course for existing, new and potential PIOs in addition to administrative executives involved in public information collection, dissemination and oversight on behalf of their agency. The course aims to address the growing need for training related to NIMS (National Incident Management System) and Public Information Systems for primary spokespersons of agencies during crisis. (
Criteria 2.6(a) February 2008
This training will be developed by February 2008 with three (3) sessions delivered through August 2008.
Finding 2.6(a)(i) PIO Training Constructed & Delivered
The PIO Training course was successfully constructed in February 2008 with three (3) courses held: February 27th-29th, 2008; March 17th-19th, 2008; and, May 14th-16th, 2008.
Indicator 2.7 ICAMEO & UCAMEO  
InCoSiT, in collaboration with Louisiana State University National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT)/Academy of Counter Terrorist Education (ACE), will organize and host a two-part training program to the CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations) Suite. CAMEO is a public domain collection of software applications developed by the EPA, NOAA, the US Bureau of Census and the USGS to assist first responders and emergency planners. The first part of the training will be an Introduction to CAMEO Suite (ICAMEO), followed by UCAMEO (using CAMEO Suite), in Weapons of Mass Destruction incidents. (
Criteria 2.7(a) Spring 2008
This training will be organized and delivered by the Spring of 2008.
Finding 2.7(a)(i) ICAMEO Organized & Delivered
The ICAMEO training was successfully organized and delivered March 25th-27th, 2008.
Finding 2.7(a)(ii) UCAMEO Organized & Delivered
The UCAMEO training was successfully organized and delivered April 29th-May 1st, 2008.
Indicator 2.8 ICS Documentation Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a technical half-day training on ICS documentation.
Criteria 2.8(a) August 2008 Delivery
This training will be developed and delivered by August 2008.
Finding 2.8(a)(i) ICS Documentation Training Development and Delivery Completed
The ICS Documentation Training was successfully developed and rolled into the ICS-400 training which expanded the previous curriculum.
Indicator 2.9 Research Department
The establishment of an appropriately staffed and funded research program.
Criteria 2.9(a) August 2008
To have commenced with the establishment of the program by August 31, 2008.
Finding 2.9(a)(i) Research Program successfully established
The research program has been appropriately staffed, funded and with Goals and Objectives in place.
Actions for Objective:

Action 2.1(a)(i)1 E-Learning Website Developed- No further action required.
With the E-Learning website having been successfully developed, no further action is required.
Action 2.2(a)(i)1 Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders course- obtain content material.
Continue efforts to obtain the content material from third party for the Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders course so that development and delivery can be met.
Action 2.3(a)(i)1 Building Effective Communication Skills for Law Enforcement- obtain content material.
Continue efforts to obtain content material from third party for the Building Effective Communication Skills for Law Enforcement course so that development and delivery can be met.
Action 2.4(a)(i)1 Online Survey Engine Successfully Completed- No further action required
With the Online Survey Engine having been successfully developed and delivered, there is no further action required.
Action 2.5(a)(i)1 Agency Specific Training completed- No further action required
Successfully delivered training to The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) on May 21st, 2008 and to the Clear Creek ISD on June 27th and 28th, 2008. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 2.6(a)(i)1 PIO Training Delivered- No further action required
The Public Information Officer (PIO) training was constructed and delivered with success. No further action required.
Action 2.7(a)(i)1 ICAMEO training delivered- No further action required
The ICAMEO taining was successfully organized and delivered March 25th-27th, 2008. No further action required.
Action 2.7(a)(ii)1 UCAMEO training delivered- No further action required
The UCAMEO training was successfully organized and delivered April 29th-May 1st, 2008. No further action required.
Action 2.8(a)(i)1 ICS Doc Training completed- No further action required
ICS Documentation training was successfully developed and rolled into the ICS-400 training which expanded the previous curriculum. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 2.9(a)(i)1 Research Program established- No further action required
With the Research Program having been successfully established, there is no further action necessary.

GOAL: 2. Exemplary Training And Service

Objective 3. Image And Visibility
To actively promote the Institute, its programs, services and success in training and service both domestically and internationally.
Associated Goals: 1. Center Of Excellence, 2. Exemplary Training And Service, 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Indicator 3.1 Website
Enhance the Institute’s website so as to become an efficient and successful marketing tool.
Criteria 3.1(a) Website Committee
Establish a committee to address the enhancement of the Institute’s website layout to appeal to both domestic and international audiences.
Finding 3.1(a)(i) Website Committee Formed
During the Staff Retreat held December 13th-14th, 2007, a committee was formed for the purpose of enhancing the Institute’s website layout.
Indicator 3.2 Brochures
Enhance Institute and program brochures so as to become an efficient and successful marketing tool.
Criteria 3.2(a) Brochure Design
Address the enhancement of the Institute''s brochure layout to appeal to both domestic and international audiences.
Finding 3.2(a)(i) Brochure Enhancements completed
Brochure enhancements made and completed.
Indicator 3.3 Constituencies
Utilize success ratings with established constituency relationships to assist in the promotion of the Institute’s image and visibility.
Criteria 3.3(a) 80+% Participant Satisfaction  
Maintain or exceed an 80% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum; to be collected and measured at the conclusion of each training session.
Finding 3.3(a)(i) 80+% Participant Satisfaction Achieved
All programs achieved an 80+% satisfaction rating. Instructors are provided with a summary of their evaluations. The Executive Director receives a summary of the evaluations/ratings for each course for commentary purposes and action proposals as necessary. As needed and where possible, changes are made in instructors, curriculum and/or content and layout.
Actions for Objective:

Action 3.1(a)(i)1 Website Committee formed- No further action required
The committee met on January 24th, 2008 and May 23rd, 2008 to view and discuss prelminary website changes inclusive of multi-lingual delivery. The enhanced website has been completed and launched.
Action 3.2(a)(i)1 Brochure enhancements completed- No further action required
As the brochure design was successfully enhanced, there is no further action required.
Action 3.3(a)(i)1 Continue with 80+% Satisfaction level
Continue to maintain/improve on satisfaction ratings.

GOAL: 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Objective 1. Meet And Exceed The Needs
Meet and exceed the training, professional development and service needs of the constituency and staff.
Associated Goals: 1. Center Of Excellence, 2. Exemplary Training And Service, 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Indicator 1.1 Evaluations  
Program evaluations to be conducted and assessed in order to enhance/improve course delivery, develop requested training, and utilize success in marketing efforts.
Criteria 1.1(a) 80+% Participant Satisfaction  
Maintain or exceed an 80% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum; to be collected and measured at the conclusion of each training session.
Finding 1.1(a)(i) 80+% Participant Satisfaction Achieved
All programs achieved an 80+% satisfaction rating. Instructors are provided with a summary of their evaluations. The Executive Director receives a summary of the evaluations/ratings for each course for commentary purposes and action proposals as necessary. As needed and where possible, changes are made in instructors, curriculum and/or content and layout.
Criteria 1.1(b) Institute Growth  
Utilize program evaluations to assist in the development and implementation of new training initiatives, thereby contributing to the growth and success of the Institute.
Finding 1.1(b)(i) Agency Specific ICS Training
In 2008, InCoSiT to develop and deliver an Intermediate ICS training session for the Clear Creek ISD (school specific administration and special training) and The Department of Stte Health Services (DSHS).
Finding 1.1(b)(ii) Public Information Officer Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a thirty (30) hour course for existing, new and potential PIOs in addition to administrative executives involved in public information collection, dissemination and oversight on behalf of their agency. The course aims to address the growing need for training related to NIMS (National Incident Management System) and Public Information Systems for primary spokespersons of agencies during crisis. The training was developed by February 2008 with three (3) sessions scheduled for delivery through August 2008: February 27th-29th, 2008; March 17th-19th, 2008; and, May 14th-16th, 2008.
Finding 1.1(b)(iii) ICAMEO & UCAMEO
InCoSiT, in collaboration with Louisiana State University National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT)/Academy of Counter Terrorist Education (ACE), organized and hosted a two-part training program to the CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations) Suite. CAMEO is a public domain collection of software applications developed by the EPA, NOAA, the US Bureau of Census and the USGS to assist first responders and emergency planners. The first part of the training was an Introduction to CAMEO Suite (ICAMEO) held March 25th-27th, 2008, followed by UCAMEO (using CAMEO Suite), in Weapons of Mass Destruction incidents held April 29th-May 1st, 2008.
Finding 1.1(b)(iv) ICS Documentation Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a technical half-day training on ICS documentation by August 2008.
Criteria 1.1(c) Contribution to marketing efforts
Utilize program success to contribute to the marketing efforts of the Institute.
Finding 1.1(c)(i) Website
Website committee formed; website enhanced/upgraded.
Finding 1.1(c)(ii) Brochures
Brochure was successfully updated in May, 2008.
Indicator 1.2 Organizational Review
Periodically review the Institute’s structure and processes so as to ensure functionality and success.
Criteria 1.2(a) Staff Retreat
Hold staff retreat.
Finding 1.2(a)(i) Staff Retreat Held
Staff retreat held December 13th & 14th, 2007 to discuss the Institute’s structure, processes, programs’ goals and objectives in addition to addressing areas of improvement and growth throughout.
Criteria 1.2(b) Strategic Plan
Construct the Institute’s Strategic Plan for the 2007-2010 time period.
Finding 1.2(b)(i) Staff Retreat Held
Staff retreat held December 13th & 14th, 2007 to discuss, in part, the Strategic Plan and to modify its parts through discussion.
Indicator 1.3 Training/Working Environment  
Provide and maintain a positive and thriving training and working environment.
Criteria 1.3(a) 80+% Participant Satisfaction  
Maintain or exceed an 80% standard on participant satisfaction with Institute training; to be collected and measured at the conclusion of each training session.
Finding 1.3(a)(i) 80+% Participant Satisfaction Achieved
All programs achieved an 80+% satisfaction rating. Instructors are provided with a summary of their evaluations. The Executive Director receives a summary of the evaluations/ratings for each course for commentary purposes and action proposals as necessary. As needed and where possible, changes are made in instructors, curriculum and/or content and layout.
Criteria 1.3(b) Staff Satisfaction Survey
Identify a Committee Chair to begin organizing a committee to develop a Staff Satisfaction Survey that will measure staff satisfaction with working environment; to be collected and measured annually.
Finding 1.3(b)(i) Staff Satisfaction Survey- Committee Chair selected
A Committee Chair has been selected. Will move forward with member selection, then survey design.
Actions for Objective:

Action 1.1(a)(i)(1) Continue with 80+% Satisfaction level
Continue to maintain/improve on satisfaction ratings.
Action 1.1(b)(i)(1) Agency Specific Training completed- No further action required
Successfully delivered training to The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) on May 21st, 2008 and to the Clear Creek ISD on June 27th and 28th, 2008. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.1(b)(ii)1 PIO training completed successfully- No further action required
Public Information Officer (PIO) training was completed successfully.
Action 1.1(b)(iii)(1) ICAMEO/UCAMEO training completed- No further action required
ICAMEO & UCAMEO training inititiaves completed successfully.
Action 1.1(b)(iv)(1) ICS Doc Training completed- No further action required
ICS Documentation training was successfully developed and rolled into the ICS-400 training which expanded the previous curriculum. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.1(c)(i)1 Website design completed- No further action required
Website has been successfully enhanced. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.1(c)(ii)1 Brochure design completed- No further action required
Brochure was updated; therefore, no further action is required.
Action 1.2(a)(i)1 Program review complete- No further action required
Staff Retreat was held. Program curricula, instruction, delivery and processess reviewed, committees created. No further action required.
Action 1.2(b)(i)1 Strategic Plan complete- No further action required
Staff Retreat & meetings complete. Mission, Vision and Value Statements have been revised. No further action required.
Action 1.3(a)(i)1 Continue with 80% Satisfaction level
Continue to maintain/improve on satisfaction ratings.
Action 1.3(b)(i)1 Staff Satisfaction Survey Chair selected- No further action required
Staff Satisfaction Survey Chair has been selected. Member selection to follow, then survey to be designed.

GOAL: 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Objective 2. Growth
Continually seek and develop partnership opportunities and collaborative efforts in order to introduce new training initiatives, services and professional development to the constituency and staff.
Associated Goals: 1. Center Of Excellence, 2. Exemplary Training And Service, 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Indicator 2.1 E-Learning Website
Digital Technology Programs to develop a website to provide e-learning courses involving rich media (audio, video, text, interactivity, etc.), and learning management services at no charge to Law Enforcement leaders in Texas.
Criteria 2.1(a) August 2008
Expected completion date of August 2008 for development.
Finding 2.1(a)(i) E-Learning Website Development Successfully Completed.
E-Learning website development was successfully completed in August 2008.
Indicator 2.2 Ethics For Law Enforcement Leaders
After receipt of content material from a third party, Digital Technology Programs to develop and deliver a four (4) hour e-learning course that combines basic concepts of ethics with authentic scenarios for practical application.
Criteria 2.2(a) August 2008
Expected delivery date of August 2008 for design completion and delivery.
Finding 2.2(a)(i) Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders Course Delayed
As of August 31, 2008, the Digital Technology Programs is still waiting on content material to be written and delivered by a third party. Therefore, the design and delivery of the Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders course has been delayed.
Indicator 2.3 Building Effective Communication Skills For Law Enforcement
Digital Technology Programs to develop and deliver a four (4) hour e-learning course in practical communications within a police organization and with the general public.
Criteria 2.3(a) August 2008
Expected delivery date of August 2008 for design completion and delivery.
Finding 2.3(a)(i) Building Effective Communication Skills for Law Enforcement Course Delayed.
As of August 31, 2008, the Digital Technology Programs is still waiting on content material to be written and delivered by a third party. Therefore, the development and delivery of the course has been delayed.
Indicator 2.4 Online Survey Engine
Digital Technology Programs to develop and deliver an online survey engine is a rich Internet application written in Adobe Flash. The application is easily configured to collect public opinion data, course evaluation information, and even serve as an online examination application.
Criteria 2.4(a) August 2008
Expected delivery date of August 2008 for design completion and delivery.
Finding 2.4(a)(i) Online Survey Engine Successfully Completed.
The Online Survey Engine was successfully developed and delivered in Jun 2008.
Indicator 2.5 Agency Specific ICS Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver an Intermediate ICS training session for the Clear Creek ISD (school specific administration and special training) and The Department of State Health Services (DSHS).
Criteria 2.5(a) 2008 Completion
The Agency Specific ICS training will be completed and delivered in 2008.
Finding 2.5(a)(i) Agency Specific ICS Training Successfully completed.
Successfully delivered training to The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) on May 21st, 2008 and to the Clear Creek ISD on June 27th and 28th, 2008.
Indicator 2.6 Public Information Officer (PIO) Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a thirty (30) hour course for existing, new and potential PIOs in addition to administrative executives involved in public information collection, dissemination and oversight on behalf of their agency. The course aims to address the growing need for training related to NIMS (National Incident Management System) and Public Information Systems for primary spokespersons of agencies during crisis. (
Criteria 2.6(a) February 2008
This training will be developed by February 2008 with three (3) sessions delivered through August 2008.
Finding 2.6(a)(i) PIO Training Constructed & Delivered
The PIO Training course was successfully constructed in February 2008 with three (3) courses held: February 27th-29th, 2008; March 17th-19th, 2008; and, May 14th-16th, 2008.
Indicator 2.7 ICAMEO & UCAMEO  
InCoSiT, in collaboration with Louisiana State University National Center for Biomedical Research and Training (NCBRT)/Academy of Counter Terrorist Education (ACE), will organize and host a two-part training program to the CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations) Suite. CAMEO is a public domain collection of software applications developed by the EPA, NOAA, the US Bureau of Census and the USGS to assist first responders and emergency planners. The first part of the training will be an Introduction to CAMEO Suite (ICAMEO), followed by UCAMEO (using CAMEO Suite), in Weapons of Mass Destruction incidents. (
Criteria 2.7(a) Spring 2008
This training will be organized and delivered by the Spring of 2008.
Finding 2.7(a)(i) ICAMEO Organized & Delivered
The ICAMEO training was successfully organized and delivered March 25th-27th, 2008.
Finding 2.7(a)(ii) UCAMEO Organized & Delivered
The UCAMEO training was successfully organized and delivered April 29th-May 1st, 2008.
Indicator 2.8 ICS Documentation Training
InCoSiT to develop and deliver a technical half-day training on ICS documentation.
Criteria 2.8(a) August 2008 Delivery
This training will be developed and delivered by August 2008.
Finding 2.8(a)(i) ICS Documentation Training Development and Delivery Completed
The ICS Documentation Training was successfully developed and rolled into the ICS-400 training which expanded the previous curriculum.
Indicator 2.9 Research Department
The establishment of an appropriately staffed and funded research program.
Criteria 2.9(a) August 2008
To have commenced with the establishment of the program by August 31, 2008.
Finding 2.9(a)(i) Research Program successfully established
The research program has been appropriately staffed, funded and with Goals and Objectives in place.
Actions for Objective:

Action 2.1(a)(i)1 E-Learning Website Developed- No further action required.
With the E-Learning website having been successfully developed, no further action is required.
Action 2.2(a)(i)1 Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders course- obtain content material.
Continue efforts to obtain the content material from third party for the Ethics for Law Enforcement Leaders course so that development and delivery can be met.
Action 2.3(a)(i)1 Building Effective Communication Skills for Law Enforcement- obtain content material.
Continue efforts to obtain content material from third party for the Building Effective Communication Skills for Law Enforcement course so that development and delivery can be met.
Action 2.4(a)(i)1 Online Survey Engine Successfully Completed- No further action required
With the Online Survey Engine having been successfully developed and delivered, there is no further action required.
Action 2.5(a)(i)1 Agency Specific Training completed- No further action required
Successfully delivered training to The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) on May 21st, 2008 and to the Clear Creek ISD on June 27th and 28th, 2008. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 2.6(a)(i)1 PIO Training Delivered- No further action required
The Public Information Officer (PIO) training was constructed and delivered with success. No further action required.
Action 2.7(a)(i)1 ICAMEO training delivered- No further action required
The ICAMEO taining was successfully organized and delivered March 25th-27th, 2008. No further action required.
Action 2.7(a)(ii)1 UCAMEO training delivered- No further action required
The UCAMEO training was successfully organized and delivered April 29th-May 1st, 2008. No further action required.
Action 2.8(a)(i)1 ICS Doc Training completed- No further action required
ICS Documentation training was successfully developed and rolled into the ICS-400 training which expanded the previous curriculum. Therefore, no further action is required.
Action 2.9(a)(i)1 Research Program established- No further action required
With the Research Program having been successfully established, there is no further action necessary.

GOAL: 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Objective 3. Image And Visibility
To actively promote the Institute, its programs, services and success in training and service both domestically and internationally.
Associated Goals: 1. Center Of Excellence, 2. Exemplary Training And Service, 3. Advance Academic Excellence

Indicator 3.1 Website
Enhance the Institute’s website so as to become an efficient and successful marketing tool.
Criteria 3.1(a) Website Committee
Establish a committee to address the enhancement of the Institute’s website layout to appeal to both domestic and international audiences.
Finding 3.1(a)(i) Website Committee Formed
During the Staff Retreat held December 13th-14th, 2007, a committee was formed for the purpose of enhancing the Institute’s website layout.
Indicator 3.2 Brochures
Enhance Institute and program brochures so as to become an efficient and successful marketing tool.
Criteria 3.2(a) Brochure Design
Address the enhancement of the Institute''s brochure layout to appeal to both domestic and international audiences.
Finding 3.2(a)(i) Brochure Enhancements completed
Brochure enhancements made and completed.
Indicator 3.3 Constituencies
Utilize success ratings with established constituency relationships to assist in the promotion of the Institute’s image and visibility.
Criteria 3.3(a) 80+% Participant Satisfaction  
Maintain or exceed an 80% standard on participant satisfaction with program/course curriculum; to be collected and measured at the conclusion of each training session.
Finding 3.3(a)(i) 80+% Participant Satisfaction Achieved
All programs achieved an 80+% satisfaction rating. Instructors are provided with a summary of their evaluations. The Executive Director receives a summary of the evaluations/ratings for each course for commentary purposes and action proposals as necessary. As needed and where possible, changes are made in instructors, curriculum and/or content and layout.
Actions for Objective:

Action 3.1(a)(i)1 Website Committee formed- No further action required
The committee met on January 24th, 2008 and May 23rd, 2008 to view and discuss prelminary website changes inclusive of multi-lingual delivery. The enhanced website has been completed and launched.
Action 3.2(a)(i)1 Brochure enhancements completed- No further action required
As the brochure design was successfully enhanced, there is no further action required.
Action 3.3(a)(i)1 Continue with 80+% Satisfaction level
Continue to maintain/improve on satisfaction ratings.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111