
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Research :
Contracts And Grants

3 Goals     5 Objectives     6 Indicators     6 Criteria     6 Findings     6 Actions

GOAL: Clean Up Of Contract & Grant Awards

Objective Review Of Old Contract & Grant Files
Review of old project files to determine if the project can be closed on the University's financial records
Associated Goals: Clean Up Of Contract & Grant Awards

Indicator Invoice Or File Claim On Old Accounts
Invoice sponsors for revenues not paid to SHSU on old accounts. For State of Texas accounts, file miscelaneous claim form.
Criteria Invoice Old Accounts
Review old accounts and invoice sponsors where necessary. File miscellaneous claims form to State of Texas on state awards.
Finding Reviewing old accounts
This is an ongoing process which is currently been put on hold due to 2 vacancies in the department.
Indicator Write Off Of Old Account Balances
Write off of balances on old accounts after reviewing project files
Criteria Write off old projects to grant audit adjustment
Write off old account balances to grant audit adjustment account after review of old project file and approval by appropriate SHSU management.
Finding Write off of accounts
This is an ongoing process and will continue when the office is fully staffed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Invoicing old accounts
The invoicing of old accounts will continue when the department is fully staffed.
Action Write Off of Old Accounts
No further action needed at this time.

GOAL: Clean Up Of Invoicing Function

Objective Invoices Are Prepared Accurately
Invoices to sponsors are accurate and reflect expenditures incurred on the University's fianncial records
Associated Goals: Clean Up Of Invoicing Function

Indicator Invoices Are Accurate
Invoices are mathematically correct, report costs in correct category and agree to amounts per the University's records
Criteria Invoices are accurate and complete
Invoices submitted are correct, include required support documentation and reconcile to the University''s Financial records
Finding Accuracy on Invoicing
This is an ongoing process and will be evaluated when the office is fully staffed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Invoices accurate and complete
No further action at this time.

GOAL: Clean Up Of Invoicing Function

Objective Invoices Are Prepared In Correct Format
Invoices to sponsors are prepared in the format specified by the award terms
Associated Goals: Clean Up Of Invoicing Function

Indicator Correct Invoice Formats
Invoices will be prepared according to samples provided by sponsers.
Criteria Formatting of Invoices
Invoices will be formatted according to the samples provided by sponsors.
Finding Format of Invoices
This is an ongoing process and will be evaluated further when the office is fully staffed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Format of Invoices
Action will be taken when office is fully staffed.

GOAL: Clean Up Of Invoicing Function

Objective Invoices Are Prepared Timely
Invoices are prepared in accordance with the award's terms
Associated Goals: Clean Up Of Invoicing Function

Indicator Monthly & Quarterly Invoices
Sponsors are billed monthly or quarterly as indicated in the award's terms and conditions
Criteria Monthly & Quarterly Invoices
Monthly & Quarterly invoices are not delinquent and are prepared within the timeframe specified by the contract terms and conditions
Finding Timely Invoices
This is an ongoing process that will be sampled when the department is fully staffed.
Actions for Objective:

Action monthly and quarterly invoices
No action at this time.

GOAL: Develop Policies And Procedures

Objective Policies And Procedures Manual
Development of written policies and procedures for contract & grant awards
Associated Goals: Develop Policies And Procedures

Indicator Policy And Procedures Manual
Prepare a manual that lists policies and procedures for post award administration at SHSU.
Criteria Policy and Procedures Manual
A written manual of the policies and procedures of the Contract & Grants Office at SHSU.
Finding Policy/Procedrue Manual
The policy and procedure manual for contracts and grants in still being formulated and will be completed after a new director of Contracts and Grants is hired.
Actions for Objective:

Action Policy and Procedure Manual
This process to create the manual will continue and updates will be made as changes in procedure occur.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111