
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Support :
SAM 136

3 Goals     10 Objectives     19 Indicators     20 Criteria     23 Findings     10 Actions

GOAL: Diversity

Objective Diversity Education Objective
Students will become sensitive to and value different cultures and respect diversity.
Associated Goals: Diversity

Indicator IDEA (Q 16 & 27) Indicator
The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills.
Criteria IDEA Questions 16 & 27  
The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progess. Q16- Asked students to share ideas and experiences with others whose backgrounds and viewpoints differ from their own. Q27 - Gaining a broader understanding and appreciation of intellectual/cultural activity (music, science, literature, etc.)
Finding IDEA Questions 16 & 27
Q16 - 4.33 (substantial to exceptional progress) Q 27 - 3.79 (moderate progress)
Indicator Syllabus (LO 7) Indicator  
The syllabus will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opporunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic.
Criteria Syllabus Learning Outcome 7  
All students are presented with information on becoming sensitive to and value different cultures and respect diversity.
Finding Syllabus Learning Objective 7
Included on syllabi.
Finding Syllabus Learning Objective 7
Included on syllabi.
Actions for Objective:

Action Diversity Education
A need to present more cultural experiences to students.

GOAL: Recruitment & Retention

Objective Major & Career Exploration Objective
Students will initiate career exploration and major/minor area of study exploration.
Associated Goals: Recruitment & Retention

Indicator IDEA (Q 24 & 54) Indicator
The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills
Criteria IDEA Questions 24 & 54  
The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q 24 - Developing specific skills, competencies and points of view needed by professionals in the field most closely related to this course. Q 54 - This course improved my ability to make decisions about my life at college.
Finding IDEA Questions 24 & 54
Q24 - 3.89 (moderate to substantial progress) and Q54 - 3.93 (moderate to substantial progress)
Indicator Syllabus (LO 6) Indicator
The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic.
Criteria Syllabus Learning Outcome 6  
Initiate career exploration and major/minor are of study exploration.
Finding Syllabus Learning Outcome 6
Included on syllabi.
Actions for Objective:

Action Major & Career Exploration
Continue to enhance this aspect of the course through the use of Academic Coach.

GOAL: Recruitment & Retention

Objective SAM 136 Vs. Non-SAM 136 Students Objective
SAM 136 students will be retained at a higher rate than non-SAM 136 students.
Associated Goals: Recruitment & Retention

Indicator SAM 136 Retention Rate
The one-year retention rates will show that SAM 136 students are retained at a higher rate than non-SAM 136 students.
Criteria Retention Rate
SAM 136 will be higher than non-SAM 136.
Finding Retention Rate
Not available until Fall 2008.
Actions for Objective:

Action SAM 136 vs. Non-SAM 136 Students

GOAL: Recruitment & Retention

Objective University Resources Objective
Students will be able to locate and utilize university resources (e.g., career services, library, SAM Center, student services, etc.)
Associated Goals: Recruitment & Retention

Indicator GPA Indicator
The GPA of students will show that students have developed and applied the skill or topic.
Criteria GPA
GPA for SAM 136 students will be higher than the beginning freshman GPA.
Finding GPA
Finding GPA
won''t be available until 20th class day in fall
Finding IDEA Questions 21 & 23
Q21 - 3.82 (moderate to substantial progress) and Q23 - 4.08 (substantial progress)
Criteria IDEA Questions 21 & 23  
The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q21 - Gaining factual knowledge (terminology, classifications, methods, trends). Q 23 - Learning to apply course material (to improve thinking, problem solving, and decisions).
Finding IDEA Questions 21 & 23
Q21 - 3.82 (moderate to substantial progress) and Q23- 4.08 (substantial progress)
Indicator IDEA Q 29, 52, 56, 57) Indicator
The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills.
Criteria IDEA Questions 29, 52, 56, and 57  
The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q29 - Learning how to find and use resources for answering questions or solving problems. Q52 - The course improved my time, money and stress management skills. Q 56 - This course helped me to better use the library and its resources. Q57 - The course helped me to better use SHSU''s computer services (email, Internet, Blackboard).
Finding IDEA Questions 29, 52, 56, 57
Q29 - 3.91 (moderate to substantial progress), Q52 - 3.70 (moderate to substantial progress), Q56 - 3.69 (moderate to substantial progress), Q57 - 3.95 (almost substantial progress)
Indicator Syllabus (LO 4) Indicator
The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic.
Criteria Syllabus Learning Outcome 4  
Locate and utilize university resources (e.g. career services, library, SAM Center, student services, etc).
Finding Syllabus Learning Outcome 4
Included on syllabi.
Actions for Objective:

Action University Resources
Continue to present information on the variety of resources available to students.

GOAL: Student Growth

Objective Critical Thinking Objective
Students will enhance their critical thinking/problem solving skills.
Associated Goals: Student Growth

Indicator IDEA (Q 23 & 31) Indicator
The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills.
Criteria IDEA Questions 23 & 31  
The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q23 - Learning to apply course material (to improve thinking, problem solving, and decisions) Q31 - Learning to analyze and critically evaluate ideas, arguments, and points of view
Finding IDEA Question 23 & 31
Q23 - 4.08 (substantial progress) and Q31 - 3.91 (moderate to substantial progress)
Indicator Syllabus (LO 2) Indicator  
The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic.
Criteria Syllabus Learning Outcome 2  
All students are presented with information on enhancing critical thinking/problem solving.
Finding Syllabus Learning Outcome 2
Included on syllabi.
Actions for Objective:

Action Critical Thinking
Continue current practices and seek new approaches to students learning critical thinking skills.

GOAL: Student Growth

Objective Group Dynamics Objective
Students will enhance thier effective group dynamics skills.
Associated Goals: Student Growth

Indicator IDEA (Q 25) Indicator
The course evaluations will show that student perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills.
Criteria IDEA Question 25  
The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q25 - Acquiring skills in working with others as a member of a team.
Finding IDEA Question 25
Q25 - 3.93 (almost substantial progress)
Indicator Syllabus (LO 9) Indicator  
The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic.
Criteria Syllabus Learning Outcome 9  
Enhance effective group dynamics through course activities.
Finding Syllabus Learning Outcome 5
Included in syllabi.
Actions for Objective:

Action Group Dynamics
Continue to offer group activity opportunities in all classes.

GOAL: Student Growth

Objective Leadership & Civic Engagement Objective
Students will enhance their leadership, service learning, and civic responsibility skills/values.
Associated Goals: Student Growth

Indicator Service Learning Survey (Q 13, 23 &24)
The service learning survey will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills.
Criteria Service Learning Survey Questions 13, 23, & 24  
75% of students will respond that they agreed or strongly agreed with these questions. Q 13 - I have a responsibility to serve my community. Q23 - Participating in the community helped me enhance my leadership skills. Q24 - I can make a difference in my community.
Finding Service Learning Survey Questions 13, 23, 24
Q13 - Fall (69%), Spring (40%) Q23 - Fall (52%), Spring (36%) Q24 - Fall (84%), Spring (88%)
Indicator Syllabus (LO 5) Indicator  
The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic.
Criteria Syllabus Learning Outcome 5
Enhance leadership, service learning, and civic responsibility skills/values.
Finding Syllabus Learning Outcome 5
Included in syllabi.
Actions for Objective:

Action Leadership & Civic Engagement
Continue to work with the approach that is taken with instructors to present service-learning and agency information.

GOAL: Student Growth

Objective Life Skills Objective
Students will develop life skills (e.g., health/stress, nutrition, relationships/sex, alcohol/drugs, and money management).
Associated Goals: Student Growth

Indicator IDEA (Q 52) Indicator  
The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills.
Criteria IDEA Question 52  
The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q52 - The course improved my time, money and stress management skills.
Finding IDEA Question 52
3.70 (moderate to substantial progress)
Indicator Syllabus (LO 8) Indicator  
The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic.
Criteria Syllabus Learning Outcome 8  
Develop life skills (e.g. health/stress, nutrition, relationships/sex, alcohol/drugs, and money management).
Finding Syllabus Learning Outcome 8
Included in syllabi.
Actions for Objective:

Action Life Skills
Continue to improve modules on time, stress, and money managment. Have some instructors present life skills at the beginning of the semester instead of at the end.

GOAL: Student Growth

Objective Oral & Written Communication Skills Objective
Students will develop effective oral and written communication skills.
Associated Goals: Student Growth

Indicator IDEA (Q 28) Indicator
The course evaluations will show that students perceive they are gaining knowledge and learning skills.
Criteria IDEA Question 28  
The mean score will be at least a 3.50 indicating moderate, substantial, or exceptional progress on these questions. Q 28 - Developing skill in expressing myself orally or in writing.
Finding IDEA Question 28
Q28 - 3.95 (almost substantial progress)
Indicator Syllabus (LO 3) Indicator
The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills and tested on the topic.
Criteria Syllabus Learning Outcome 3  
Develop effective oral and written communication skills.
Finding Syllabus Learning Outcome 3
Included on syllabi.
Actions for Objective:

Action Oral & Written Communication Skills
Continue to work with students on their communication skills.

GOAL: Student Growth

Objective Study Skills Objective
Students will develop and apply basic study skills (e.g., reading, writing, note taking and test taking).
Associated Goals: Student Growth

Indicator Syllabus (LO 1) Indicator
The syllabi will show that students are presented with information on this topic, given opportunities to practice learned skills, and tested on the topic.
Criteria Syllabus Learning Outcome 1  
Develop basic study skills (e.g. reading, writing, note taking and test taking)
Finding Syllabus Learning Outcome 1
Included in syllabi.
Actions for Objective:

Action Study Skills

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111