
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Support :
Library, Newton Gresham

3 Goals     12 Objectives     19 Indicators     22 Criteria     20 Findings     17 Actions

GOAL: Collection

Objective Collection Development
Revise the Collection Development Policy to provide access to print, web-based and locally produced content. Increase the scope and depth of information resources to support research and the curriculum.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Collection Development  
Completed revision of the Collection Development Policy.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 11,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Increase the electronic database collection by 10% if budget allows. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Acquisitions
Ordered materials using standard finding aids inculding Choice, YBP approval plan and other standard resources. As of June 2008 9616 new books were added to the collection; a total of 19935 new items were added to the collection as of June 2008. The Library acquired 20 new databases, increasing our holdings by 10%.
Criteria Collection Development
Complete Revision of collection development policy.
Finding Collection Development
Collection Development Policy was completed with the exception of 13 areas as of June 2008.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Library''s database was sent to OCLC in May 2007 and returned in Nov. 2008;clean-up of records not added to WorldCat was completed in Spring 2008. In January 2008, the Library used Bowker’s new Resources for College Libraries (RCL) to compare our collection to the RCL core collection covering 58 curriculum-specific subject areas. The analysis matched approximately 43.67% (25,885 titles) in the core list of 59,274 in Resources for College Libraries. Librarians will use this resource to identify core titles in specific core areas that should be added to the collection.
Indicator Digital Archives/Repository
Identify Special Collections to be added to the digital archive. Identify new digital management software.
Criteria Digital Archives/Respository
Migrate images and metadata to ContentDM
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
ContentDM was selected as new management software.
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
Images and metadata were transfered to ContentDM
Indicator Direct To Faculty
Add newly published (last 2 years) research monographs requested by faculty through ILL to satisfy immediate and long term needs.
Criteria Direct from faculty  
Order 100% of all new monographs requested by faculty, cost less than $100.
Finding Direct to Faculty
All books requested through this program were ordered. As of July 10, 2008 a total of 7 books were added to the collection to support faculty research.
Indicator Information Resources  
Acquire information resources to support research and the curriculum.
Criteria Information Resources  
Try to acquire at least 11,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Increase the electronic database collection by 10% if budget allows. Promote new acquitions in the Newsletter and in e-mails to SHSU community.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
Librarians identified areas that need updating as they reviewed the new course proposal. Samples are attached. Books and journals are added as the budget allows.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Partnerships/Consortia
Participate in strategic partnerships for productive collaboration with the state, region, nation and campus.Librarians will use authoritative, evaluative selection tools.
Criteria Partnerships  
Use membership in consortia to share resources and acquire new resources when opportunity and budget allow.
Finding Partnerships
Maintained partnerships with Texas Independent College and University Libraries, The Texas State University System Libraries, (including San Angelo State and Stephen F. Austin)Amigos and TexShare.
Indicator Review ILL Request
Review ILL requests to determine need add monographs and journals to the collection
Criteria Book review, ILL
Add books frequently requested by students and faculty that support the curriculum and research.
Finding Book review, ILL
As of June 30, 2008, ILL had not sent a list of title to Collection Development for review.
Criteria Journal review, ILL
Add journals when ILL cost exceeds subscription cost.
Finding Journal Reviews
As of June 30, 2008, ILL had not provided Collection Development with a list of titles for consideration.
Actions for Objective:

Action Collection Development
Complete revisions of the 13 sections.
Action Course Reviews
Program will continue.
Action Direct to faculty
Program will continue next year.
Action Journal Review, ILL
Will be continued next year.
Action Partnerships
Continue next year.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Collection Evaluation
Evaluate the collection to ensure it meets curricular and research needs.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC's WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that overall faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007 and 2008. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Arts and Sciences where only one third of the faculty participated in the survey. When less than 40% of the faculty of a College participated the results were less than 4.0 for support of the curriculum. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2008 the mean was 3.95. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Packets were sent to all new faculty which included copies of items on listed on the faculty services page. Librarians met with individual faculty. Director met with the Humanities and Social Science new faculty before classes began.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Actions for Objective:

Action Collection Evaluation
Areas for evaluation using WorldCat Collection Analysis and Resources for College will be determined.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Digital Archive/Respository
Establish a digital archive making content readily accessible.Plan the structure of a digital repository; identify stakeholders; identify software (turnkey or open source.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Actions for Objective:

Action Digital Archives/Repository
Launch new digital commons Fall 2008

GOAL: Collection

Objective Faculty Input
Provide opportunities for faculty to discuss their needs, research and curricular.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Information Access
Provide effective and efficent access to materials needed for research.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Information Access  
Users will be able find book and articles using a single search interface, like google.
Criteria Information Access  
A single search interface, Webfeat, will be implemented. Users will be surveyed and more than 30% of the undergraduates will prefer E-Z search to using individual databases.
Finding Access to Resources
The number of hits on the Library’s homepage continues to increase. A new webpage was launched in fiscal 2006 and use as indicated by the number hits increased almost immediately. The increase between 2006 and 2007 was dramatic; as of June 2008 the number of hits on the NGL homepage increased by 26%.
Finding Information Access
As of June 30, 2008 the findings of the survey are being analysized. The preliminary report is attached. Undergradutate students like the single search function but graduate students prefer to search the individual databases.
Indicator Newsletter
Publish a newsletter in print and electronically.
Criteria Newsletter
Issue first library newsletter.
Finding Newsletter
Published Newsletter; fall semester; Spring semester''s delayed due resignation of editor.
Actions for Objective:

Action Information Access
EZ search will be continued.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Information Resources
Increase the scope and depth of information resources to support research and the curriculum.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Information Resources  
Acquire information resources to support research and the curriculum.
Criteria Information Resources  
Try to acquire at least 11,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Increase the electronic database collection by 10% if budget allows. Promote new acquitions in the Newsletter and in e-mails to SHSU community.
Actions for Objective:

Action Information Resources
Continue to acquire information resources to support research and the curriculum within the constrains of our budget.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Library Instruction
Provide course related library instruction.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Instructional Sessions
Increase the number and type of instructional sessions
Criteria Instructional Sessions  
Increase the number of instructional session by 10%.
Finding Library Instruction, Evaluation, Students
Analysis of Fall Semester 2007 was complete by June 30, 2008; Spring and Summer Semester will be available at the end of summer. In the Fall semester 97.4% of the students completing the self-report found the sessions relevant and 97.1% said the examples were clear.
Finding Library Instructional Sessions
The number of Library Instruction sessions has been relatively stable for a number of years. In 2004 a renovation project required librarians to become mobile and take instruction to classrooms and computer labs across campus, thus reducing the number of sessions. In FY 2005 the number of instruction sessions increased by 33%. In 2006 the number of instruction session remained stable; the number of presentations increased by 20% in 2007. As of June 30, 2008, the number of presentations declined by approximately 32%. The Librarians will try to assess the reason for the decline and try increase the number of presentations. Librarians provide instruction at The University Center and at other off campus sites.
Criteria Instructional tools
Increase the number of instructional tools,guides (by 20%) and tutorials (by 10%).
Finding Instructional tools
The library did not reach the stated objective of an increase the number of instructional tools, guides or tutorials. This year one of the reference librarians developed a subject specific search engine for History.
Indicator Self Report
Use student self report and report from faculty to determine the relevancy of the session to the class.
Actions for Objective:

Action Instructional Tools
The Librarians will determine the number of guides to revise and new guides to add. A subject specific search engine for curriuclum and instruction will be launched.
Action Library Instructional Sessions
Librarians will review the information for faculty evaluations to try to determine the cause of the decline. A work session will be held to discuss the decline during second summer session 2008.

GOAL: Collection

Objective Training/Development
Provide oportunities for training and professional development to increase skill and knowledge to meet the changing needs of the library and its users.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Indicator Development/training
Librarians and staff will participate in training and professional development activities.
Criteria Training and Professional  
50% of Library faculty will attend professional meetings. 10% of the staff will attend workshops/meetings/training. Training sessions will be provided for faculty and staff.
Actions for Objective:

Action Training/Development
Support for training and develop will remain at the same level if the budget allows.

GOAL: Collection

Objective User Satisfaction
Improve user satisfaction with library services
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Access To Resources
Webpage will provide easy access to resources.
Criteria Access to Resources
The ease of access to library resources will be demonstrated by an increase in number of hits on the library''s homepage. The number of hits will increase by 20%.
Indicator Faculty Direct
Deliver books and articles from the SHSU collection to faculty offices and desktops.
Criteria Faculty direct
Provide SHSU owned books and articles to faculty in their offices and on their desktops within 3 work days.
Indicator Library Instruction, Evaluation
Evaluate instructional sessions to determine how well the session met the instructional objective of the class.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
Determine base from first year data.
Finding Library Instruction, Evaluation, Faculty
In response to 3 critical questions the faculty members found library instruction sessions appropriate, well organized and provide students with a greater understanding of research sources. The total number of faculty responding to the survey was 56; 78.6% of the faculty found the session appropriate for the course and assignment. More than 76% for the respondents felt that the librarian was well-organized, knowledgeable and helpful. The number responding to the question about the students'' work reflecting a better understanding of research sources after the session was 49; of those responding, 85.7% agreed that the session had a positive impact on student on their assignments. See the attachment.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Maintain a 95% relavency rate as measured by questions on the relevance to assignment/course and clearness of the examples as using the student''s self report.
Indicator Resource Delivery
Provide materials not owned by SHSU requested through ILL, accurately and efficently.
Criteria Interlibrary loan  
Provide ILL materials to users with in 7 to 10 days.
Finding Interlibrary Loan
The overall turnaround time for books and articles is 5.82 days. Articles are recieved in 4.37 days and books are received in 7.98 days.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Satisfaction
Library will talk to colleges and departments to try to determine what additional resouces are needed to support the curriculum. The new faculty orientation will continue.

GOAL: Promotion

Objective Digital Archive/Respository
Establish a digital archive making content readily accessible.Plan the structure of a digital repository; identify stakeholders; identify software (turnkey or open source.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Actions for Objective:

Action Digital Archives/Repository
Launch new digital commons Fall 2008

GOAL: Promotion

Objective ILL/Document Delivery
Provide effective and efficent interlibrary loan services/document delivery.
Associated Goals: Promotion, Services

Actions for Objective:

Action ILL/Document Delivery
The service continues to exceed expectations of the SHSU community; will continue to provide necessary support to maintain efficiency.

GOAL: Promotion

Objective Publicity
Disseminate, more effectively, information about Library resources and services.
Associated Goals: Promotion, Services

Actions for Objective:

Action Newsletter
Continue next year. Publish at the beginning of Fall 2008.

GOAL: Promotion

Objective Training/Development
Provide oportunities for training and professional development to increase skill and knowledge to meet the changing needs of the library and its users.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Indicator Development/training
Librarians and staff will participate in training and professional development activities.
Criteria Training and Professional  
50% of Library faculty will attend professional meetings. 10% of the staff will attend workshops/meetings/training. Training sessions will be provided for faculty and staff.
Actions for Objective:

Action Training/Development
Support for training and develop will remain at the same level if the budget allows.

GOAL: Services

Objective Collection Development
Revise the Collection Development Policy to provide access to print, web-based and locally produced content. Increase the scope and depth of information resources to support research and the curriculum.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Collection Development  
Completed revision of the Collection Development Policy.
Criteria Acquisitions  
Try to acquire at least 11,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Increase the electronic database collection by 10% if budget allows. Acquire 80% of the "best of year" lists.
Finding Acquisitions
Ordered materials using standard finding aids inculding Choice, YBP approval plan and other standard resources. As of June 2008 9616 new books were added to the collection; a total of 19935 new items were added to the collection as of June 2008. The Library acquired 20 new databases, increasing our holdings by 10%.
Criteria Collection Development
Complete Revision of collection development policy.
Finding Collection Development
Collection Development Policy was completed with the exception of 13 areas as of June 2008.
Criteria Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC''s WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Finding Collection Evaluation
Library''s database was sent to OCLC in May 2007 and returned in Nov. 2008;clean-up of records not added to WorldCat was completed in Spring 2008. In January 2008, the Library used Bowker’s new Resources for College Libraries (RCL) to compare our collection to the RCL core collection covering 58 curriculum-specific subject areas. The analysis matched approximately 43.67% (25,885 titles) in the core list of 59,274 in Resources for College Libraries. Librarians will use this resource to identify core titles in specific core areas that should be added to the collection.
Indicator Digital Archives/Repository
Identify Special Collections to be added to the digital archive. Identify new digital management software.
Criteria Digital Archives/Respository
Migrate images and metadata to ContentDM
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
ContentDM was selected as new management software.
Finding Digital Archives/Repository
Images and metadata were transfered to ContentDM
Indicator Direct To Faculty
Add newly published (last 2 years) research monographs requested by faculty through ILL to satisfy immediate and long term needs.
Criteria Direct from faculty  
Order 100% of all new monographs requested by faculty, cost less than $100.
Finding Direct to Faculty
All books requested through this program were ordered. As of July 10, 2008 a total of 7 books were added to the collection to support faculty research.
Indicator Information Resources  
Acquire information resources to support research and the curriculum.
Criteria Information Resources  
Try to acquire at least 11,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Increase the electronic database collection by 10% if budget allows. Promote new acquitions in the Newsletter and in e-mails to SHSU community.
Indicator New Course Reviews
Librarians review new courses and programs to determine adequacy of the collection.
Criteria Course Reviews  
If course review indicates,acquire materials as needed within budgetary constains.
Finding Course Reviews
Librarians identified areas that need updating as they reviewed the new course proposal. Samples are attached. Books and journals are added as the budget allows.
Indicator New Faculty Orientation
Meet with new faculty in orientation sessions at the beginning of the school year and individually.
Indicator Partnerships/Consortia
Participate in strategic partnerships for productive collaboration with the state, region, nation and campus.Librarians will use authoritative, evaluative selection tools.
Criteria Partnerships  
Use membership in consortia to share resources and acquire new resources when opportunity and budget allow.
Finding Partnerships
Maintained partnerships with Texas Independent College and University Libraries, The Texas State University System Libraries, (including San Angelo State and Stephen F. Austin)Amigos and TexShare.
Indicator Review ILL Request
Review ILL requests to determine need add monographs and journals to the collection
Criteria Book review, ILL
Add books frequently requested by students and faculty that support the curriculum and research.
Finding Book review, ILL
As of June 30, 2008, ILL had not sent a list of title to Collection Development for review.
Criteria Journal review, ILL
Add journals when ILL cost exceeds subscription cost.
Finding Journal Reviews
As of June 30, 2008, ILL had not provided Collection Development with a list of titles for consideration.
Actions for Objective:

Action Collection Development
Complete revisions of the 13 sections.
Action Course Reviews
Program will continue.
Action Direct to faculty
Program will continue next year.
Action Journal Review, ILL
Will be continued next year.
Action Partnerships
Continue next year.

GOAL: Services

Objective Collection Evaluation
Evaluate the collection to ensure it meets curricular and research needs.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Collection Evaluation
Move from Conspectus to OCLC's WorldCat Collection Analysis.
Indicator Faculty Satisfaction
Continuous improvement in faculty satifaction with library support of research and curriculum.
Criteria Faculty satisfaction
Library will maintain a 4 rating on the annual Faculty Senate Survey.
Finding Faculty Satisfaction
The response to the Faculty Senate Survey shows that overall faculty is more than satisfied with Library Services. Since 2001 the satisfaction score has increased with a slight dip in 2007 and 2008. A review of each college’s response shows a mean for Library Service of over 4.0 for all but Arts and Sciences where only one third of the faculty participated in the survey. When less than 40% of the faculty of a College participated the results were less than 4.0 for support of the curriculum. While the Faculty’s view of Library Services supporting the curriculum is not significantly lower than the support for research, the results are lower, in 2008 the mean was 3.95. The Library continues to talk with Departments and individual faculty members about these results.
Finding New Faculty Orientation
Packets were sent to all new faculty which included copies of items on listed on the faculty services page. Librarians met with individual faculty. Director met with the Humanities and Social Science new faculty before classes began.
Criteria New faculty orientation
Meet with new faculty during orientation. Librarians will meet with all new faculty in their subject area.
Actions for Objective:

Action Collection Evaluation
Areas for evaluation using WorldCat Collection Analysis and Resources for College will be determined.

GOAL: Services

Objective Digital Archive/Respository
Establish a digital archive making content readily accessible.Plan the structure of a digital repository; identify stakeholders; identify software (turnkey or open source.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Actions for Objective:

Action Digital Archives/Repository
Launch new digital commons Fall 2008

GOAL: Services

Objective Faculty Input
Provide opportunities for faculty to discuss their needs, research and curricular.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Actions for Objective:

This objective has no actions associated with it.

GOAL: Services

Objective ILL/Document Delivery
Provide effective and efficent interlibrary loan services/document delivery.
Associated Goals: Promotion, Services

Actions for Objective:

Action ILL/Document Delivery
The service continues to exceed expectations of the SHSU community; will continue to provide necessary support to maintain efficiency.

GOAL: Services

Objective Information Access
Provide effective and efficent access to materials needed for research.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Information Access  
Users will be able find book and articles using a single search interface, like google.
Criteria Information Access  
A single search interface, Webfeat, will be implemented. Users will be surveyed and more than 30% of the undergraduates will prefer E-Z search to using individual databases.
Finding Access to Resources
The number of hits on the Library’s homepage continues to increase. A new webpage was launched in fiscal 2006 and use as indicated by the number hits increased almost immediately. The increase between 2006 and 2007 was dramatic; as of June 2008 the number of hits on the NGL homepage increased by 26%.
Finding Information Access
As of June 30, 2008 the findings of the survey are being analysized. The preliminary report is attached. Undergradutate students like the single search function but graduate students prefer to search the individual databases.
Indicator Newsletter
Publish a newsletter in print and electronically.
Criteria Newsletter
Issue first library newsletter.
Finding Newsletter
Published Newsletter; fall semester; Spring semester''s delayed due resignation of editor.
Actions for Objective:

Action Information Access
EZ search will be continued.

GOAL: Services

Objective Information Resources
Increase the scope and depth of information resources to support research and the curriculum.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Information Resources  
Acquire information resources to support research and the curriculum.
Criteria Information Resources  
Try to acquire at least 11,000 new titles, as the budget will allow. Increase the electronic database collection by 10% if budget allows. Promote new acquitions in the Newsletter and in e-mails to SHSU community.
Actions for Objective:

Action Information Resources
Continue to acquire information resources to support research and the curriculum within the constrains of our budget.

GOAL: Services

Objective Library Instruction
Provide course related library instruction.
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Instructional Sessions
Increase the number and type of instructional sessions
Criteria Instructional Sessions  
Increase the number of instructional session by 10%.
Finding Library Instruction, Evaluation, Students
Analysis of Fall Semester 2007 was complete by June 30, 2008; Spring and Summer Semester will be available at the end of summer. In the Fall semester 97.4% of the students completing the self-report found the sessions relevant and 97.1% said the examples were clear.
Finding Library Instructional Sessions
The number of Library Instruction sessions has been relatively stable for a number of years. In 2004 a renovation project required librarians to become mobile and take instruction to classrooms and computer labs across campus, thus reducing the number of sessions. In FY 2005 the number of instruction sessions increased by 33%. In 2006 the number of instruction session remained stable; the number of presentations increased by 20% in 2007. As of June 30, 2008, the number of presentations declined by approximately 32%. The Librarians will try to assess the reason for the decline and try increase the number of presentations. Librarians provide instruction at The University Center and at other off campus sites.
Criteria Instructional tools
Increase the number of instructional tools,guides (by 20%) and tutorials (by 10%).
Finding Instructional tools
The library did not reach the stated objective of an increase the number of instructional tools, guides or tutorials. This year one of the reference librarians developed a subject specific search engine for History.
Indicator Self Report
Use student self report and report from faculty to determine the relevancy of the session to the class.
Actions for Objective:

Action Instructional Tools
The Librarians will determine the number of guides to revise and new guides to add. A subject specific search engine for curriuclum and instruction will be launched.
Action Library Instructional Sessions
Librarians will review the information for faculty evaluations to try to determine the cause of the decline. A work session will be held to discuss the decline during second summer session 2008.

GOAL: Services

Objective Library Instruction Evaluation
Evaluate instructional sessions to determine how well the session met the instructional objectives of the class
Associated Goals: Services

Indicator Library Instruction, Evaluation
Evaluate instructional sessions to determine how well the session met the instructional objective of the class.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
Determine base from first year data.
Finding Library Instruction, Evaluation, Faculty
In response to 3 critical questions the faculty members found library instruction sessions appropriate, well organized and provide students with a greater understanding of research sources. The total number of faculty responding to the survey was 56; 78.6% of the faculty found the session appropriate for the course and assignment. More than 76% for the respondents felt that the librarian was well-organized, knowledgeable and helpful. The number responding to the question about the students'' work reflecting a better understanding of research sources after the session was 49; of those responding, 85.7% agreed that the session had a positive impact on student on their assignments. See the attachment.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Maintain a 95% relavency rate as measured by questions on the relevance to assignment/course and clearness of the examples as using the student''s self report.
Actions for Objective:

Action Library Instruction Evaluation, Faculty
Continue to work with individual faculty to tailor sessions to course assignment. Develop follow-up strategies.
Action Library Instruction Evaluation, Students
Analysis of Spring and Summer student self reports will be completed at the end of the fiscal year.

GOAL: Services

Objective Publicity
Disseminate, more effectively, information about Library resources and services.
Associated Goals: Promotion, Services

Actions for Objective:

Action Newsletter
Continue next year. Publish at the beginning of Fall 2008.

GOAL: Services

Objective Training/Development
Provide oportunities for training and professional development to increase skill and knowledge to meet the changing needs of the library and its users.
Associated Goals: Collection, Promotion, Services

Indicator Development/training
Librarians and staff will participate in training and professional development activities.
Criteria Training and Professional  
50% of Library faculty will attend professional meetings. 10% of the staff will attend workshops/meetings/training. Training sessions will be provided for faculty and staff.
Actions for Objective:

Action Training/Development
Support for training and develop will remain at the same level if the budget allows.

GOAL: Services

Objective User Satisfaction
Improve user satisfaction with library services
Associated Goals: Collection, Services

Indicator Access To Resources
Webpage will provide easy access to resources.
Criteria Access to Resources
The ease of access to library resources will be demonstrated by an increase in number of hits on the library''s homepage. The number of hits will increase by 20%.
Indicator Faculty Direct
Deliver books and articles from the SHSU collection to faculty offices and desktops.
Criteria Faculty direct
Provide SHSU owned books and articles to faculty in their offices and on their desktops within 3 work days.
Indicator Library Instruction, Evaluation
Evaluate instructional sessions to determine how well the session met the instructional objective of the class.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Faculty
Determine base from first year data.
Finding Library Instruction, Evaluation, Faculty
In response to 3 critical questions the faculty members found library instruction sessions appropriate, well organized and provide students with a greater understanding of research sources. The total number of faculty responding to the survey was 56; 78.6% of the faculty found the session appropriate for the course and assignment. More than 76% for the respondents felt that the librarian was well-organized, knowledgeable and helpful. The number responding to the question about the students'' work reflecting a better understanding of research sources after the session was 49; of those responding, 85.7% agreed that the session had a positive impact on student on their assignments. See the attachment.
Criteria Library Instruction,Evaluation, Students
Maintain a 95% relavency rate as measured by questions on the relevance to assignment/course and clearness of the examples as using the student''s self report.
Indicator Resource Delivery
Provide materials not owned by SHSU requested through ILL, accurately and efficently.
Criteria Interlibrary loan  
Provide ILL materials to users with in 7 to 10 days.
Finding Interlibrary Loan
The overall turnaround time for books and articles is 5.82 days. Articles are recieved in 4.37 days and books are received in 7.98 days.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Satisfaction
Library will talk to colleges and departments to try to determine what additional resouces are needed to support the curriculum. The new faculty orientation will continue.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111