2 Goals 4 Objectives 3 Indicators 3 Criteria 0 Findings 0 Actions
GOAL: Provide Effective Academic Support Programs
Objective | | First Alert |
| | The First Alert Program will provide quality academic advice and assistance to students identified by their professors as being "at risk" in their classes. Associated Goals: Provide Effective Academic Support Programs |
Indicator | | Not Failing The Course To pass the course or to drop course |
Actions for Objective:
This objective has no actions associated with it.
GOAL: Provide Effective Academic Support Programs
Objective | | GRE/GMAT Prep |
| | Students will be better prepared to take and pass the GRE and GMAT exams as a result of participation in the GRE/GMAT prep programs. Associated Goals: Provide Effective Academic Support Programs |
Actions for Objective:
This objective has no actions associated with it.
GOAL: Provide Effective Academic Support Programs
Objective | | Mandatory Advising For Probationary Students |
| | Readvise students on probation to plan the best course of action to return to good standing by the end of the next semester and to avoid suspension Associated Goals: Provide Effective Academic Support Programs, Provide Reliable Academic Advising |
Indicator | | Higher GPA's Raising GPA's, ideally to good standing |
Criteria | | Checking GPA's Checking GPA''s at end of semester to determine improvement. |
Actions for Objective:
This objective has no actions associated with it.
GOAL: Provide Effective Academic Support Programs
Objective | | Monitored Academic Progress (MAP) |
| | The MAP program will provide quality academic advice and assistance to students who are re-admitted by their respective deans as probationary students, following their suspension. Associated Goals: Provide Effective Academic Support Programs |
Indicator | | Improve Grade Point Averages
Actions for Objective:
This objective has no actions associated with it.
GOAL: Provide Reliable Academic Advising
Objective | | Mandatory Advising For Probationary Students |
| | Readvise students on probation to plan the best course of action to return to good standing by the end of the next semester and to avoid suspension Associated Goals: Provide Effective Academic Support Programs, Provide Reliable Academic Advising |
Indicator | | Higher GPA's Raising GPA's, ideally to good standing |
Criteria | | Checking GPA's Checking GPA''s at end of semester to determine improvement. |
Actions for Objective:
This objective has no actions associated with it.