
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Family and Consumer Sciences BS (Food Science and Nutrition)

3 Goals     3 Objectives     4 Indicators     4 Criteria     4 Findings     4 Actions

GOAL: Dietetic Internship/Graduate School Admission/Employment

Objective Post-Graduation Outcome
Students will apply for and qualify for admission to an accredited Dietetic Internship program or other graduate program or become other professionals in the field of food science and nutrition or obtain appropriate professional employment within three months of graduation.
Associated Goals: Dietetic Internship/Graduate School Admission/Employment

Indicator Post-Graduation Outcome
Students will enter a DI program or other related graduate program, become employed as food science or nutritional professionals or become employed as professionals in a related field.
Criteria Graduate School Admission/Employment
At least 80% of the graduates will be accepted into a DI Program or other related graduate program, become other professionals in the field of food science and nutrition, or be successfully employed within 3 months of graduation.
Finding Graduate School Admission/Employment
70% of the graduates who we were able to contact (7/10) met the criteria as described above. Of the 3 who did not meet the criteria, one was offered a job at WIC, but declined the position and chose to focus on raising her family; one obtained a position on campus at SHSU; and the other individual elected to not enter the workforce for personal reasons. One individual was not able to be reached after multiple attempts (including phone calls and emails).
Actions for Objective:

Action Graduate school admission or employment
The DPD program will incorporate more information on career planning and professional options into the current coursework required for the Food Science and Nutrition degree.

GOAL: Knowledge And Skills

Objective Program Content
Students will follow the curriculum as outlined in Standard Two of the Commission for the accreditation of Dietetics Education (CADE) Accredition Handbook.
Associated Goals: Knowledge And Skills

Indicator Exit Survey Data
A passing score on the exit survey will reflect the acquisition of the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to succeed in a dietetic internship program.
Criteria Passage Rate on Exit Survey
100% of the students will score a passing grade on the program Exit Survey administered to graduating students.
Finding Passage Rate on Exit Survey
100% (8/8) of the students who took the program Exit Survey passed the exam. Three students (2 who graduated in Spring 2008 and 1 who graduated in Summer 2008) were not given the program Exit Survey.
Indicator Student Transcripts
Student transcripts will be used to determine whether students follow the FSN curriculum as outlined in the catalog that is in keeping with the CADE Accreditation Handbook.
Criteria Student transcripts
100% of program graduates will follow the curriculum as outlined in the catalog that is in keeping with the CADE Accreditation Handbook.
Finding Program Content
100% (11/11) of the students who graduated with a BS degree in Food Science and Nutrition during Fall 2007, Spring and Summer 2008 followed the curriculum as outlined by CADE.
Actions for Objective:

Action Exit Survey
A more concerted effort will be made by the DPD director to assure that all students are given the program Exit Survey prior to graduation.
Action student transcripts
The DPD director and other academic advisors will continue to assure that students in the Food Science and Nutrition program are following the curriculum as outlined by CADE.

GOAL: Use Of FSN Degrees As Registered Dietetians

Objective Successful Completion Of Dietetic Internship Program
Students will successfully complete a Dietetic Internship program, becoming entry-level dietitian by passing Registration Examination for Dietetics.
Associated Goals: Use Of FSN Degrees As Registered Dietetians

Indicator 2-Yr. Post-Graduation Survey
Graduate survey will indicate and verified by the D&D Digital matching program report. Information regarding completion of a dietetic internship program will be provided by the program graduates.
Criteria Passage Rate for RD Exam
Graduate survey will indicate at least 80% pass rate on the Registration Exam for Dietetics and 80% of those graduates from the Dietetic Internship program will be employed within three month post graduation.
Finding Passage rate on RD exam
Of the 2005-2006 graduating class, 4 individuals elected to enter a dietetic internship. 2- year post-graduation surveys showed that 100% (4/4) passed the RD examination and became employed. All (100%) were employed within 2 months post-DI graduation.
Actions for Objective:

Action RD exam and employment
The DPD director and other faculty members will continue to encourage students to enter a DI program upon graduation and will help equip the students with the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the RD exam.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111