
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Educational Programs :
Management Information Systems BBA

2 Goals     7 Objectives     7 Indicators     7 Criteria     7 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: Management Information Systems Student Satisfaction

Objective MIS-Comparison With Aspirant Schools
Management Information Systems students will be as satisfied with the level of instruction they received as students that attended six aspirant schools.
Associated Goals: Management Information Systems Student Satisfaction

Indicator MIS-Educational Benchmarking Inc- Undergraduate Business Exit Assessment
Opinions of Management Information Systems student on the EBI- Undergraduate Business Exit Assessment.
Criteria Management Information Systems Comparison
The Management Information Systems program mean will be no greater than .5 below the six aspirant school comparison group mean.
Finding Managemet Information Systems Program
The Management Information Systems average was greater than the six aspirant schools comparison group.
Actions for Objective:

Action MGT Info Systems-Higher Caliber Assessment Tools
We are pleased with the findings and will continue to measure the perceptions of our students.

GOAL: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Objective Database
Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate an understanding of the design and implementation of database applications and how database software works and its inclusion in design solutions. 390
Associated Goals: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Indicator Database Pre-Test, Post-Test, And Rubric
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on design and implementation of database applications and how database software works. A rubric will be used to assess skills in using database software. 390
Criteria Database: Improvement on Post-Test and Rubric Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination Seventy five percent of Management Information Systems majors will receive a score of at least acceptable on the Management Information Systems rubric. 390
Finding Database Findings
Students averaged a 151% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions is 74%. Please see attachment.
Actions for Objective:

Action Database MGT
The criteria were not met. The faculty involved with this objective will investigate the criteria and performance. We will search for alternative ways to assess this objective.

GOAL: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Objective Electronic Commerce
Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate the ability to implement business oriented systems for electronic commerce and skills in using Internet technologies. 431
Associated Goals: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Indicator Electronic Commerce Pre-Test And Post-Test
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on business oriented systems.431
Criteria Electronic Commerce: Improvement on Post-Test Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. 431
Finding Electronic Commerce Findings
Students averaged a 680% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions is 78%. Please see attachment.
Actions for Objective:

Action E Commerce
The criteria were met. We will search for alternative ways to assess this objective.

GOAL: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Objective Information Systems
Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate an understanding of basic computer technology concepts and the development and use of information systems in organizations. 388
Associated Goals: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Indicator Information Systems Pre-Test And Post-Test
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on basis computer technology concepts.388
Criteria Information Systems: Improvement on Post-Test Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. 388
Finding Information Systems Findings
Students averaged a 136% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions is 68%. Please see attachment.
Actions for Objective:

Action Info Systems
While the students improved their performance over the pre-test scores, they fell short on the post-test average by 7 percentage points. The faculty involved with this objective will investigate the criteria and performance. We will also search for alternative ways to assess this objective.

GOAL: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Objective Networking
Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate an understanding of telecommunications services and networking technologies and skills in installing and managing networks within business organizations. 485
Associated Goals: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Indicator Networking Pre-Test, Post-Test, And Rubric
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on understanding of telecommunications services and networking technologies. A rubric will be used to assess skills in installing and managing networks. 485
Criteria Networking: Improvement on Post-Test and Rubric Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination Seventy five percent of Management Information Systems majors will receive a score of at least acceptable on the Management Information Systems rubric. 485
Finding Network Findings
This objective was not assessed in 2007-08.
Actions for Objective:

Action Networking Actions
This objective should be assessed in 2008-2009.

GOAL: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Objective Programming
Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate the ability to analyze and define business problems from a programming perspective and an understanding of the basic concepts of programming, problem solving, and program logic. 291
Associated Goals: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Indicator Programming Pre-Test, Post-Test, And Rubric
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on defining business problems from a programming perspective and the basic concepts of programming, problem solving, and program logic. A rubric will be used to assess programming skills. 291
Criteria Programming: Improvement on Post-Test and Rubric Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination Seventy five percent of Management Information Systems majors will receive a score of at least acceptable on the Management Information Systems rubric. 291
Finding Programming Findings
This objective was not assessed in 2007-08.
Actions for Objective:

Action Programming Actions
This objective should be assessed in 2008-2009.

GOAL: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Objective Systems Analysis And Design
Students who complete the BBA in Management Information Systems will demonstrate an understanding of the design and application of information systems in business and a knowledge of the tools and processes used in systems analysis and design. 379
Associated Goals: Management Information Systems- A Broad Base Of Knowledge

Indicator Systems Analysis And Design Pre-Test, Post-Test, And Rubric
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on the design and application of information systems and the tools and processes used to achieve such designs. A rubric will be used to assess skills in systems analysis and design.379
Criteria Systems Analysis and Design: Improvement on Post-Test and Rubric Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination Seventy five percent of Management Information Systems majors will receive a score of at least acceptable on the Management Information Systems rubric. 379
Finding Systems Analysis and Design Findings
This objective was not assessed in 2007-08.
Actions for Objective:

Action Systems Analysis & Design
This objective should be assessed in 2008-2009.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111