
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Foreign Languages, Department of

3 Goals     8 Objectives     11 Indicators     11 Criteria     11 Findings     11 Actions

GOAL: Department Administrative Organization

Objective Communication
Communicate between & among target languages
Associated Goals: Department Administrative Organization

Indicator Meetings
Department will establish monthly meetings for various purposes
Criteria meetings
Department meets monthly for various purposes
Finding Monthly meetings
Monthly meetings were held to share information about teaching techniques, section coordination, scholarly work, and departmental business. In addition, communication was kept open through the use of Blackboard and e-mail exchanges.
Actions for Objective:

Action Meetings
We will continue to meet monthly. No further action necessary.

GOAL: Department Administrative Organization

Objective Delegate Responsibilities
Department will practice shared governance.
Associated Goals: Department Administrative Organization

Indicator Directors & Chairs
Department will name directors & chairs for various committees.
Criteria director and chairs
Directors and chairs named for various committees in the department and college.
Finding Named Directors and Chairs for committees
Directors and chairs were named for the Undergraduate Committee, the Gradaute Committee, the Study Abroad Committee, and other departmental committees. See attached committee list.
Actions for Objective:

Action Directors and Chairs
Since the directors and chairs for the committees were named, we will now be sure that all of our committees are meeting and reporting information back to the faculty. In addition, committees will take input from the faculty at large.

GOAL: Department Administrative Organization

Objective Establish Policies & Procedures
Department will establish and disseminate policies on paperwork requirements and budget.
Associated Goals: Department Administrative Organization

Indicator External Function Needs
determine external function policies & procedures needs
Criteria external function needs
External function needs determined, including student complaint procedure.
Finding External function policies
External function policies determined, including student complaint procedure.
Indicator Internal Function Policies
determine internal function policies and procedures needs
Criteria internal function policies
Internal function policies determined, including budget.
Finding Internal Function Needs
Determined the needs for the budget policies and procedures. Established procedures for purchases, work orders, or quote requests. See attached bulleting board posting. Much of our departmental structure work is finalized on the bulletin board or by e-mail after faculty votes.
Actions for Objective:

Action External procedures
Student complaint procedures were established. Now we will work on the establishment of procedures for travel.
Action Internal Procedures
No other internal procedures are necessary at this time.

GOAL: Department Administrative Organization

Objective Establish Structure And Function
Department will establish committees for shared governance.
Associated Goals: Department Administrative Organization

Indicator Committees
Create committees needed to conduct department business and provide charges to them
Criteria committees
All committees needed for department created and charged.
Finding Committees
Committees were developed for the department. Attached is a list of the committees. The committees were active providing 3rd year and post-tenure reviews and promotion and tenure reviews, suggesting curriculum changes, awarding scholarships, and assessing student learning.
Actions for Objective:

Action Committees
No more committees will be established at this time. No further action is necessary.

GOAL: Department Pedagogical Organization And Standards

Objective Establish General Standards
Department will establish general standards across target languages
Associated Goals: Department Pedagogical Organization And Standards

Indicator Course Components
Department will establish course component formats across target languages
Criteria course formats
Course formats across languages established
Finding Standards across Languages
Standards were set for syllabi, testing, and labs. See attached discussion.
Indicator Placement
Department will establish placement standards across target languages
Criteria placement
Placement procedures established, including CLEP, grade prerequisites, and level placement.
Finding Placement Criteria
We decided that CLEP credit will be based on the national norms for all CLEP exams with no department scores nor add-on essays. We also agreed to have a department-generated placement test (see attached) for all students who receive CLEP credit and enroll in the department courses for the first time. In addition, we will not accept a grade below a "C" for fulfilling the language requirement in any language.
Actions for Objective:

Action Course Components
Courses are standardized as much as possible at this time. No further action is necessary at this time.
Action Placement
Placement test will be refined. Standards will be set for placement test.

GOAL: Department Pedagogical Organization And Standards

Objective Multi-section Standards
The Department will establish multi-section standards within each target language
Associated Goals: Department Pedagogical Organization And Standards

Indicator Multi-section Standards--Course Components
Department will establish course componenet formats with target languages for multi-section courses
Criteria multi-section course components
Multi-section course components within languages established
Finding Multi-section course components
We set standards for the multi-section languages and put a faculty member in charge of each area. Monthly coordination meetings are now required for each multi-section area.
Actions for Objective:

Action Multi-section course components
Standards have been set for the multi-section courses. Areas will continue to meet to improve coordination.

GOAL: Department Profile And Image

Objective Department Profile
The profile of the department will be raised in the community, on campus, and internationally and nationally.
Associated Goals: Department Profile And Image

Indicator Department Activities
Department will sponsor and become involved in activities that work with the community and campus.
Criteria Department Activities
The Department sponsored or participated in at least 3 activities promoting the department to the community, students, and faculty.
Finding Department Activities
The department sponsored or participated in at least 12 activities that involved the community, faculty and/or students. See attached list of activities.
Indicator Website
Department will update website
Criteria website
Website revised and updated.
Finding Website
Website was revised and updated to include more student and faculty information.
Actions for Objective:

Action Activities
The Department will continue its scholarship and speaker''s series. The department will continue to participate in recruitment days. Department will try to become the home site for SCOLAS.
Action website
No further action is necessary. Website will continue to be updated.

GOAL: Department Profile And Image

Objective Faculty Scholarship
Increase faculty scholarship, including publications and presentations.
Associated Goals: Department Profile And Image

Indicator Scholarship
Faculty will increase scholarship.
Criteria scholarship
Faculty scholarship increased from last year.
Finding Faculty Scholarship
Last year, 13 pieces were published by foreign language faculty and 6 more pieces were accepted. This year, 18 pieces were published and another 18 accepted for publication. This is a big increase in publication. In the same time, presentations went from 23 to 17. The decrease in presentations we believe was due to the need to move presentations into publication status. In addition, three faculty received honors for their scholarship.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Scholarship
Faculty will be encouraged to maintain scholarship. Faculty who are not publishing or presenting much will be mentored by participating in the scholarship series.

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(936) 294-1111