
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Enrollment Management, Assistant Vice President

3 Goals     4 Objectives     4 Indicators     4 Criteria     4 Findings     4 Actions

GOAL: GoKatGO Trailer

Objective Arrange GoKatGO Trailer Visits
Arrange visits for GoKatGo Trailer.
Associated Goals: GoKatGO Trailer

Indicator GoKatGo Visits
Number of visits scheduled.
Criteria GoKat Go Trailer Visits
Have GoKatGO trailer staff contact high schools to arrange visits. Also target community events and conferences.
Finding GoKatGo visits
Thirty two high schools, community events and conferences have been targeted for visits.
Actions for Objective:

Action GoKatGo Visits
Visits have been arranged and new places are being identified to be more effective in recuitment efforts while taking into consideration with current economicand budget issues.

GOAL: GoKatGO Trailer

Objective GoKatGo Trailer Calander
Develop travel calender for GoKatGo Trailer.
Associated Goals: GoKatGO Trailer

Indicator GoKatGo Trailer Calander
Have a calender developed that outlines travel plans for GoKatGO trailer.
Criteria GoKatGo Trailer Calender
Develop calender of GoKatGo Trailer travels and have on website
Finding GoKatGO Trailer Calender
If we have a calender and it is on the student services web page of others to view. This will give availablity of the trailer for those interested in having the trailer visit thier event.
Actions for Objective:

Action GoKatGo Trailer Calender
Have calender active and up to date.

GOAL: Technological Advancement

Objective FA Banner Migration
Migrate FA software to Banner
Associated Goals: Technological Advancement

Indicator FA Banner Implementation
Begin migration process. Also begin training of staff, computing services staff training and hardware configuration.
Criteria FA Banner Imgration
The migration to be in process. Migration must be complete by February 2009.
Finding FA Banner Migration
Process is underway, on target for February 2009 deadline.
Actions for Objective:

Action FA Banner migration
Migration is on course it is ongoing and will be complete in February 2009

GOAL: Web Site Development

Objective Develop New Websites
Develop consistent and effective web sites for Financial Aid, GoKatGo trailer and the Visitors Center.
Associated Goals: Web Site Development

Indicator New And Coordinated Websites
Have department websites coordinate with university image and information
Criteria Departmental Websites
Websites should be effective in communicating with parents, students and faculty and staff. They should also provide accurate information and coordinate with university image.
Finding Website Development
A committee has been formed and is actively meeting to support this goal.
Actions for Objective:

Action Website Developement
Comittee has been formed and is looking it findings. Suggestions will be made and work orders placed to improve the websites.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111