6 Goals 12 Objectives 14 Indicators 14 Criteria 14 Findings 14 Actions
GOAL: Community Of Scholars
Objective | | Conferences, Workshops, Colloquiua |
| | Knowledge will be gained for egular and consistent input from outside speakers. Associated Goals: Community Of Scholars |
Indicator | | Conferences, Workshops, Colloquia Speakers will be invited to give scholarly presentations to the departments |
Criteria | | Conferences, workshops, colloquiua The department will host at least 4 such events this year. |
Finding | | Conferences, workshops, Colloquiua The department hosted an undergraduate research conference, the Mathematics Education Research in Texas Confernce. a workshop on Approximation theory and a conference on the teaching of mathematics. In addition, the Piney Woods Lecture series brought in well-known guest speakers. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Conferences, workshops, and colloquiua The MERiT conference and the undergraduate research conference will be continued, as will the Piney Woods lecture series. |
GOAL: Community Of Scholars
Objective | | Internal Seminars |
| | Regular seminars and study groups will form among the faculty. Associated Goals: Community Of Scholars |
Indicator | | Internal Seminars. The department will continue to run its weekly faculty teaching seminar. In addition, faculty study groups by discipline will continue to meet. |
Criteria | | Internal seminars The department will host teaching seminars every other week and foster faculty study groups. |
Finding | | Internal seminars. The faculty teaching seminar ran nearly every week in the fall. There were less such meetings in the spring
The math ed faculty and the applied math faculty held weekly study groups. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Internal seminars The department will continue the practice. It is our hope more teaching seminars can be held in the spring, but sometimes they are suspended due to hiring meetings. |
GOAL: High Quality Mathematics Program
Objective | | Increased Majors |
| | We will increase the number (and proportion) of SHSU students majoring in mathematics Associated Goals: High Quality Mathematics Program |
Indicator | | Increased Majors The number of declared majors in mathematics will increase. |
Criteria | | Increased majors The number of mathematics majors will increase by 5%. |
Finding | | Increased majors The number of declared majors increased from 36 to 49, a 33% increase. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Increase mathematics majors There are more students who list themselves as undeclared math majors. The department needs to help them file degree plans. |
Action | | Increased majors Continue HS recruiting and have faculty present during student orientation. |
GOAL: High Quality Service Courses
Objective | | Consistency And Quality In Service Courses |
| | Classes offered as service courses, for other departments and majors, will include a detailed syllabus, open for review and improvement. Instructors will be aware of the value of the course and will be proud of their contribution to the university. Associated Goals: High Quality Service Courses |
Indicator | | Syllabi Availability General, department-approved syllabi for service classes, available online |
Criteria | | Syllabi available General course syllabi for all service courses will be available. |
Finding | | Syllabi available The calculus committee agreed to a list of common topics that should be covered. Faculty who teach M184, 185, and 381 are working towards the same goal |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Syllabi availability Faculty who teach M164 will be encouraged to consider at least a list of common topics. |
GOAL: Increase Math Majors
Objective | | Undergraduate Research |
| | We will offer opportunities for undergraduate research. Associated Goals: Increase Math Majors |
Indicator | | Student Presentations Undergraduate student presentations given in a conference environment |
Criteria | | Student presentations During the academic year, a dozen or more undergraduate students will present talks on their math explorations or math research. At least four of these talks will be given outside the campus. |
Finding | | Student presentations Students presented at the Department''s local conference on undergraduate research as well as the state and national MAA meetings. |
Indicator | | Student Research Scholarships Number of undergraduate students funded to participate in undergraduate research. |
Criteria | | Student research scholarships The department will seek external funding. |
Finding | | Student research scholarships Department faculty received two NSF grants in support of undergraduate research. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Student presentations The department will continue to support this. |
Action | | Student research scholarships
GOAL: Steady Growth In Faculty Research
Objective | | Faculty Travel & Research Support |
| | Faculty travel support will increase. Support for faculty research collaboration and workshops will increase. Associated Goals: Steady Growth In Faculty Research |
Indicator | | Faculty Travel Dollars spent on faculty travel to professional conferences. |
Criteria | | Sufficient travel All research active faculty will have support for at least one national conference and at least one regional conference. |
Finding | | Sufficient travel The department secured an additional $30,000 in funds in support of faculty travel. |
Actions for Objective:
GOAL: Steady Growth In Faculty Research
Objective | | Grant Funding |
| | Grant funding for research programs in mathematics and statistics will increase. Associated Goals: Steady Growth In Faculty Research |
Indicator | | Grant Application The number of applications for grants. |
Criteria | | Grant applications Faculty will submit at least four applications each year for external grant funding. |
Finding | | Grant applications At least three new grants were submitted this year - one to NSF, two to the Greater Texas Foundation. |
Indicator | | Grant Funding Amount of grant funding and number of faculty receiving grants. |
Criteria | | Grant funding The department will receive at least one significant external grant each year. |
Finding | | Grant funding Three new grants were submitted, one related to scholarships for graduate students has been funded. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Grant applications
GOAL: Strong Graduate Programs
Objective | | Increase Grad Stipends |
| | Graduate stipends will be increased to levels that will allow recruitment of graduate students. Associated Goals: Strong Graduate Programs |
Indicator | | Graduate Stipends Amount of graduate stipends |
Criteria | | Graduate stipends Graduate stipends will be at least $12000/year (reaching the minimum stipends at nearby comparable universities.) |
Finding | | Graduate stipends Three of the sixteen graduate students received stipends of at least $12,000. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Graduate stipends The department will attempt to hire more GAs at the higher stipend rate. |
Action | | Grant funding The department will continue to seek grant funding. |
GOAL: Strong Graduate Programs
Objective | | Increase In Faculty Lines |
| | The increased student population and increased demand for math classes will be met by increased faculty positions in math, math ed and statistics. Associated Goals: Strong Graduate Programs |
Indicator | | Number Of Regular Faculty Number of tenured and tenure-track faculty |
Criteria | | New faculty lines. The department will receive at least one new faculty line. |
Finding | | New faculty hires The department was able to hire a Resident Scholar who will serve as a department leader and promote undergraduate research. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | New faculty hire The department hopes to receive one new faculty line for next year in support of the doctoral program in Math Ed. |
GOAL: Strong Graduate Programs
Objective | | Increased MS-Math Majors |
| | The number of graduate students in the MS program will provide a critical mass so we can consistently offer core graduate classes in mathematics. Associated Goals: Strong Graduate Programs |
Indicator | | Number Of Math Majors Number of declared math majors. |
Criteria | | Number of MS math majors There will be 8 new MS students. |
Finding | | Increased MS-math majors Five new MS students were accepted. |
Actions for Objective:
This objective has no actions associated with it.
GOAL: Strong Graduate Programs
Objective | | Increased MS-Stat Students |
| | The number of graduate students in the MS-Statistics program will continue to rise. Associated Goals: Strong Graduate Programs |
Indicator | | Increased MS-Stat Majors
Criteria | | Increased MS-Stat majors Eight new MS-stat majors will be accepted |
Finding | | Increased MS-stat majors There are at least 8 new MS stat majors. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Increased MS-stat majors The number of new students strengthens an already strong program. |
GOAL: Strong Graduate Programs
Objective | | Math Ed Doctorate |
| | The department will start a Math Ed. Ph.D. program. Associated Goals: Strong Graduate Programs |
Indicator | | THECB Approval The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board will approve the Math Ed doctoral program. |
Criteria | | THECB approval THECB will approve the department''s PhD proposal in math ed |
Finding | | THECB notification THECB did not approve the program. SHSU is to work with Texas State University and a joint PhD program. |
Actions for Objective:
Action | | Math Ed Doctorate The department will resubmit the proposal in a year, pending the hiring of an addition math ed faculty member. |