
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Library Science, Department of

5 Goals     5 Objectives     5 Indicators     5 Criteria     5 Findings     6 Actions

GOAL: ALA Accreditation

Objective ALA Accreditation
Begin the planning for pursuing accreditation by seeking out other single purpose accredited programs and acquiring information from them.
Associated Goals: ALA Accreditation

Indicator ALA Accreditation
Contact is made and information exchanged with other single purpose institutions which are accredited by ALA.
Criteria Accreditation
Contact with Council on Accreditation for information about beginning the process.
Finding ALA Accreditation
Initial contact with COA has been made. At this time, we need to hire faculty for the opne poistions and secure offices and other forms if university support before initiating further action.
Actions for Objective:

Action ALA Accreditation
Discuss first steps before beginning accreditation such as determining if ALA will permit a single purpose accreditation application.

GOAL: Cooperative Teaching/Learning Within College

Objective Cooperative Teaching And Learning
Contact chairs of the doctoral programs invloved with literacy and administration to work together on providing information about how the school librarian can assist in literacy learning and teaching.
Associated Goals: Cooperative Teaching/Learning Within College

Indicator Cooperative Teaching And Learning
As LS instructors are involved in the planning and delivery of literacy instruction, the objective is satisfied.
Criteria COE Cooperation
allowing students, especially those from our MLS program, to take some courses within the department toward their doctorate.
Finding Cooperation with COE
We are still requesting the opportunity to speak to the various doctoral programs in school adminstration and leadership about the role of the librarian.
Actions for Objective:

Action Cooperative Teaching and Learning within COE
Review offerings for the doctorate in literacy to determine which might be included in our prposed doctorate in literature for children and young adults.

GOAL: Faculty

Objective Faculty
Attend ALA conference in summer 2008 to see applicants at Job Fair.
Associated Goals: Faculty

Indicator Faculty
As the positions are filled with qualified instructors, the objective is satisfied.
Criteria Faculty
setting up interviews at midwinter and annual ALA conferences.
Finding Faculty
Interviewed and offered position to one applicant. Applicant initially accepted and then rejected the offer. Interviewed two applicants for the Chair position. Neither was deemed a strong candidate.
Actions for Objective:

Action Facuty
Attend midwinter and annual ALA conferences to interview potential applicants.

GOAL: Recruitment

Objective Recruitment
Advertise in various journals, have exhibits at various events.
Associated Goals: Recruitment

Indicator Recruitment
As numbers of students increase, the objective is satisfied.
Criteria Recruitment
Attendance at various exhibits and function designed to attract applicants to the program.
Finding Recruitment
Attended and exhibited. Began talks to offer a cohort group in Katy I.S.D. in the fall.
Actions for Objective:

Action Recruitment
Respond to invitations to offer cohort groups in Katy I.S.D.


Objective TExES
Provide prep sessions once during each semester to help students pass the TExES.
Associated Goals: TExES

Indicator TExES
As TExES scores are reported, if students have passed the test, the objective is satisfied.
Criteria TExES
When TExES scores are received if all students have passed at the 90% required, then the objective is satisfied
Finding TExES Scores
100% pass rate as of July 2008.
Actions for Objective:

Action TExES
Review test results for each administration.
Action TExES
Determine areas where students are not making adequate progress.

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(936) 294-1111