
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Dean of Students

3 Goals     3 Objectives     6 Indicators     7 Criteria     12 Findings     7 Actions

GOAL: Innovative Programs And Services

Objective Students Of Concern Team
Create, develop, implement and market a Students of concern (SOC) Team to collaboratively address student behavior that could potentially threaten the wellbeing of the Sam Houston State University community.
Associated Goals: Innovative Programs And Services

Indicator Develop Website
Develop information about Students of Concern Team on the Dean of Students’ website.
Criteria Website Link
Crate link on website.
Finding Placement on Website
Link created under policies and procedures section of Dean of Students’ Office website in July of 2008.
Indicator Incident Report Form
Develop incident report form to be utilized for faculty and staff referral of students of concern.
Criteria Format
Create format of Incident Report Form to include statement on faculty and staff reporting responsibility as well as instructions on how to utilize form.
Finding Detailed Informaiton
Detailed information on the student of concern and a description of behavior in question as well as contact information of person reporting the incident.
Indicator Promotion Of The Students Of Concern Team
Develop letters, mass emails, and promotional items to promote the Students of Concern Team to faculty and staff.
Criteria Creation of Materials
Create and order promotional materials to be sent to faculty and staff.
Finding Promotional Piece
Refrigerator magnets were ordered.
Criteria Promotional Letter
Write letter to send to faculty and staff to promote program.
Finding Promotional Letter
Letter written to be sent to faculty with refrigerator magnet in August 2008.
Indicator Staff Members
Identify key staff members and appoint them to serve on the Students of Concern Team.
Criteria Skills
Staff members to be selected collectively have skills and experience in counseling, law enforcement, crisis management, and judicial affairs.
Finding Staff members selected
Staff members selected to serve on the SOC Team for 2007-2008 include the Dean of Students (Team Leader), Assistant Dean of Students (Alternate Team Leader), Chief of University Police, University Counseling Center Director and the Residence Life Discipline Coordinator.
Actions for Objective:

Action Contents of Promotion
Letter outlining Students of Concerns Team’s purpose and function with a refrigerator magnet will be sent prior to first day of classes in August.
Action Informational Links
Informational links on website include names of members of the Students of Concern Team, the purpose of the committee, protocol, and a list of possible outcomes to the student of concern. Additional special information includes crisis information link for fraternity and sorority presidents and a guide for Residence Life staff with regards to handling student deaths in their building.
Action Posting
Students of Concern Incident Report has been posted on Dean of Students’ website in July of 2008.
Action Scheduled meeting time
The Students of Concern Committee met on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. each week when school is in session Fall 2007 and Spring 2008.

GOAL: Leadership Programs

Objective Enhance Leadership Skills
Enhance leadership skills through providing appropriate programming.
Associated Goals: Leadership Programs

Indicator Determine Leadership Skills Developed
Through evaluation of program participants it will be determined what leadership skills were developed.
Criteria Developed Leadership Skills
Students will indicate what type of leadership skills were developed after completing a leadership program.
Finding BOLD
Participants developed conflict management skills which will be used in both personal and organizational conflicts.
Finding BOLD
Participants developed the importance of using their power more effectively.
Finding BOLD
Participants developed the ability to transition more effectly to their individual officer positions with the incoming officer.
Finding BOLD
Participants developed their understanding of different personalities and how to interact with people with personalities different from their own.
Finding BOLD
Participants indicated they would like to see more publicity in order to have a higher attendance rate.
Finding BOLD
Participants made additional program suggestions that they feel would develop their leadership skills.
Actions for Objective:

Action BOLD
Based on the request for more publicity the Dean of Students'' Office will print new brochures and create additional ways to advertise the BOLD Program in 08-09.
Action BOLD
Suggested participant leadership topics will be reviewed and implemented whenever possible in 08-09.

GOAL: Staff Development

Objective Conference And Staff Development Attendance
All staff will attend at least one conference or professional development seminar each year. Half of professional staff will participate in two seminars each year.
Associated Goals: Staff Development

Indicator Staff Development Participation
Completed travel application and letters of completion by professional staff members and nonexempt staff.
Criteria Staff Development Participation
Three professional staff will attend a national or state conference within FY2008. Nonexempt staff will attend and complete one professional development training event.
Finding Conference and Staff Development Attendance
Four professional staff members attended at least 1 national or state conference in 2008. Two nonexempt staff members attended 3 professional staff development and/or training sessions. John Yarabeck: Association of Christians in Student Development Conference, Academic Impressions/Building a Student Intervention Team; Jeanine Bias: National Association for Campus Activities/Risk Management Institute, Academic Impressions Building a Student Intervention Team; Daughn Pruitt, Ph.D.: NASPA International Assessment Conference; Jason Warren: ASJA International Conference, TABC Texas College and University Alcohol Symposium, Legal Issues in Higher Ed. Conference. Kimberly Spradlin and Phyllis Barrett both attended 2 VPSS staff development programs and purchasing training.
Actions for Objective:

Action Conference and Staff Development Attendence
Contigent upon annual funding future opportunities for staff to participate in conferences will be considered as budget allows.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111