
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Student Services, Associate Vice President

2 Goals     2 Objectives     3 Indicators     3 Criteria     2 Findings     2 Actions

GOAL: Promote Effective Administrative Support For The VP Of Student Services

Objective Promote Communication Between University Components
The division of Student Services must coordiate and collaborate with other university units inorder to be effective and consistent.
Associated Goals: Promote Effective Administrative Support For The VP Of Student Services

Indicator Communication Within The University
The Division of Studnet Services must work with the other divisions within the University to make sure that each other's responsibilities are understood and supported. Cooperative efforts will increase the liklihood that the objectives of Student Services are met.
Criteria Regularly scheduled meetings
To facilitate communicate effectively with the other divisions of the university, there will be regularly scheduled meetings with other divisional personnel to discuss any ongoing issues or future initiatives
Finding Communication within the university
The Office of Student Services meets with representatives from Academic Affairs, Enrollment Management, Finance & Operations, and Advcancement and devlopment at least once per month.
Actions for Objective:

Action Communication within the University
Continual institutional communication internal and external to the Division of Student Services is on-going resulting in aiding other institional efforts in providing a quality educational experience.

GOAL: Promote Effective Administrative Support For The VP Of Student Services

Objective Promote Effective Student Service Support Areas
Students are best served by offering both quality and quanity of programs outside the classroom.
Associated Goals: Promote Effective Administrative Support For The VP Of Student Services, Promote Student Success

Indicator Graduation Rates
If the student services programs are successful, it should aid the academic efforts in attaining a higher graduation rate.
Criteria Increased graduation rates
If the graduation rate increases, it is reasonable to assume that the Division of Studnet Services support units have been successful in enriching the students educational goals.
Indicator Retention Rates
If the student services support programs are successful, it should result in increased retention rates
Criteria Increased retention rates
If the retention rates increase, it is reasonable to assume that the Division of Student Services support units have been effective.
Finding Student Success
The quality and quantity of sudent programs and support areas have aided in both a higher retention rate and a higher graduation rate.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Success
Continually offering and evaluating the many services and programs provided by the Division of Student Services enhance the institutions efforts in promoting student success.

GOAL: Promote Student Success

Objective Promote Effective Student Service Support Areas
Students are best served by offering both quality and quanity of programs outside the classroom.
Associated Goals: Promote Effective Administrative Support For The VP Of Student Services, Promote Student Success

Indicator Graduation Rates
If the student services programs are successful, it should aid the academic efforts in attaining a higher graduation rate.
Criteria Increased graduation rates
If the graduation rate increases, it is reasonable to assume that the Division of Studnet Services support units have been successful in enriching the students educational goals.
Indicator Retention Rates
If the student services support programs are successful, it should result in increased retention rates
Criteria Increased retention rates
If the retention rates increase, it is reasonable to assume that the Division of Student Services support units have been effective.
Finding Student Success
The quality and quantity of sudent programs and support areas have aided in both a higher retention rate and a higher graduation rate.
Actions for Objective:

Action Student Success
Continually offering and evaluating the many services and programs provided by the Division of Student Services enhance the institutions efforts in promoting student success.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111