
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Admissions, Undergraduate

4 Goals     4 Objectives     4 Indicators     4 Criteria     4 Findings     5 Actions

GOAL: Enrollment

Objective Enrollment
To maintain a consistent enrollment increase.
Associated Goals: Enrollment

Indicator Enrollment
If enrollment is at least a 3% overall increase.
Criteria Enrollment
Overall enrollment increase/decrease will be measured with emphasis on Freshman and Transfer students.
Finding enrollment
The enrollment data will not be available until the 12th class day report for the Fall 2008 semester. This report will be updated by mid September.
Actions for Objective:

Action enrollment
data is not available until the 12th class day report is generated. This action will be updated by mid-September.
Action enrollment
The data is not available until the 12th class day report. This action will be updated by mid-September.

GOAL: Marketing

Objective Marketing
Assist other departments within the University in modeling their publications with a similar design concept.
Associated Goals: Marketing

Indicator Marketing
To create a consistent design concept within the Division of Enrollment Management.
Criteria Marketing
Recognizable uniform in brochure designs within the Division of Enrollment.
Finding Marketing
The Division of Enrollment Management consists of 7 departments, excluding the Office of the Vice President of Enrollment Mangement. Four of the departments have a consistent design concept throughout their brochures and two do not produce brochures.
Actions for Objective:

Action Marketing
Continue to utilize consistent design concepts throughout the University, specifically within the Division of Enrollment.

GOAL: Technology

Objective Technology
Implement a Document Imaging System to be used for workflow and create an electronic file cabinet to improve efficiency and reduce paper usage.
Associated Goals: Technology

Indicator Technology
A reduction in time required to locate, review and share documents with other departments.
Criteria Technology
Ability to easily share applications such as High School and College transcripts and test scores electronically with other departments, particularly Financial Aid, Registrar, Academic Advising and any other departments.
Finding Technology
The system is operating, however there are a few problems yet to be resolved. System continues to crash at least once a week and at times can take an hour to load documents.
Actions for Objective:

Action Technology
Work Orders done almost daily to resole software issues. Computer Services are going to switch to Oracle and should alleviate some problems.

GOAL: Yield

Objective Yield
Increase the yield rate of accepted to be enrolled for beginning freshman.
Associated Goals: Yield

Indicator Yield
An increase in the yield rate of beginning freshman.
Criteria Yield
Increase yield rate a min. of 3%.
Finding Yield
Not available until the 12th class day to report for the Fall 2008 semester enrollment.
Actions for Objective:

Action yield
The data is not availble until the 12th class day report. This action will be updated by mid-September.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111