
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :

2 Goals     4 Objectives     6 Indicators     7 Criteria     7 Findings     5 Actions

GOAL: Enhance Technology

Objective Improve Customer Satisfaction With Registrar Web Page
Re-vamp the web pages to make it more user friendly, more informative and pleasing to the eye.
Associated Goals: Enhance Technology

Indicator Re-vamp Registrar's Web Pages
Bring new ideas to the various web pages that we own to make them more appealing to the eye, friendly for the user, and informative.
Criteria Re-vamping of Destination Graduation web page
New web page that will bring about greater awareness of Destination Graduation.
Finding Re-vamp of Destination Grad Pages not completed
This project has yet to be worked on.
Criteria Staff Pages
Introduction of our staff on our web page.
Finding Creation of "Meet the staff" on our web page
Still in development.
Actions for Objective:

Action Re-vamp Destination Graduation web page
Still need to re-vamp this page.
Action Re-vamp Registrar's web pages
Still need more work on this.

GOAL: Enhance Technology

Objective Improvements To Commencement
Improve commencement to give it a more "formal" atmosphere.
Associated Goals: Enhance Technology, Improvement In Program Development

Indicator "Thanks Mom And Dad" Video
Creation of a video from our graduating students to say thank you to their family and friends. Will be ran prior to commencement beginning.
Criteria New Video in place at commencment
Video will run prior to start of commencement for everyone in the coliseum to view.
Finding "Thank You" Video not complete
All the pieces for this video have not come together at this point.
Indicator Addition Of Plants And Banners In Back Of Coliseum
Will add plants and a couple of new banners to the back area of the coliseum that should provide a more formal atmosphere.
Criteria Plants and Banners in place
Spring 2008 both the plants and the banners were in place.
Finding Addition of Plants and Banners provided formal loo
Both banners and more plants were added to commencement and created the exact look we were hoping for.
Actions for Objective:

Action Put all the pieces together for the new video
Continue to work toward development of the Thank You video for commencement.

GOAL: Improvement In Program Development

Objective Improvements To Commencement
Improve commencement to give it a more "formal" atmosphere.
Associated Goals: Enhance Technology, Improvement In Program Development

Indicator "Thanks Mom And Dad" Video
Creation of a video from our graduating students to say thank you to their family and friends. Will be ran prior to commencement beginning.
Criteria New Video in place at commencment
Video will run prior to start of commencement for everyone in the coliseum to view.
Finding "Thank You" Video not complete
All the pieces for this video have not come together at this point.
Indicator Addition Of Plants And Banners In Back Of Coliseum
Will add plants and a couple of new banners to the back area of the coliseum that should provide a more formal atmosphere.
Criteria Plants and Banners in place
Spring 2008 both the plants and the banners were in place.
Finding Addition of Plants and Banners provided formal loo
Both banners and more plants were added to commencement and created the exact look we were hoping for.
Actions for Objective:

Action Put all the pieces together for the new video
Continue to work toward development of the Thank You video for commencement.

GOAL: Improvement In Program Development

Objective Increase Student Attendance At Destination Graduation
Reach 30% of degree applicant participation at Destination Graduation by Summer 2009.
Associated Goals: Improvement In Program Development

Indicator Destination Graduation Attendance Reaching Between 350-400 Participants
In order to have a 30% increase attendance at DG would need to be between 340 - 400 students.
Criteria Develop new ways to market Destination Graduation
Generate a marketing campaign that will help to increase attendance at Destination Graduation.
Finding Text Messaging being explored for Destination Grad
Exploration of text messaging for marketing tool.
Actions for Objective:

Action Market Destination Graduation Better
Have explored the text messaging option with good results. Will move forward with this.

GOAL: Improvement In Program Development

Objective Provide Professional Development Opportunities
Provide professional development opportunities to the staff.
Associated Goals: Improvement In Program Development

Indicator Hold 2007-2008 Office Retreat
Provide an office retreat where the staff have opportunity for professional development as well as team building opportunities.
Criteria Staff Development offered at retreat
Speaker will be invited to retreat for professional development.
Finding Professional Development is Achieved at Retreat
Dr. Marsha Harman was the guest speaker at the retreat. She provided lecture and activities on communciation.
Indicator Increase Staff Participation At Professional Conferences
Work to include more staff in the various professional organizations that are available.
Criteria Send staff to: AACRAO, TACRAO, SACRAO
Sending staff to these conferences when financially able, will provide more opportunity for professional development.
Approximately half of the staff were given an opportunity to attend at least one of these conferences.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue to Provide Professional Dev Opportunities
Continue to provide professional development opportunities.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111