
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Financial Aid

2 Goals     4 Objectives     6 Indicators     11 Criteria     11 Findings     8 Actions

GOAL: Provide Financial Assistance To University Students

Objective Enhance Student Service
Provide information and assistance to students and parents regarding aid program availability, the application process and applicant rights and responsibilities
Associated Goals: Provide Financial Assistance To University Students, Regulatory Compliance

Indicator Banner Conversion
Prepare for financial aid management software conversion from SCT Plus to Banner
Criteria Banner Conversion Preparations
Begin preparations for identifying areas of concern through the migration and implementation process
Finding Software Conversion Preparations
The documentation of existing functionality that must be included in the scope of the conversion process is ongoing
Criteria Banner Implementation Training
Banner Training in preparation for data migration and implementation
Finding Status of Banner Implementation Training
Banner Training is in progress and will proceed along training schedule
Indicator E-Signature
Implement e-signature availability for student use on University documents
Criteria E-signature Capability on University Documents
Implementation of e-signature capability on financial aid office documents
Finding E-signature Availability
Student e-signature capability is unavailable for use with financial aid University documents within the application process
Indicator Peer Counseling
Offer peer counseling to assist student with the financial aid process including but not limited to technological access to applications and award offers
Criteria Peer Counselor
To hire and maintain at least one peer counselor position in the aid office
Finding Peer Counselor Effectiveness
The peer counselor adds flexibility to given additional individualized attention to aid applicants having difficulty with the application process
Actions for Objective:

Action E-signature Feasibility
Determine feasibility of use of the preliminary e-signature results
Action Peer Counselor Employment and Training
Continue to seek and train students who have good communication skills and a desire to help other students through the financial aid process

GOAL: Provide Financial Assistance To University Students

Objective Enhance Technology
Improved the technology necessary to process, maintain and report financial aid
Associated Goals: Provide Financial Assistance To University Students, Regulatory Compliance

Indicator Banner Conversion
Prepare for financial aid management software conversion from SCT Plus to Banner
Criteria Banner Conversion Preparations
Begin preparations for identifying areas of concern through the migration and implementation process
Finding Software Conversion Preparations
The documentation of existing functionality that must be included in the scope of the conversion process is ongoing
Criteria Banner Implementation Training
Banner Training in preparation for data migration and implementation
Finding Status of Banner Implementation Training
Banner Training is in progress and will proceed along training schedule
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Conversion Preparation
Continue documentation of issue for inclusion into functionally with Banner software use

GOAL: Provide Financial Assistance To University Students

Objective Promote Staff Development
Provide all elements required to train and maintain staff sufficient to provide accurate and complete assistance to students, parents, campus departments and the community
Associated Goals: Provide Financial Assistance To University Students, Regulatory Compliance

Indicator Job Procedures
Maintain job procedures sufficient to assist in employee training and daily operations
Criteria Code of Federal Regulations
Availability of the Code of Federal Regulations for all employee levels for guidance with the administration of federal aid programs
Finding Published Regulations Availability
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is available for use by all staff members through the internet and is downloadable
Criteria Federal Student Aid Handbook
Availability of the Federal Student Aid Handbook to all staff members to use a guidance in the administration of financial aid
Finding Federal Student Handbooks Availability
The Federal Student Aid Handbooks for current and recent years are available for use through in aid industry internet website to all staff members
Criteria Procedures Manual
Availability of a current procedures manual on-line or in printed form for staff use
Finding Procedures Manual Availability
A procedures manual for daily operations is available to all staff members
Indicator Staff Training
Seek and take advantage of training opportunities offered within the financial aid industry
Criteria Participation in Conferences and Workshop
Staff member particationi in conferences, webinars and workshops
Finding Workshop and Conference Participation
Participation in workshops and conferences resulted in increased staff development
Actions for Objective:

Action Continued Participation in Industry Lead Training
Continue to take advantage of industry training opportunities such as webinars, workshops and conferences
Action Periodic Update of Procedures Manual
Periodic review and maintenance of the procedures manual due to changes in regulations and technology
Action Utilize Federal Regulations and Handbooks
Access and Utilization of the regulations and handbook through industry internet sites or downloaded versions of material.

GOAL: Regulatory Compliance

Objective Enhance Student Service
Provide information and assistance to students and parents regarding aid program availability, the application process and applicant rights and responsibilities
Associated Goals: Provide Financial Assistance To University Students, Regulatory Compliance

Indicator Banner Conversion
Prepare for financial aid management software conversion from SCT Plus to Banner
Criteria Banner Conversion Preparations
Begin preparations for identifying areas of concern through the migration and implementation process
Finding Software Conversion Preparations
The documentation of existing functionality that must be included in the scope of the conversion process is ongoing
Criteria Banner Implementation Training
Banner Training in preparation for data migration and implementation
Finding Status of Banner Implementation Training
Banner Training is in progress and will proceed along training schedule
Indicator E-Signature
Implement e-signature availability for student use on University documents
Criteria E-signature Capability on University Documents
Implementation of e-signature capability on financial aid office documents
Finding E-signature Availability
Student e-signature capability is unavailable for use with financial aid University documents within the application process
Indicator Peer Counseling
Offer peer counseling to assist student with the financial aid process including but not limited to technological access to applications and award offers
Criteria Peer Counselor
To hire and maintain at least one peer counselor position in the aid office
Finding Peer Counselor Effectiveness
The peer counselor adds flexibility to given additional individualized attention to aid applicants having difficulty with the application process
Actions for Objective:

Action E-signature Feasibility
Determine feasibility of use of the preliminary e-signature results
Action Peer Counselor Employment and Training
Continue to seek and train students who have good communication skills and a desire to help other students through the financial aid process

GOAL: Regulatory Compliance

Objective Enhance Technology
Improved the technology necessary to process, maintain and report financial aid
Associated Goals: Provide Financial Assistance To University Students, Regulatory Compliance

Indicator Banner Conversion
Prepare for financial aid management software conversion from SCT Plus to Banner
Criteria Banner Conversion Preparations
Begin preparations for identifying areas of concern through the migration and implementation process
Finding Software Conversion Preparations
The documentation of existing functionality that must be included in the scope of the conversion process is ongoing
Criteria Banner Implementation Training
Banner Training in preparation for data migration and implementation
Finding Status of Banner Implementation Training
Banner Training is in progress and will proceed along training schedule
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Conversion Preparation
Continue documentation of issue for inclusion into functionally with Banner software use

GOAL: Regulatory Compliance

Objective Perform Regulatory Reporting
Ensure the accuracy and timeliness of federal, state and local reporting
Associated Goals: Regulatory Compliance

Indicator Federal And State Reporting
Satisfy federal and state reporting requirement such as but not limited to the Fiscal Operations Repert and Application to Participate and the Coordinating Board's FAD Report
Criteria Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP)
Successful completion of annual the Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate (FISAP)
Finding FISAP Report Preparation in Progress
Preparation has begun for FISAP reporting; deadline is September 30
Criteria State Fund Reporting
Report annual expenditures of state aid program, Texas Work-Study, LEAP, SLEAP and 5th Year Accounting
Finding State Funds Expenditure Reports
Reporting of state aid fund expenditures has been successfully completed
Criteria TEXAS Grant Year-End Report
To report to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board the report activities for award details of the TEXAS Grant program
Finding Submission of TEXAS Grant Year End Report
TEXAS Grant Report was successfully submitted
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Work Required for FISAP
Continue prepatory work in FISAP
Action TEXAS Grant and State Fund Expenditure Report
Reporting of TEXAS Grant and state funds expenditures have been successfully submitted

GOAL: Regulatory Compliance

Objective Promote Staff Development
Provide all elements required to train and maintain staff sufficient to provide accurate and complete assistance to students, parents, campus departments and the community
Associated Goals: Provide Financial Assistance To University Students, Regulatory Compliance

Indicator Job Procedures
Maintain job procedures sufficient to assist in employee training and daily operations
Criteria Code of Federal Regulations
Availability of the Code of Federal Regulations for all employee levels for guidance with the administration of federal aid programs
Finding Published Regulations Availability
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is available for use by all staff members through the internet and is downloadable
Criteria Federal Student Aid Handbook
Availability of the Federal Student Aid Handbook to all staff members to use a guidance in the administration of financial aid
Finding Federal Student Handbooks Availability
The Federal Student Aid Handbooks for current and recent years are available for use through in aid industry internet website to all staff members
Criteria Procedures Manual
Availability of a current procedures manual on-line or in printed form for staff use
Finding Procedures Manual Availability
A procedures manual for daily operations is available to all staff members
Indicator Staff Training
Seek and take advantage of training opportunities offered within the financial aid industry
Criteria Participation in Conferences and Workshop
Staff member particationi in conferences, webinars and workshops
Finding Workshop and Conference Participation
Participation in workshops and conferences resulted in increased staff development
Actions for Objective:

Action Continued Participation in Industry Lead Training
Continue to take advantage of industry training opportunities such as webinars, workshops and conferences
Action Periodic Update of Procedures Manual
Periodic review and maintenance of the procedures manual due to changes in regulations and technology
Action Utilize Federal Regulations and Handbooks
Access and Utilization of the regulations and handbook through industry internet sites or downloaded versions of material.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111