
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Enrollment Management, Vice President

6 Goals     17 Objectives     36 Indicators     43 Criteria     43 Findings     31 Actions

GOAL: Closing the Gaps

Objective Communication With Counselors
Improve communications with high school and community college counselors.
Associated Goals: Closing the Gaps

Indicator Counselor Training
Provide counselor training on and off campus.
Criteria Community College Counselor Conference
If we provide counselor training for community college counselor''''s, communication will improve.
Finding Community College Conference
SHSU hosted a community college counselor conference in the spring with 22 attendees.
Criteria High School Counselor Conference
If we provide counselor training for high school counselors, communication will improve.
Finding High School Counselor Conference
SHSU hosted a high school counselor conference in the Fall with 55 counselors attending.
Actions for Objective:

Action Community College Conference
These conferences provide current useful information to the community college counselors and will continue to be hosted.
Action Expand Counselor Contact
SHSU will expand counselor contact with high school counselors by providing on-line access.
Action High School Conferences
These conferences provide current information to high school counselors and will continue to be hosted.

GOAL: Closing the Gaps

Objective Community College Partnerships
Develop effective partnerships with community colleges that improve institutional efficiency, simplify the transfer process and help attract a larger number of qualified transfer students.
Associated Goals: Closing the Gaps

Indicator Establish And Maintain Articulation Agreements
Establish and maintain articulation agreements with community colleges.
Criteria Articulation Agreements
If we establish and maintain articulation agreements with community colleges, we can attract larger numbers of qualified transfer students.
Finding Articulation Agreements
In 2008, SHSU had 17 articulation agreements.
Indicator Joint Admissions/Reverse Transfer
Establish and maintain joint admission/reverse transfer agreements with community colleges.
Criteria Joint Admission/Reverse Transfer Agreements
If we establish and maintain joint admission and reverse transfer agreements with community colleges, we can attract larger numbers of qualified transfer students.
Indicator Programming For Articulation Agreements
Maintain programming for articulation agreements with Community Colleges for transfer and reverse transfer programs.
Criteria Maintain Programming
If we maintain programming for articulation agreements, transfer students and counselors have the most accurate information for successful transfer of credits.
Finding Joint Admission/Reverse Transfer Staffing
SHSU has one person assigned to development joint admissions/reverse transfer agreements with community colleges.
Finding Transfer Crosswalk
Course crosswalk is kept up-to-date to give prospective students and counselors the most current information.
Actions for Objective:

Action Develop Articulation Agreements
SHSU will continue developing articulation agreements with community colleges to ease the transfer process.
Action Work with Community College Personnel
SHSU will work with the community college personnel to transfer information to grant transferrable credit.

GOAL: Closing the Gaps

Objective Expand Recruitment
Expand recruitment activities in Texas, including the establishment of regional offices in Dallas-Ft. Worth and Houston.
Associated Goals: Closing the Gaps

Indicator Funding For Admission Counselor Positions
Receive funds for Admission Counselor positions.
Criteria Hiring of regional recruiters
If the funds are received, the hiring of regional recruiters can be accomplished.
Finding Regional Recruiters
SHSU has two regional recruiters--one in Dallas/Fort worth and one in Houston to recruit prospective students to SHSU.
Actions for Objective:

Action San Antonio/Austin Area Recruiter
SHSU will continue working on hiring regional recruiter in the San Antonio/Austin area.

GOAL: Closing the Gaps

Objective Prospect And Applicant Pools
Increase the size and quality of the prospect and applicant pools.
Associated Goals: Closing the Gaps

Indicator Prospect And Applicant Yield Rates
Improve the yield rates for prospect and applicants.
Criteria Accepted Student Yield Rate
If the accepted pool increases with improved academic profiles, the enrolled student yield should increase.
Criteria Applicant Yield Rate
If the applicant pool increases with improved academic profiles, the accepted yield should increase.
Finding Accepted to Enrolled
The yield rate for accepted to enrolled student is 44%.
Finding Applied to Accepted Yield
The yield rate for applied to accepted is 70%.
Actions for Objective:

Action Monitor Rates
SHSU will continue to monitor the rates and implement programs appropriate to improving these rates.

GOAL: Closing the Gaps

Objective Recruit And Retain
Increase the academic profile, diversity and academic performance of the freshman and transfer class.
Associated Goals: Closing the Gaps

Indicator First-year Retention
Increase the first-year retention rates by one point.
Criteria Retention Rates
If the academic performance of the freshmen and transfer class improve, it should increase the first year retention rate.
Finding First Year Retention
The first year retention rate for Fall 2006 - Fall 2007 was 70%.
Indicator Increase Average SAT Scores
Increase the entering SAT scores for admissions to 1040.
Criteria Average SAT Score
If the average SAT scores increase, it should increase the academic profile of the entering cohort.
Finding SAT Average
The SAT average of 1032 did not meet the goal of 1040.
Indicator Increase Graduation Rate
Increase the six-year graduation rate for full-time freshmen by 1%.
Criteria Graduation Rates
If the academic performance of the freshmen and transfer class improve, it should eventually increase graduation rates.
Finding Graduation Rate
The 6-year graduation rate for full-time beginning freshmen was 41%.
Indicator Increased Diversity Of Students
Increase the number of students enrolled in each ethnic classification with overall enrollment increase of 2%.
Criteria Ethnic Enrollment
If the enrolllment increases overall, it should result in an increase in each ethnic group''s enrollment. Hispanic enrollment increase by 4%, Black student enrollment by 4%.
Finding Enrollment Increase
In Fall 2007 the enrollment was 16,415. This represents a 3% increase over the Fall 2006 figure of 15,935. The Hispanic student enrollment was a 10% increase and the black student enrollment was a 5% increase.
Actions for Objective:

Action Monitor Rates
SHSU will continue to monitor each rate and plan programs according to need.

GOAL: Closing the Gaps

Objective Recruitment On Campus
Engage the campus community in a more coordinated recruitment effort.
Associated Goals: Closing the Gaps

Indicator Coordinate On-campus Events With Visitor Center
Coordinate calendar of on-campus events with the Visitor Center to collect prospective student information.
Criteria Calendar Coordination
Athletic, recreational sports, student center and academic meeting - If the calendars are coordinated for on-campus events, the campus community will be more engaged in recruitment efforts.
Finding Committee Formed
A committee was formed in Spring 2008 to begin the calendar of events for Fall 2008.
Criteria Summer Camp Information
If the calendars are coordinated for on-campus events, the campus community will be more engaged in recruitment efforts.
Finding Summer Camp Info. Collected
Each summer camp collected camper information as a recruiting tool. These students will be sent age-appropriate SHSU recruitment materials.
Actions for Objective:

Action On-Camps Event Calendar
The VPEM will coordinate meetings with staff to begin the process of creating an on-campus event calendar and how to collect summer camper contact information.

GOAL: Closing the Gaps

Objective Recruitment Opportunity Expansion
Create new recruitment programs for middle school, junior high and high school students through grant programs.
Associated Goals: Closing the Gaps

Indicator Student Teacher Opportunities
Opportunity to train student teachers to provide public education students with "Closing the Gaps" material.
Criteria Provide CTG Materials
If we provide "CTG" materials to student teachers in public education to provide to students, the college going culture will improve.
Finding Closing the Gaps Materials
Closing the Gaps materials were sent to the Walker County Boys and Girls Club for use.
Indicator TG Grant Proposal For Go Center
Submit proposal for grant money for mobile GO center from TG.
Criteria GO Center Approval
If the grant proposal is approved, new recruitment programs can be implemented.
Finding GO Center Grant Approved
Go Center Grant was approved and recruitment programs implemented.
Actions for Objective:

Action Expand Use of Closing the Gaps Materials
More meetings will be scheduled to plan on sending the Closing the Gaps materials with the Student Teachers when they go to the various schools.

GOAL: Marketing

Objective Publications
Develop and maintain divisional publications, websites, and other communication means that promote the university's image and have a common look and feel.
Associated Goals: Marketing

Indicator Common Look And Feel Of Publications
Work with the Director of Marketing to insure that all major divisional publications have a common look and feel.
Criteria Common Look and Feel of Publications
If we collaborate with other departments in the division, it should create a common image of the university.
Finding Common Look
The departments in Enrollment Management division began using the "common" look for their recruitment publications, including the printed catalog.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Common Image
SHSU will continue to modify the publications to create a common image of the university.

GOAL: Marketing

Objective Website Development
Develop effective websites for each departments.
Associated Goals: Marketing

Indicator Coordinated Websites
Redesign departmental websites to coordinate with university image and current information.
Criteria Departmental Websites
If we redesign departmental websites, it should result in effective, informative websites for parents, students, faculty, and staff.
Finding Websites
The Registrar''s Office, Career Services, Go Center have re-created their websites to be more effective for students.
Indicator VPEM Website
Maintain the website for Vice President for Enrollment Management.
Criteria VPEM Website
If we maintain the Vice President for Enrollment Management''s website, it should result in current information for parents, students, faculty, and staff.
Finding VPEM Website
The VPEM website has been maintained with current, useful information.
Actions for Objective:

Action Monitor Newly Created Websites
The VP will monitor the progress of newly created websites.

GOAL: Program Development

Objective Communication And Planning
Insure effective communication and planning throughout the enrollment management process.
Associated Goals: Program Development

Indicator Meetings
Hold regular directors' meetings, VP of Enrollment Management meetings with Academic Affairs, Impact Meetings to plan and execute the University's and Division's strategic objectives.
Criteria Impact Meetings
If the Enrollment Management division directors meet with other divisions on campus, the strategic objective can be met.
Finding Planning Impact Meetings
During the Academic 2005-06 year, the specific directors from Enrollment Management had monthly meetings with personnel from finance, financial aid, registrar''s office and computer services.
Criteria Meeting with Academic Affairs
If the VPEM meets with the Academic Affairs Associate Vice Presidents, the strategic objective can be met.
Finding Weekly Meetings with Academic Affairs
During the Academic 2006-07 year, the VP for Enrollment Management had weekly meetings with the Office of Academic Affairs.
Criteria Regular Meetings Result in Meeting Objectives
If the Vice President holds regular directors'''' meetings, the division''''s strategic objectives should be met.
Finding Bi-Weekly Meetings with Directors
During the Academic 2006-2007 year, the VP of Enrollment Management had bi-weekly meetings with directors in division.
Indicator One-on-One Meetings
Hold one-on-one bi-weekly meetings with each director to provide an overview of collaborative activities, updates from administration, reports and department activities to insure that communication lines are open.
Criteria One-on-One Task Agendas
If the Vice President holds bi-weekly meetings with each director, the Vice President will have the most current inofrmation of each department to be knowledgeable outside the division.
Finding One-on-One Meetings
Bi-weekly meetings were held with each director and the VP for Enrollment Management was kept up-to-date with the most current information.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Meetings
Continue scheduled meetings with listed groups for efficiency.

GOAL: Program Development

Objective Employee Development
Employees will demonstrate effective communication and knowledge/expertise of their area.
Associated Goals: Program Development

Indicator Admission Counselor Training
Continue on-campus training for Admission Counselors to stay up to date with current programs, scholarships, and opportunities for recruitment efforts.
Criteria Yearly Training for Admissions Counselors
If admissions counselors are trained each year, students may not have to contact campus for unanswered questions.
Finding Admissions Counselors Trained
In Fall 2006, all admissions counselors were trained.
Indicator Employee Retention
All departments will retain employees by insuring appropriate technical and professional development support.
Criteria Procedure Manuals
Each department has current procedure manuals either in a paper or on-line version for the processes in that specific office.
Finding Written Procedure Manuals
In 2006-07 four of the six Enrollment Management departments had written procedure manuals.
Indicator Highly Qualified Candidates
All departments will improve recruitment efforts to insure that every search produces a highly qualified pool of candidates.
Criteria Job Descriptions and Qualilfications
The job descriptions held in the Human Resources office list the required and optional job qualifications for applicants.
Indicator Organizational Charts
Current organizational charts will be maintained.
Criteria Organizational Chart
If the organizational chart is up to date, it will show the current structure of the division.
Finding Organizational Chart
In 2006-2007 the organization chart was modified to add the Assistant Vice President position, and direct reports.
Actions for Objective:

Action Organizational Chart
As changes are made within the division, the organizational chart will be updated.
Action Procedure Manuals
All Enrollment Management departments will have procedure manuals.
Action Staff Training
Staff will continue to be trained each year. A training and summary book will be published next year.

GOAL: Program Development

Objective Staff Development
Implement a program of regular professional development for all staff.
Associated Goals: Program Development

Indicator Yearly Professional Development Opportunities
All employees will be offered at least one professional development opportunity (on or off campus) each year.
Criteria On Campus Professional Organizational Opportunities
Each employee in the division is approved to attend professional development on-campus.
Finding Annual Professional Development Training
Of the 100+ employees in the division, each was provided opportunity for annual professional development.
Criteria Professional Organizational Memberships
Each department has membership to a professional organization related to their field to attend conferences and/or receive up-to-date information.
Finding Off Campus Professional Development
84 Enrollment Management employees attended an off campus professional development event (based on job duties, some employees may have attended more than one event).
Actions for Objective:

Action Off Campus Professional Development
As budget and scheduling allow, employees will be able to attend more professional development opportunities.
Action Professional Development Opportunities
The directors in Enrollment Management will continue to provide information to direct reports for professional development opportunities.

GOAL: Program Development

Objective Staff Performance Evaluation
Provide effective methods for evaluating staff performance.
Associated Goals: Program Development

Indicator Annual Performance Evaluation
All employees will have an annual performance evaluation with their supervisor.
Criteria Employee Performance Reviews
If thre are areas of concern to be correcected, the supervisor can use the performance review for writtend ocumentation, encouragement,and correction.
Finding Evaluation of Direct Reports
In Fall 2006 all direct reports in the VP for Enrollment Management office were evaluated.
Criteria Supervisor/Director Evaluation
If there are areas of concern to be corrected, the Vice President can use the performance review for written documentation, encouragement, and correction.
Finding VP Review of Directors
The VP for Enrollment management evaluated all direct reports.
Actions for Objective:

Action Evaluation of Direct Reports
The Vice President for Enrollment Management will continue to evaluate all direct reports.
Action Internal Evaluation Process
The VP for Enrollment Management will continue to use the internal evaluation process.

GOAL: Regulation Compliance

Objective Accuracy
Ensure accuracy of the reports.
Associated Goals: Regulation Compliance

Indicator Consult Institutional Research
Work with Institutional Research, Computer Services, and other campus departments to insure accuracy.
Criteria Workorder System
Workorder System--If we work with Institutional Research, Computer Services and other entities for reporting, it should result in the timely observation of reports and deadlines.
Finding Workorder System
Calendar of expected deadlines for workorders was submitted to Computer Services.
Indicator Periodic Audits
Conduct periodic audits of each department.
Criteria Audit Schedule
If we are audited on a periodic basis, it should result in the accuracy of the reports.
Finding Audits
In 2006-07, Student Financial Aid was audited.
Actions for Objective:

Action Data Definitions
The Enrollment Management Division will begin reviewing good business practices in each department.
Action Periodic Audit Review
The Division of Enrollment Management will continue to submit departments for periodic audit review.

GOAL: Regulation Compliance

Objective Reporting Procedures
Ensure the accuracy and timeliness of state, federal and organizational reporting.
Associated Goals: Regulation Compliance

Indicator Calendar Of Reporting Functions
Develop a calendar of all reporting functions.
Criteria Calendar for Reporting
If we develop a calendar for state, federal, and organizational reporting, it should result in accuracy and timeliness of reporting.
Finding Calendar of Reporting Timelines
Each department in Enrollment Management has calendar of reporting timelines.
Finding Workorder system
The Enrollment Management departments use the workorder system for new, updated, or changed data elements for reports. When the workorder system is used, the timeliness of reporting is improved.
Actions for Objective:

Action Consolidated Calendar
The Enrollment Management departments should move toward a consolidated timeline/calendar.

GOAL: Retention Efforts

Objective Orientation
Maintain summer orientation program for freshmen and transfer students, parents.
Associated Goals: Retention Efforts

Indicator Summer Orientation For Students And Parents
Maintain summer orientation program for freshmen and transfer students.
Criteria Orientation Dates and Schedule
If we maintain summer orientation programs, we improve the effectiveness of the college transition for all incoming students.
Finding Mandatory Orientation
Summer 2006 began the mandatory attendance policy to orientation.
Actions for Objective:

Action On Campus Attendees
Orientation will increase the number of on-campus attendees from the previous year.

GOAL: Technological Advancement

Objective Technological Advancement
Invest in technology to enhance divisional efficiency and service.
Associated Goals: Technological Advancement

Indicator Conversion To Banner
Prepare for the conversion from SCT Plus to Banner.
Criteria Preparation for converstion from SCT Plus to Banner
A training schedule must be established to facilitate the successful conversation from SCT Plus to Banner.
Finding Banner Implementation Schedule
The implementation schedule has been completed and the timeline runs from Spring 2008 - Spring 2009.
Indicator Course Scheduling
Improve course scheduling software.
Criteria Scheduling Software
If we improve the course scheduling software, it should result in enhanced technological improvements in Enrollment Management.
Finding Planning Schedule for Ad Astra
In 2006-2007, the planning schedule for Ad Astra was completed with the first phase of implementation underway.
Indicator Degree Audit Software
Convert from PACE degree audit software to DARS
Criteria DARS
If we convert the PACE degree audit software to DARS, it should result in enhanced technological improvements in Enrollment Management.
Finding Test & Pilot DARS
The Registrar''s Office tested and piloted the DARS software with advisors and students.
Indicator Document Imaging
Implement and maintain a document imaging system.
Criteria Departments with Imaging
If we implement and maintain a document imaging system, it should result in enhanced technological improvements in Enrollment Management.
Finding Document Imaging
The pilot program continued to work with the legacy system.
Indicator Formal Analysis Of Student Financial Aid
Conduct a formal analysis of our financial aid programs and recommend changes in present programs and awarding practices.
Criteria Banner Conversion
If analysis and recommendations are followed, Financial Aid should convert from SCT Plus to Banner to help with processes and awarding.
Finding Timing and Process Improvement
The award timing and process can be improved with upgraded software.
Indicator Recruitment Software
Implement a web-based recruitment software package.
Criteria Recruitment information from E-Connect
If we implement a web-based recruitment software package, it should result in enhanced technological improvements in Enrollment Management.
Finding Expansion of Hobson's Software
The Hobson''s software will be expanded to include other modules.
Indicator Scholarship Software
Implement scholarship software, Scholar X.
Criteria Scholar X
If we implement Scholar X for stuent scholarships, it should result in enhanced technological improvements in Enrollment Management.
Finding Scholar X Software
The Scholar X Software has not been implemented in all colleges on campus.
Indicator Student Assessment Software
Implement Academic Coach, student assessment of career choice, learning style, and interests.
Criteria Academic Coach
If we implement Academic Coach for student assessment of career choice, learning style, and interests, it should result in enhanced technological improvements in Enrollment Management.
Finding Publicity for Academic Coach
The assessment was provided through orientation, but more publicity was needed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Add More Modules
Once implemented, SHSU will move to the more advanced modules of Ad Astra--event planning and graduation planner.
Action Conversion Training
The conversion training will begin in March 2008.
Action Dean Review
The associate deans will review this information with the appropriate deans.
Action Enhance Recruitment Process
The new modules will enhance the recruitment process.
Action Marketing Strategy
The assessment company was contacted to help with a marketing strategy.
Action Packaging Policy
An analysis will be conducted on the packaging policies for students.
Action Software and Hardware
The software and hardware need improvements for each department to scan documents efficiently.

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(936) 294-1111