
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :

3 Goals     8 Objectives     8 Indicators     8 Criteria     8 Findings     8 Actions

GOAL: Employee Support

Objective Employee Notification
Provide detailed information regarding events that impact the net amount of an employee's check.
Associated Goals: Employee Support

Indicator Contacts Received
Proactive notification of fluctuations in an employee's check will reduce the amount of calls received by the Payroll office for this purpose.
Criteria Contact reduction
Early notification should reduce the number of inquiring phone calls and emails by approximately 5%.
Finding Contact reduction
Letter sent to employee regarding fluctuation in pay check reduced phone calls associated with inquiries.
Actions for Objective:

Action Employee response
Employees notifications have been well received. Modification to the text has been made based on residual questions received.

GOAL: Employee Support

Objective Orientation
Establish orientation for new employees entering the university.
Associated Goals: Employee Support

Indicator Employee Relationships
Create a "name-based" relationship with new employees providing them with a specific Payroll Office employee to contact with questions.
Criteria Increased accuracy - orientation
Communication will reduce the amount of errors that are seen in regard to paperwork at employment, resulting in fewer returns to Human Resources for correction.
Finding New Hire Orientation
Brochure designed to address common questions that new employees have. Attend New Hire orientations with Human Resources regarding payroll issues. Also, one on one orientation with new hires as needed.
Actions for Objective:

Action Orientation participation
Payroll has fully integrated into new employee orientation.

GOAL: Employee Support

Objective Training
Establish both general and specific training for staff members in relations to Payroll tasks.
Associated Goals: Employee Support

Indicator Error Reduction
Provide training as needed or requested by departments in payroll specific tasks, thereby reducing the time and personnel involved in correcting error items.
Criteria Increased accuracy - training
Training will reduce the amount of errors that are received in regard to paperwork submitted by departments. It will reduce the volume of paperwork returned to Human Resouces for correction.
Finding Staff training
Power Point training presentation can be customized to a group, department or individual.
Actions for Objective:

Action Training on demand
Modules have been generated and customized presentations have begun with departments.

GOAL: Governmental Relationships

Objective Federal Compliance
100% compliance with reporting deadlines as provided by federal law.
Associated Goals: Governmental Relationships

Indicator Penalties - Federal
Failure to provide accurate data in a timely manner produces penalties with interest charges.
Criteria Zero penalties assessed
Payroll will produce all required documents/reports in an accurate manner and submit said documents as prescribed by federal authorities.
Finding Zero Federal penalties
Zero penalties assessed for FY 2007-2008.
Actions for Objective:

Action Goal met
Zero penalty goal has been met.

GOAL: Governmental Relationships

Objective State Compliance
100% compliance with reporting deadlines as provided by state law.
Associated Goals: Governmental Relationships

Indicator Penalties - State
Failure to provide accurate data in a timely manner produces possible penalties and public notification of failure to comply.
Criteria Zero penalties assessed
Payroll will produce all required documents/reports in an accurate manner and submit said documents as prescribed by state authorities.
Finding Zero State Penalties
Zero penalties assessed for FY 2007-2008
Actions for Objective:

Action Goal met
Zero penalty goal met.

GOAL: Utilize Technology

Objective Faculty And Staff Payroll
Continue to encourage Direct Deposit and maintain less that 100 employees receiving paper checks.
Associated Goals: Utilize Technology

Indicator Reduce Printed Check Count
Reduce volume of printed checks for payroll purposes.
Criteria Reduce printing
Achieve less than 100 employees receiving printed checks.
Finding Printing Reduced
Currently printing less than 60 (on average) employee pay checks each pay period.
Actions for Objective:

Action Continue Reduction Effort
Provide deliberate promotion of direct deposit benefits to those that still receive paper checks.

GOAL: Utilize Technology

Objective Online Check Stubs
Secure online check stubs via Sam Web to faculty, staff and students.
Associated Goals: Utilize Technology

Indicator Reduce Volume Of Printed Stubs
Reduce volume of printed check stubs provided to employees creating savings in regard to personnel, equipment and associated printing costs.
Criteria Online Access
Provide online access to all employees, regardless of location of access.
Finding Printing Reduced
Effective 4/1/08 check stubs are no longer printed for students. 5-6 students have come in to request a stub and were instructed on how they can print their current and past stubs on SamWeb. Cut printing of check stubs by an average of 1300 per pay period.
Actions for Objective:

Action Promote Paperless Access
Continue to promote paperless stub access through Payroll website, giving instructions through website and pay period email.

GOAL: Utilize Technology

Objective Student Payroll
Convert student payroll to Higher One through the Bearkat OneCard process.
Associated Goals: Utilize Technology

Indicator Higher One Acknowledgement
Confirmation from Higher One that wages have been posted electronically to all student accounts.
Criteria Payroll File
Originally sent as "refunds", payroll will be acknowledged as wage payments on the Higher One System.
Finding Student Adjustment
Students have adjusted to Direct Deposit of wages to HigherOne. Reissue of lost or destroyed checks eliminated.
Actions for Objective:

Action Educate student employees
Assist students with option of sending wages to a separate account from their refund.

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Sam Houston State University
Huntsville, TX 77341
(936) 294-1111