
Assessment : 2007 - 2008 : Administrative Support :
Business Administration, College of

4 Goals     9 Objectives     16 Indicators     19 Criteria     19 Findings     14 Actions

GOAL: Lead The College In Appropriate Strategic Planning And Management

Objective Appropriate Strategic Planning
Identify the necessary resources to accommodate expected growth.
Associated Goals: Lead The College In Appropriate Strategic Planning And Management

Indicator Strategic Plan
COBA in concert with the Strategic Management Advisory Committee will review and modify the Strategic Plan.
Criteria Strategic Plan
A written strategic plan is developed for 2007 - 2008.
Finding Strategic Plan
The Executive Committee reviewed and modified the Strategic Plan to address current items identified by this committee and those recommended by the Strategic Management Advisory Committee.
Actions for Objective:

Action Strategic Plan
The College of Business Administration Strategic Planning Committee will reappoint the Strategic Management Advisory Committee with the charge to expand on several aspects of the report and to present the report for 2008 - 2009 to the college committee.

GOAL: Lead The College In Appropriate Strategic Planning And Management

Objective External Funding

Associated Goals: Lead The College In Appropriate Strategic Planning And Management

Indicator Amount Of Non-state Funding
COBA will pursue additional external/Non-state funds for unrestricted purposes and scholarships.
Criteria External Funding
COBA will obtain at least $1,000,000 in non-state funding through various development efforts.
Finding External Funding
During the academic year 2007 - 2008 the College of Business Administration obtained in excess of $1,400,000 in external funding for unrestricted and scholarship purposes and scholarships.
Actions for Objective:

Action External Funding
The College of Business Administration will continue to obtain external funds for unrestricted and scholarship purposes. The goal will be established following review of current donors and anticipated need.

GOAL: Lead The College In Appropriate Strategic Planning And Management

Objective Teaching, Research And Service Expectations
COBA faculty will meet or exceed expectations related to teaching, research, and service.
Associated Goals: Lead The College In Appropriate Strategic Planning And Management, Seek And Maintain Appropriate Mission-Driven Faculty

Indicator Effective Researcher
Effective research will be determined by acceptable scores on FES 3. COBA departments will define and measure effective research using FES 3 scores and other departmentally appropriate research measures.
Criteria Effective Researcher
All four departments in COBA will define effective research using the FES 3 Form, evaluate each faculty member, and report those findings to the Dean''''s Office.
Finding Effective Researcher
All departments established and met those goals for 2007.
Indicator Effective Service Provider
Effective service is defined by acceptable scores on FES4. COBA departments will define and measure effective service using FES 4 scores and other departmentally appropriate service measures.
Criteria Effective Service Provider
All four departments in COBA will define effective service using the FES Forms 4, evaluate each faculty member, and report those findings to the Dean''''s Office.
Finding Effective Service Provider
All departments in the College established and met the goals which were established.
Indicator Effective Teacher
Effective teaching will be determined by acceptable scores on the IDEA and FES teaching evaluations. COBA departments will define and measure effective teaching using IDEA and FES scores.
Criteria Effective Teacher
All four departments in COBA will define effective teaching using the IDEA and FES forms, evaluate each faculty member, and report those findings to the Dean''''s Office.
Finding Effective Teacher
All departments in the College established goals for the determination of an effective teacher. All goals were met for 2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Teaching, Research And Service Expectations
The College will review and modify as appropriate the FES forms and the departments will review the expectations at that level.

GOAL: Lead The College In Appropriate Strategic Planning And Management

Objective The College's Image
Enhance the College's image and its impact on its stakeholders.
Associated Goals: Lead The College In Appropriate Strategic Planning And Management

Indicator AACSB International Accreditation
Criteria Maintain AACSB Accreditation
Monitor and maintain compliance as demonstrated in COBA''s Annual Reports.
Finding AACSB International Accreditation
During the 2007 - 2008 academic year the College of Business Administration reviewed faculty performance, student performance, and curriculum development to assure compliance with AACSB International accreditation requirements. The College of Business Administration is completing and will distribute to stakeholders the COBA Annual Report for 2007 - 2008.
Indicator COBA Career Fair
The College of Business will hold a career fair each spring to attract employers to recruit COBA students for internships and employment.
Criteria Companies Represented at COBA Career Fair
At least 50 companies will participate in the COBA Career Fair.
Finding COBA Career Fair
The College of Business Administration conducted its annual career fair on February 19, 2008. 950 students attended the 2008 career fair to visit with 65 companies who participated.
Indicator College Image Enhancement Events/Programs
COBA will attend and initiate events to enhance exposure of the College to stakeholders.
Criteria Increase the Quantity and Quality of Public Relations Events
The College of Business Administration will increase the quantity and quality of public relations events that enhance the College''s image.
Finding College Image Enhancement Events/Programs
COBA was promoted through the following events: The COBA Hall of Honor; Business Week Cover Program; COBA Pride Newsletter (2 editions); Journal of Business Strategies; Brochures promoting the College, Banking and Financial Institutions, Human Resource Management, PGA/PGM, Smith-Hutson scholarship programs; COBA Annual Report; COBA Academic Awards Program; Executive-in-Residence Program; booth at HR Symposium; Saturdays at Sam; attendance at alumni events; Economics and International Business initiated a departmental newsletter; and departments have begun the development of improved websites.
Indicator Participation At Professional Meetings
Faculty will attend and present at professional conferences and meetings to enhance the college's image.
Criteria Number of Faculty Presentations at Professional Meetings
COBA Faculty will present at least 100 papers at professional meetings.
Finding Participation at Professional Meetings
During the calendar 2007 (our reporting time frame) the faculty of the College of Business presented 110 papers at professional meetings.
Actions for Objective:

Action COBA Career Fair
The College will review options for expanding the number of companies who can participate in the COBA Career Fair.
Action Participation at Professional Meetings
COBA will fund additional travel to professional meetings to increase the number of presentations to 120. COBA faculty will be encouraged to seek offices in regional, national, and international professional organizations.
Action Public Relations Events
COBA will continue to expand and improve the quality of programs/events that enhance the image of the College. Each of the departments not currently publishing a newsletter will attempt to do so.

GOAL: Provide Quality Academic Programs

Objective Relevant Curriculum
COBA academic programs will maintain a curriculum relevant to today’s business environment.
Associated Goals: Provide Quality Academic Programs

Indicator Curriculum Review
Departments and degree programs in COBA will be regularly reviewed by appropriate faculty committees.
Criteria Curriculum Review
Each department in COBA will provide the Dean''s Office with a copy of the proceedings of meetings of the various departmental curriculum committees.
Finding Curriculum Review
During the academic year 2007 - 2008 the departments in the College of Business Administration provided the Dean''s Office with the copies of the proceedings of curriculum committee deliberations.
Indicator Curriculum Review
Departmental curriculum reports will be submitted to the College Curriculum Committee.
Criteria Curriculum Review
Each department in COBA will provide the Dean''s Office with a copy of the proceedings of meetings of the various departmental curriculum committees.
Finding Curriculum Review
Curriculum Committees in the departments in the College of Business Administration submitted reports to the College Curriculum Committee.
Actions for Objective:

Action Relevant Curriculum
The College of Business Administration will continue to review all programs and individual curricula each year during the spring and summer semesters in preparation for the reports required during the fall semesters. Minutes of committee meetings and a Curriculum Report will be provided by each department. The College will review all programs and majors in an effort to maintain a relevant curriculum that meets the needs of the businesses that hire our graduates.

GOAL: Provide Quality Academic Programs

Objective Student Retention
Ensure students have the support for the successful and timely completion of their academic program as well as supporting the University's retention efforts.
Associated Goals: Provide Quality Academic Programs, Recruit, Develop, Retain, And Graduate Quality Students

Indicator Student Intervention
Provide a proactive approach to helping students succeed.
Criteria First Alert Program
Increase, by 10% from last year, the number of COBA faculty members who refer failing students to the First Alert Program in the SAM Center.
Finding First Alert Program
COBA faculty referred 123 students to the Sam Center under the First Alert Program.
Criteria MAP Referrals
All suspended students who are 15 or more grade points deficient and are readmitted on probation will be referred to the MAP program in the SAM Center.
Finding MAP Program
During the 2007 - 2008 academic year the College of Business Administration referred 51 students to the MAP Program in the SAM Center. This was not all of the business students who had been readmitted on probation but did represent an increase from the preceding year.
Criteria Tutoring Programs
Tutoring will be made available for 60% of business core classes.
Finding Tutoring Programs
Tutoring was available for 50% of the business core classes.
Actions for Objective:

Action First Alert Program
The College of Business Administration will continue to encourage faculty to refer students with academic/attendance issues to the SAM Center through the First Alert Program.
Action MAP Program
The administrative officers of COBA will attempt to increase the number of readmitted students referred to the MAP Program. COBA will increase by at least 50% the number referred in 2007 - 2008.
Action Tutoring Programs
Provide tutoring for MIS388, GBA281 and/or MGT475 to increase the proportion of business core classes for which this service is provided.

GOAL: Recruit, Develop, Retain, And Graduate Quality Students

Objective Incoming Students
Higher quality students allows for a richer educational experience. COBA will seek to increase the quality of incoming students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Associated Goals: Recruit, Develop, Retain, And Graduate Quality Students

Indicator Graduate Admissions Standards
The percent of graduate students who are admitted to the graduate programs under the secondary admissions.
Criteria Graduate Admissions Standards
Less than 25% of graduate program applicants who do not meet the admissions formula will be admitted through the secondary admissions process.
Finding Graduate Admissions Standards
Forty percent (4 of 10) of the graduate students who did not meet the admissions requirements, but did meet the eligibility requirements of submission to the graduate admissions committee, were admitted to the graduate programs. the quality of those admitted was significantly greater than the past applicants.
Indicator Undergraduate Admissions Standards
Percent of undergraduate students who possess the requisite lower-level classes to enroll in upper-division classes.
Criteria Undergraduate Admissions Standards
At least 95 percent of the students entering upper division courses will have completed the appropriate lower-division courses with at least a 2.0 GPA.
Finding Undergraduate Admissions Standards
Currently this data is unavailable in a useable format and would be too difficult to process manually.
Actions for Objective:

Action Graduate Admissions Standards
During the next academic year the Graduate Advisory committee will review admissions standards including the eligibility for committee review.
Action Incoming Students
The College is in the process of developing a separate admissions procedure for undergraduate majors. A Committee will be appointed to provide evaluation of the processes developed by the Executive Committee. This process will formalize the current guidelines and requirements for enrollment in upper-division business classes. Additionally, efforts will be made to have a program developed that will process this data electronically.

GOAL: Recruit, Develop, Retain, And Graduate Quality Students

Objective Placement Of Graduates
The quality of our graduates and programs is reflected in our graduates' success in locating employment.
Associated Goals: Recruit, Develop, Retain, And Graduate Quality Students

Indicator Employment
Percentage of graduating seniors who indicate they have secured employment on the EBI Undergraduate Business Exit Assessment.
Criteria Employment
At least 30% of graduating seniors responding to the EBI survey will have been offered an employment opportunity.
Finding Employment
45% of the graduating seniors responding to the EBI Undergraduate Business Exit Assessment indicated that they had been offered a position at the survey date. Of this group 25% had accepted jobs, 12% had not decided and 6% had declined the offers.
Actions for Objective:

Action Placement of Graduates
The College is in the process of developing an internal career center and has applied for an external grant to aid in the development of that center.

GOAL: Recruit, Develop, Retain, And Graduate Quality Students

Objective Student Retention
Ensure students have the support for the successful and timely completion of their academic program as well as supporting the University's retention efforts.
Associated Goals: Provide Quality Academic Programs, Recruit, Develop, Retain, And Graduate Quality Students

Indicator Student Intervention
Provide a proactive approach to helping students succeed.
Criteria First Alert Program
Increase, by 10% from last year, the number of COBA faculty members who refer failing students to the First Alert Program in the SAM Center.
Finding First Alert Program
COBA faculty referred 123 students to the Sam Center under the First Alert Program.
Criteria MAP Referrals
All suspended students who are 15 or more grade points deficient and are readmitted on probation will be referred to the MAP program in the SAM Center.
Finding MAP Program
During the 2007 - 2008 academic year the College of Business Administration referred 51 students to the MAP Program in the SAM Center. This was not all of the business students who had been readmitted on probation but did represent an increase from the preceding year.
Criteria Tutoring Programs
Tutoring will be made available for 60% of business core classes.
Finding Tutoring Programs
Tutoring was available for 50% of the business core classes.
Actions for Objective:

Action First Alert Program
The College of Business Administration will continue to encourage faculty to refer students with academic/attendance issues to the SAM Center through the First Alert Program.
Action MAP Program
The administrative officers of COBA will attempt to increase the number of readmitted students referred to the MAP Program. COBA will increase by at least 50% the number referred in 2007 - 2008.
Action Tutoring Programs
Provide tutoring for MIS388, GBA281 and/or MGT475 to increase the proportion of business core classes for which this service is provided.

GOAL: Seek And Maintain Appropriate Mission-Driven Faculty

Objective Faculty Composition
The composition of the college’s faculty will reflect the mission of the college and be sufficient to maintain AACSB International accreditation.
Associated Goals: Seek And Maintain Appropriate Mission-Driven Faculty

Indicator Academically And Professionally Qualified Faculty
Percent of classes taught by Academically Qualified and by both Academically Qualified and Professionally Qualified faculty.
Criteria Academically Qualified faculty
At least fifty percent of all classes must be taught by Academically Qualified faculty.
Finding Academically Qualified Faculty
For the 2007 - 2008 academic year 74.71% of classes were taught by Academically Qualified faculty.
Criteria Academically and Professionally Qualified faculty
At least ninety percent of all classes must be taught by Academically or Professionally Qualified faculty.
Finding Academically and Professionally Qualified Faculty
During the 2007 - 2008 academic year 81.03% of classes were taught by faculty who were either Academically or Professionally Qualified.
Actions for Objective:

Action Faculty Composition
The College will continue to make efforts to maintain Academically Qualified faculty and to reach the require 90% Professionally Qualified faculty to meet AACSB International requirements. Faculty who are not Professionally Qualified will be mentored to do research, obtain additional education, or other factors which will help them accomplish that goal.

GOAL: Seek And Maintain Appropriate Mission-Driven Faculty

Objective Teaching, Research And Service Expectations
COBA faculty will meet or exceed expectations related to teaching, research, and service.
Associated Goals: Lead The College In Appropriate Strategic Planning And Management, Seek And Maintain Appropriate Mission-Driven Faculty

Indicator Effective Researcher
Effective research will be determined by acceptable scores on FES 3. COBA departments will define and measure effective research using FES 3 scores and other departmentally appropriate research measures.
Criteria Effective Researcher
All four departments in COBA will define effective research using the FES 3 Form, evaluate each faculty member, and report those findings to the Dean''''s Office.
Finding Effective Researcher
All departments established and met those goals for 2007.
Indicator Effective Service Provider
Effective service is defined by acceptable scores on FES4. COBA departments will define and measure effective service using FES 4 scores and other departmentally appropriate service measures.
Criteria Effective Service Provider
All four departments in COBA will define effective service using the FES Forms 4, evaluate each faculty member, and report those findings to the Dean''''s Office.
Finding Effective Service Provider
All departments in the College established and met the goals which were established.
Indicator Effective Teacher
Effective teaching will be determined by acceptable scores on the IDEA and FES teaching evaluations. COBA departments will define and measure effective teaching using IDEA and FES scores.
Criteria Effective Teacher
All four departments in COBA will define effective teaching using the IDEA and FES forms, evaluate each faculty member, and report those findings to the Dean''''s Office.
Finding Effective Teacher
All departments in the College established goals for the determination of an effective teacher. All goals were met for 2007.
Actions for Objective:

Action Teaching, Research And Service Expectations
The College will review and modify as appropriate the FES forms and the departments will review the expectations at that level.

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